
Chapter 292 Daredevil Teenagers

Chapter 292 Daredevil Teenagers

Lee Seng and his friends stuffed their faces with Giovanni's food. Liz wasn't lying when she meant this place was a great Italian restaurant. Lee Seng was enjoying the carbonara and gnocchi. They both had distinct flavors and his mouth felt like it was in heaven. He let out a small moan of appreciation.

"This is so good. We should remember this place for next time." Lee Seng told them. Liz furiously nodded her head. She had gotten through half of her plate and was starting to feel full.

"I think I'll save this for later." Liz wiped her mouth. She leaned backwards as she watched Ritsuka finish the last of his alfredo and shrimp.

"Mmm, hit the spot." Ritsuka let out a small blech, wiping his mouth afterwards. "'Scuse me." Lee Seng finished his carbonara and looked over at his half-eaten gnocchi.

"I guess I'll save this." Lee Seng sighed. He wiped his mouth and noticed the female waiter coming over. "Could we get boxes and the check, please?"

"S-sure, thing. B-be back in a moment." She nodded.

"So we're going to Reginald's Armory?" Ritsuka asked.

"I guess so." Lee Seng nodded.

"You should see if they have a site with prices. You could figure out what you want." Liz nodded at Lee Seng. Lee Seng pulled his phone out and searched for Reginald's Armory online. He clicked the link and scrolled through the selection.

"I don't think I want heavy armor. I can't move as fast as I want to." Lee Seng commented.

"You're mainly a Fighter, right?" Liz inquired. Lee Seng nodded. "Medium armor might be best for you then. It's mainly for those who want more defense but the added mobility. I don't think Light armor would benefit you much because those are usually aimed at Glass users. They tend to focus on enchantment boosts more than anything."

Lee Seng nodded as he digested the information. He had found his way onto the site's medium armor section. Hides, chain shirts, scale mails, leather breastplates, etc. were mainly shown. He was leaning towards getting something in the Silver level and figuring out what enchantments would be best for him.

"Look up enchants, too. The base price for the set of armor you want will give you an idea of how much you can spend on enchants." Ritsuka stood up and hovered over the table. He watched as Lee Seng moved to enchants.

"There's a lot of enchants. Holy crap." Lee Seng couldn't be more impressed with the variety. He knew runic smiths took a long time to get to an adequate level, so he assumed they would be pricier because of the small amount of runic smiths their were in the world. "Physical protection, magical protection… Elemental enchantment? What is that?"

"Since it's an enchant for your armor, I think it's geared towards elemental protection of that type. But it does leave you open to the opposing element." Ritsuka answered, sitting down.

"Alright, I have your checks and two boxes." The waiter spoke. Lee Seng looked up and took the box. Liz grabbed her and before the waiter could dish out the checks, Ritsuka quickly grabbed them all.

"I'll pay for the meal." Ritsuka quickly insisted.

"W-what? Ri-Ritsuka, you don't have to do that!" Liz immediately got defensive about payment. "I can pay for my own stuff!" She tried to snatch it away from Ritsuka, who quickly used his long arms to his advantage.

"I-is there anything else I can help you guys with?" The waiter awkwardly asked. Lee Seng smiled, watching his two friends fight over checks. He looked at the waiter and shook his head.

"No, that's all. Thank you." Lee Seng bowed at her. The waiter gave a hesitant bow and turned around to attend to other patrons.

After the small fight between Ritsuka and Liz, Ritsuka promised Liz she could pay the next meal. He paid for the 4230 cred lunch and the three exited the building. Lee Seng gave a knowing nod to the cashier as they stared at him.

"To the armory next, then?" Ritsuka asked, spinning around. Sounds of rowdy teenagers in the distance caught Lee Seng's attention. Ritsuka stepped off into the parking lot with Liz. HIs back was to the cars behind him and he was waiting for a response from Lee Seng. The sounds of a car revving towards them caught his attention. He could hear teenagers shouting and screaming as they flew straight for Liz and Lee Seng.

"Move!" Lee Seng shouted. He immediately threw both of his hands towards his friend, letting go of his gnocchi box. The box fell as Lee Seng immediately pulled his friends towards him. The car full of teenagers flew past them, scaring other people as they flew by. Lee Seng's gnocchi hit the floor, spilling its contents as he and his friends watched the car do a donut.

"H-hey!" Liz shouted. Ritsuka felt some of the sauce spill onto his shoes. He looked down and immediately looked over at the kids. They were coming back towards them. All of them plastered with sinister smiles.

"Your food." Ritsuka commented. Lee Seng ignored it and sighed.

"Ahh, why does it have to be these idiots?" Lee Seng muttered.

"You know them?" Liz asked. Lee Seng stepped further into the parking lot, ignoring the sauce on his pants and shoe. The car flew straight for him.

"S-stop! H-he isn't moving!" A kid shouted. The car continued to fly towards him.

"We can't use our powers without a license!" Liz reminded him.

'They won't notice if I keep my hands in my pockets.' Lee Seng kept his hands in his pocket and watched the car near him. Gravity flew straight for the car, hitting the brakes. The car lurched to a stop, forcing all of the boys to slam their heads into the nearest object in front of them. The car's gear selector immediately flew to park. He quickly took a couple steps backwards.

"Woah." Lee Seng casually commented. People were watching the scene unfold.

"He's picking a fight, isn't he?" Liz looked at Ritsuka. Ritsuka sighed and gave a small nod. "Shouldn't we stop him?"

"He's very stubborn when it comes to teaching people a lesson." Ritsuka told her. Liz gave him a weird look.

'Does he know something I don't? Has he experienced this before?' Liz wondered. She turned to watch Lee Seng and the now stopped car. The car of teenager boys all groaned.


"What the hell?!?" The teenager behind the wheel immediately unbuckled and unlocked the car. He moved out of the car and slammed the door. "What the hell are you doing?!? Don't you know you're not supposed to just stand in the middle of the road!?! Wanna die!?!"

"You could've taken me out." Lee Seng answered, sarcastically. His sarcasm was sharp and quick. The teenager driver thought he actually meant it.

"Are you suicidal? Are you outta your mind?" The kid continued to close the distance. Lee Seng sighed and took a single step, closing the distance instantly. The kid stared straight into Lee Seng's blood and water-filled eyes. Lee Seng gave a strange smile at him.

"This is a restaurant parking lot and you wanna drive around and be crazy?" Lee Seng began to reprimand the kid. "You could get people hurt. Look what you almost did to my food." He pulled his right hand out and pointed at his food. The kid looked at the split food and snickered.

"Seems like its your fault for not paying attention, weirdo." The kid didn't even look at the food. He just noticed the strange form of the young man in front of him.

"You could've hit my friends too."


"But I didn't."

"Hey, Tyler, what's the hold up? Hurry up!" A kid yelled. They tried at the doors but couldn't force the door open. "What the hell's wrong with your door?" The kid named Tyler looked over at the car.

"It's unlocked, dipshits. You can come out if you want." Tyler shouted at them. He began to move when Lee Seng snatched his arm and pulled him back.

"I'm not done talking, Tyler." Lee Seng snarled his name. Tyler was done with Lee Seng. He swung at Lee Seng.

'He's slow.' Lee Seng moved to the side and gripped harder onto Tyler's arm. Tyler winced in pain as he tried to pull away.

"You're going to throw a punch at me when you almost hit me and my friends? I need to report this to the authorities." Lee Seng told him.

"G-get your hand off of me!" Tyler tried to remove Lee Seng's hand with his free hand. Lee Seng's grip tightened just enough that Tyler began to panic. "G-get off!" Tyler shouted. Lee Seng immediately allowed the doors to open. Tyler's friends all rushed to their friends' needs. They began to swing at them.

"Ah, fuck." Ritsuka cursed. "Why did he have to do that?" Ritsuka moved over to Lee Seng and the group of teenagers.

"Ritsuka?" Liz shouted his name. "W-what're you doing? Don't make it worse!"

"Call the cops."


"They're gonna need it." Ritsuka told her.

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