
Chapter 364 Move In Day

Chapter 364 Move In Day

The school week was finally over. Lee Seng sat in the lobby of the dorm as he waited for people to pack their things into the cars out front. Manny had insisted he take it easy and let him pack the room for them. Lee Seng had objected and told him 'he was too bored and wanted to do something,' but Manny got Sara involved and she convinced him to rest more.

Lee Seng scrolled on his phone. He was looking at all the pictures Sara and him took. She hasn't been available outside of school and even then, it was hard to see his own girlfriend. He scrolled through the photos of the two of them, landing on a really cute photo of Sara and him.

"Hm," he smiled. "That's cute." He zoomed in on her face and smiled. He stared at it for awhile, feeling another migraine growing. "Argh." He rubbed his forehead. "Not again." He closed his eyes and shut his phone off. He hung his head low as he continued to rub his head.

"Is that everything?" Liz asked as she stepped into the building.

"Yup, I think that's it." Olivia nodded. They spotted Lee Seng clutching his head and wandered over. "Another migraine? Didn't you just take some meds?"

"Yeah, I, uh…" Lee Seng tried to shake off the pain. "It'll pass… Is the others still… packing their stuff into the cars?" He looked up, opening his eyes and noticing Liz and Olivia standing in front of him. He had been suffering from a variety of things ever since he came back, so his friends were keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't fall over and die. He didn't like it but knew he couldn't do anything about his current health state.

"Yeah, the boys are about done. I didn't think we'd have so much stuff." Liz answered.

"Came here with two suitcases and I apparently have about three suitcases worth of stuff."

"Tell me about it." Lee Seng chuckled. He could see spots in his vision and shook them off. "I came here with a suitcase and a backpack full of stuff, but now I got maybe two suitcases worth of stuff now."


"I think that's everything." Evan's voice spoke. The boys all entered into the lobby. They moved over to Lee Seng, Liz and Olivia.

"Y'all all done?" Ritsuka asked.

"Yup. You guys got everything?" Olivia asked.


"We packed everything and then had people look at our rooms, right?" Manny asked. Manny had sorta become the defacto leader. They all didn't mind it. He didn't do too bad during their test, so they thought they should keep things the way they were. This sort of teamwork and structure would take time and moving in together was just one more thing they all had to do.

"Yup, they checked our rooms…" Lee Seng winced. Manny and the boys gave the girls a knowing look. Liz signaled to them that Lee Seng has a migraine and was shaking it off. "We're good to go."

"Okay. I guess I should drive just to be safe?" Manny asked Lee Seng.

"Yeah, I got a migraine." Lee Seng stood up. He managed to keep himself up as Olivia supported him.

"You good?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I think I stood up too fast." Lee Seng forced a chuckle out. Olivia nodded and Manny pointed behind them.

"Well, let's get going then, huh?" Manny smiled.

"Let's go!" Ritsuka excitedly said in a sing-song voice. They all made their way out and into the cars. "We kinda packed it tight in your car, Lee."

"I told them they could throw some in the back of mine, but they insisted it'd be easier." Liz spoke up.

"Just get in." Manny motioned.

"You want to come with us?" Olivia asked.

"Sure, since they probably packed the car well." Lee Seng nodded.

"I'll go with them." Ritsuka pointed.

"Alright." Evan and Manny gave him a thumbs up. They shuffled into their cars, Olivia helping Lee Seng into the car.

"Thanks." Lee Seng nodded as he sat into the seat. Olivia nodded and shut the door and opened the door in the front and stepped into the car. Lee Seng seat-belted as Ritsuka closed the door and sat to his left. The car ride was full of excitement. Liz, Olivia, and Ritsuka filled the car with excitement and jokes as Liz followed Manny to the house. Lee Seng listened as he kept his eyes close. His migraine was making it hard for him to take in all the light.

He didn't join the conversation and listened to his friends talk.

"I can't believe we're moving in today." Ritsuka spoke. "It's gonna be so weird to have to walk further to school everyday."

"That means getting up earlier and leaving earlier." Olivia sighed. "I'm gonna miss being right there to everything."

"And we have to make our meals too." Liz added. The three of them nodded. This would definitely be a different experience for all of them.

"Isn't there a grocery store nearby?" Olivia asked. She turned to look at Ritsuka. "Didn't your friend point one out to us while we were trying to get Lee situated after he passed out?"

"Oh yeah." Ritsuka nodded. "I think it's coming up to the left. He said it was an organic place. The Academy supposedly is pushing for healthier stuff and organic items."

"What was it called?" Liz asked.

"Benny's Food Market? I think that's what it was called." Ritsuka recalled. "Yeah, that's it right there!" He pointed and tapped on his window. The girls looked and Lee Seng attempted to open his eyes and see. He only caught a glimpse of the food market before the lights started to irritate him, again.

They soon rolled up into their new home. Liz and Olivia squealed in excitement as Ritsuka patted away, happily.

,m "We're here!" Olivia said in a sing-song voice. "I can't believe we're moving in! This is gonna be so fun!" The car came to a stop and Lee Seng opened his eyes. He wasn't being attacked by the lights anymore and his migraine seemed to be fading.

"Who has the keys?" Lee Seng asked as the doors unlocked. He opened the door and stepped out into the slightly warmer winter day.

"Manny has all of the keys." Liz answered. They shut their doors and the trunks opened.

"Who's gonna go grocery shopping?" Manny asked.

"We were just talking about that, too." Liz answered. "You see the market?"

"Yeah, we saw it." Evan replied. Lee Seng and Ritsuka made their way over to the other car and started pulling out suitcases. Lee Seng found his backpack, full of stuff, and strapped it onto his back.

"Let's get everything inside and we can figure out who's gonna go shopping." Manny suggested. Everyone nodded and spent the next couple of minutes putting things inside in the foyer. Manny dished out all of the keys to each person and noticed they had a couple sets of keys left.

"Okay, all done!" Olivia clapped.

"Who wants to go shopping then?" Evan asked.

"I wanna go." Lee Seng raised his hand.

"You sure? Are you gonna be fine?" Manny asked. Lee Seng nodded. He didn't feel like he had a massive migraine and everything seemed to calm down.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Lee Seng nodded.

"Okay. Lee Seng's going anyone else wanna go?"

"I wanna see what they have." Olivia raised her hand.

"Me too." Ritsuka raised his hand.

"Should we even check our fridge for any food? I know our creds from the school will cover the food expenses but we gotta be careful with how we spend it." Liz pointed out.

"Let's check first and then see what we want." Olivia suggested. They all nodded and the group who volunteered to go to the food market followed Liz into the kitchen, after taking their shoes off. They all began opening cupboards and the fridge and noticed there weren't any food in this place.

"Hmm, nothing. I guess we should've expected that." Ritsuka shrugged.

"Well, anything in particular you want then?" Olivia asked.

"I'm not a picky eater." Liz answered. "Evan? Manny? Any suggestions for food?"

"I can't eat beans." Evan told them.


"No, I get gassy." They all began to chuckle as Manny shook his head no.

"No allergies or dietary needs?" Olivia asked.

"I'm good with whatever. I'm not that picky." Manny answered.

"Same." Evan answered.

"I don't like fish." Lee Seng mentioned.

"Well we can make sure we don't get fish. Or in this case, you don't eat fish." Ritsuka smiled. "If everyone doesn't have anything we need to be worried about, let's go?"

"Who's car we taking?" Olivia asked.

"Take mine. You can all drive, right?" Liz asked. They all nodded. She nodded and handed Olivia the keys. "Let me know how good Benny's is. I might swing by for snacks."

"OOOO!" Evan excitedly said loudly. "Buy lots of snacks!"

"Alright." Ritsuka gave him a thumbs up.

"We're gonna have to split this into thirds if we need to separate the bill." Olivia told them. "You got your cards on you?"

"Yeah." Ritsuka nodded.

"Don't we have that team account we can use? Shouldn't three-fourths of our food money pool into that every week?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure if it went through yet." Liz answered.

"Let's check before we go?" Ritsuka asked. They all nodded and Lee Seng pulled his phone out. They checked the specified bank the Academy had given them and logged into it. They all created accounts with the bank and were all linked to the team bank account. Lee Seng, Ritsuka and Olivia were checking and Olivia was the first to say something.

"Yup! It's there." Olivia answered.

"Cool, we can use that account then." Ritsuka shut his phone up.

"Alright, cool beans. Let's go." Ritsuka replied.

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