
Chapter 350 Demons & The Hat Man

Chapter 350 Demons & The Hat Man

The room turned dark as the Demon jumped out of the glass, tackling Lee Seng onto the ground. The immense strength from the Demon pinned Lee Seng down as he lowered his face close to the scared Lee Seng's.

"Still scared after all these years?" The demon whispered. "I guess something's you can't get rid of." He cracked a smile as he moved and sniffed Lee Seng along his neck. "It's time for you to really fight for your life, Lee Seng Chang. Let's see if your daddy came prepared." The Demon lifted his hand and plunged it straight into Lee Seng's chest without hesitation. Purple and black energy oozed out of his hand as Lee Seng grabbed the Demon's arm.

"You should've really fought hard for you life if you wanted to avoid this." The Demon commented. "Too bad you can't even remember why you got put into this position." He cackled as the purple and black energy started to cover Lee Seng's torso.

"W-what do you… mean?" Lee Seng stuttered.

"You'll see." The Demon turned his hand inside Lee Seng's chest and the world around them faded. "Maybe what transpired will come to you if you fight hard enough."

Lee Seng shot up off the ground, swinging at air as he registered what was happening. The purple and black Dark Matter energy oozed out of his chest and halfway wrapped around his torso.

"What just happened?" Lee Seng whispered. He stood up and looked around. The Demon was just in front of him and he had overpowered him like he was nothing. He hesitantly checked shower and toilet stalls.


The area was strange. Everything was black and white. He slowly moved out of the bathroom, watching the door quietly open as it revealed the black and white lit dorm room.

"What the hell is happening?" Lee Seng whispered.


Ring. Ring. Ring.

Lee Seng jumped as the firsts actual sound filled the space. His phone was ringing loudly. He quickly moved over and grabbed it.


Lee Seng watched the phone for awhile, gulping as he accepted the call. He moved the phone up to his ear and listened. It was quiet for a while.

'Should I say something?' Lee Seng asked himself. He was about to clear his throat when the demon's voice spoke.

"Get out of there before he shows up." The Demon spoke. The phone clicked.

"H-hello?" Lee Seng managed to speak. He looked at the phone. There was no connection. "What do you mean by him? H-hello?" He set the phone down and sighed. He made his way out of the room, stepping into a dilapidated version of the dorm building. He glanced back into the room and noticed nothing was in the room anymore.

"What's happening here?"Lee Seng asked. The door forcefully closed behind him, pushing him into the middle of the hall. He started towards the stairs, taking in the dilapidated dorm. Silence eerily filled the space as his bare feet quietly pattered across the floor. The stairwell door creaked as he pushed through it. He made his way down the steps and opened he first floor door. He quickly made his way through the hall and towards the front door.

Lee Seng pushed through the front doors, stepping into the snow as the warm air surrounded him. The cold snow felt lukewarm. He glanced at his feet and then around. It was definitely snowing yet it was warm like Spring.

'What is this place?' He wondered. He moved to step back into the shelter of the dorm when the doors slammed shut behind him.

"HEY!" Lee Seng turned and grabbed at the handles. The doors didn't budge. "Dammit What am I supposed to do? All he said was 'get out before…'" Lee Seng instantly shut up. He could feel something was watching him. He quickly turned and noticed nothing around him. All of the cars were broken down and rusted.

Lee Seng slowly stepped out of the safety of the building overhang and looked left then right.

'Nothing. Why did I feel like I felt someone was watching me?' Lee Seng wondered. 'Am I just misunderstanding things? Maybe I—'

"Well, well, well. It looks like you're back." A low male voice spoke behind him. Lee Seng slowly turned and jumped when he saw a man in all black with a fedora hat standing behind him. The pale man had no eyes or nose. He only had lips that reminded Lee Seng of someone who was dead.

"Little Fox, you dare show your bare face in Limbo? Did you not learn anything while you were here the last couple of times?" The Hat Man asked. He pulled out a mask and shoved it into Lee Seng's hands. "Wear it and wear it well, Little Fox. Before the unruly spirits and creatures hunt you. You are still human." Lee seng looked at the mask put in his hands. It was a Fox mask. He stared at it and slowly turned it and attacheed the mask to his face.

"Good, good." The Hat man nodded. "Now tell me, why are you here? Why do you reek of something else now?"

"Do I… Know you?" Lee Seng asked, taking a step back.

'Get out before he shows up.' The Demon's voice echoed in his head.

'Is this him?' Lee Seng wondered.

"Demon affliction." The Hat Man pointed at Lee Seng's chest.

"What?" Lee Seng asked, pulling out of his own thoughts.

"Demon affliction. Why would a human and a Fox have a demon affliction? You were nowhere near the gates."  The Hat Man cryptically spoke. Lee Seng stared at the purple-black energy across his torso.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Lee Seng took a step back. "I don't know you."  The Hat Man took a step forward. Crimson blood eyes forming on his face as a hooked nose grew. He flared his nostrils and shook his head.

"This one reeks like a demon but isn't a demon… What's your game, little Fox? What're you trying to do? You can't fool me." The Hat Man slammed his hand straight into Lee Seng's chest, sending him flying into the cars. The rusted metal creaked and bent under the immense power of the hit. "Tell me your deal. Do not play games with me, little Fox."

His image fizzled as he appeared near Lee Seng. His dress shoes clacked across the ground as his hand grabs Lee Seng and lifts the boy up.

"I don't… Know what you're talking about…" Lee seng told him. "I don't… remember."

"Remember?" The Hat Man raised an eyebrow. "Remembering is the least of your problems, little Fox. What game are you playing at? You cannot choose your path, so you choose a new one with a fake?"

"Fake? What do you mean fake?" Lee Seng asked. The Hat Man turned and tossed Lee Seng onto the cracked parking lot. Lee Seng landed on his butt, groaning as he pushed himself up.

"Little fox, where is your other half? I don't sense your other half." The Hat Man spoke. "Tell me what happened or else I'll feed you to the wolves, myself." His shadow billowed outwards growing large. Shadowy hands clawed themselves across the pavement and cars as the Hat Man took another step forward. He lifted his cane and pointed it at Lee Seng. The cane shimmered and a black longsword pointed straight at Lee Seng's throat.

"You have one chance." The Hat Man spoke.

"I-I… I don't remember!" Lee Seng shouted. "I don't know who you are! I don't know anything about this fake demon! All I know is something happened to me and I can't remember why I'm the way I am!"

Demonic screams echoed throughout the air as the Hat Man glued his crimson blood eyes onto the little Fox. He held the black longsword in his right hand until the howls grew louder.

"You dare step into my Realm?!?" The Hat Man snarled. The black longsword swung horizontally to his right, severing a demonic hound in half. The ashes of the blazing hound flew into the black longsword as the Hat Man raised his left hand. Blood webs fired out and pierced the demonic hounds, instantly killing them.

"Ha ha ha." A deep demonic voice chuckled. A humanoid stepped out of its hiding place. It was a man. His eyes glowed purple and his body was black like ash. Fiery horns grew out from the top of his head as the Hat Man sighed. "Lord Cain, I did not expect you to be here with what's mine." The demon chuckled. "Hand the specimen over to me. He falls under my jurisdiction."

Cain lifted the long black sword onto his shoulder and glared at the demon.

"Begone, demon before I vanquish you, too. You're too young to even adequately put a dent into a being who thrives between life and death. Turn around and go back to the gates and don't return for the Fox." Cain ordered.

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