
Chapter 294 Reginald's Armory

Chapter 294 Reginald's Armory

Reginald's Armory reminded Lee Seng if a huge warehouse. Lee Seng, Liz and Ritsuka stepped into the front door. A bell going off as they entered. They were greeted by one of the workers, who did give Lee Seng a stare.

"What're you guys looking for today?" The worker asked after they snapped out of their state.

"I'm looking for some armor." Lee Seng spoke up. The worker turned their attention to Lee Seng and nodded.

"If you have any requirements, please input them into the screen here." The worker motioned in front of them.. Lee Seng moved over to the counter top as a glowing keyboard appeared with a floating computer screen.

"Let's see…" Lee Seng muttered. He began to check the boxes he wanted. Silver tiered medium armor, at least +1 Physical Defense, at least +1 Magical Defense, Barrier, and open to more enchantment options. With that, Lee Seng clicked done and the worker immediately saw the pop up on their side.

"Hmm, okay. Is this your first set with us?"

"Yup. First set." Lee Seng nodded.

"Alright… Hmm, barrier. You do know that's a hefty price, right? Especially in the Silver zone, it can be a lot to handle." The worker explained.

"I know. I just need the added defense just in case. Let me know if you can recommend anything that'll boost my physical prowess as well as ranged capabilities."

"You're a Specialist?"


"Alright. I'll look into it. For now, we'll have you go to the measurement room. We'll scan you there and see what's available for you to buy here with your sizes in mind." The worker led the way over to a somewhat large room. There were multiple of these rooms and Lee Seng and his friends passed many people getting measurements done.

"You'll be in this room. Please wait for instructions. Until then, I'll set this information into the measurement system and you can look at the different armors, alright?" The worker explained. Lee Seng shook his head and thanked the worker. He and his friends wandered into the room and took a seat.

"This place is fancy." Liz commented. "I don't think I've ever been to this armory before.."

"Don't you have to get armor for the expeditions anyways?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yeah, you do but I definitely didn't come here." Liz continued to look around as Lee Seng pulled his phone out and began to surf the web of any updated news. "I went to one of the one's the school recommended when I was a freshman."josei

"Hmm, it seems like the goblins are thinning out now." Lee Seng casually switched the subject.

"After all those months it's finally easing up?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng nodded and showed him the article about the goblins. Ritsuka took the phone from Lee Seng and began to skim the article.

"I'm surprised the goblins continued barraging the city with constant attacks. How do you get that many goblins, anyways?" Liz wondered aloud. The middle of the room shook and the flat carpeted floor began to raise.

"Alright, whoever needs measurements, please step up onto the raised platform, please." A woman's voice instructed. Lee Seng stood up and pulled his coat off. He followed the directions and stepped up onto the raised carpeted platform. A small 'oh' came out of the woman's mouth before she cleared her throat. "Please, stand as still as possible. I'll begin scanning soon here."

There was a slight pause.

"Do I have to keep your tail and ears in mind?" The woman asked.

"You can ignore the tail. The ears are necessary." Lee Seng answered.

"Alright. Starting scan, please hold still."

Lee Seng watched pods drop. They began to scan him quickly, taking many measurements all over his body. They hovered above his head and butt area for a while. The ears and tail were distracting them. After about ten minutes of standing there, the pods flew back into their spots. The raised platform began to lower as three large screens started to surround Lee Seng, keeping one opening directly behind him.

"Alright, loading the data we got from the questionnaire from earlier…" The woman casually narrated what she was doing for him. "And adding the measurements… Now we just gotta go through the system and… Viola!"

Loads of different types of medium armor showed up on the screen. He moved through the stuff. They were all silver quality armor. Matching outfits showed up together first with individual pieces showing up with a click. Lee Seng could go through and figure out what had what on it and decide from there.

"If you're basically looking for something that gives you a guarantee +1 Physical and Magical defense, the outfits would do well. Barrier takes up two enchantment slots, thus its expensive cost of 300,000 creds. There's also physical and ranged enchantments in there as well. These outfits will equal out to be around 900,000 creds. If you like an enchantment in particular, you may click it and it'll sort through for sets with that specific enchantment. If you need help, please click the help button off to your right."

Lee Seng looked over and noticed a big red help button. He nodded and began to go through the sets. He didn't really know what 'look' he should go for.

"Ooo, that one!" Liz shouted. Lee Seng turned around. He noticed his friends had floating screens that were showing them what he was doing.

"This one on the screen?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah. I think it matches your mysterious aura and keeps you lookin' fresh."

He glanced at it closer. It had all of the enchantments he wanted in it, along with a +2 Ranged Strength enchantment.

"This outfit is 762K creds… What does this ranged strength enchantment do?" Lee Seng whispered. He clicked on it.

< +2 Ranged Strength Enchantment. Gives a boost of power to ranged attacks. >

"Your ranged attacks could be even more potent." Liz told him.

"It's not like you need melee enchantments anyways… You're kind of a monster already." Ritsuka added.

"True." Lee Seng nodded. He tagged the outfit with a save. He scrolled out and continued to flip through them. Each outfit he swapped to showed how he would look in the armor. Some of them weren't appealing to him, even if they had great enchantments, so he quickly flipped through them.

In the end, he only had two outfits he really liked. The one that Liz picked and a neutral colored leather armor set with the capability of altering its color based on Dark Matter output.

"Let's see… The second outfit has +1 Overall Physical boost to it and +1 Ranged Strength. There's also this odd rune called, 'Lightning affinity.' It has a small chance of discharging lightning from my attacks. Total cost is 896K creds while the other one only has a +2 Ranged Strength on it and is 782K creds… Hmm, what should I take then?"

"If you like the other one, add some enchantments to it. They can quickly add runes to them if they're +1s!" Ritsuka reminded him.

"Oh yeah." Lee Seng clicked Liz's choice and clicked one of the empty enchantment slots. He scrolled through the rune list and eventually found himself with a +1 Overall Physical boost rune on it, too. "That brings the total to 862K creds…. Should I try any more enchantments?"

"Well, what if you just take out the +1 Overall Physical Boost and up the +2 Physical and Magical Defenses?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng watched as the runes he set in were pulled out and the +2s went up to +3.

"That brings it to 982K… I guess that's okay for now." Lee Seng whispered. He hit 'add to cart and check out' and began to pay for the armor.

"Alright, just sit tight while the rune smiths work on this." The female voice spoke up. The screens slid back into the ground and Lee Seng turned around and walked back to his friends.

"You sure you don't want more enchantments?" Liz asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine with those three enchantments." Lee Seng nodded. He grabbed his phone on the chair and slipped it in his pocket before sitting.

"Why'd you insist on barrier?" Ritsuka asked.

"In the off chance I have to take a really hard hit." Lee Seng answered.

"It can only be used three times a day. That's a lot of money for such little use." Liz personally thought it was a waste of money. She didn't see how Lee Seng would benefit from it.

"I'm already quick, so on the off chance something's faster than me, I can use it." Lee Seng told them. Liz and Ritsuka nodded. "Plus," he grinned. "I can spook Kaleb and them with it."

"You think you're actually gonna have to use it in that match? Shouldn't the +3 Physical be enough for them?" Liz asked.

"Mmm, it could be, but as much as I want to be cocky about the battle, I just can't." Lee Seng sighed.

'Huh, he really doesn't like being so flashy. Sure, he has his moments, but he's stayed away from boasting and being full of himself.' Liz thought.

"Please step into the changing room to try out the outfit. We'll do final touches before you leave." The woman's voice instructed.

"Alright." Lee Seng stood up, stretching. "I guess this is it." He grinned. "My first armor set!"

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