
Chapter 366 Unpacking In The Dark

Chapter 366 Unpacking In The Dark

Lee Seng and the others all sat at the large dining room table. They all sat with filled plates of stir fry, eggs, rice and drinks.

"Well, let's cheers to finally being an official team! We got our own place!" Evan stood up and raised his cup. Everyone stood up and cheered. They clinked cups and took an obligatory gulp of their drinks.

"I can't believe we're actually living together now. It feels like a dream." Olivia commented. They all dug into their food, lips smacking together as if they were telling Lee Seng the food was great.

"I know right?" Ritsuka said with his mouth full. "Might get sick of seeing each other so much."

"It would be great if we didn't annoy each other and literally hung out with people outside of our friend group." Liz truthfully said. "I thought I'd honestly be a Mercenary until I graduated but I'm glad to have a steadier income."

"I agree with that statement." Manny nodded. He looked over at Lee Seng who spooned a cut of omelet into his mouth. "If Lee Seng didn't come, who knows what might've happened."

"You'd probably be a merc still." Lee Seng replied.

"It's been fun seeing each other every day. I wonder if the other Third Years formed a team then." Olivia pivoted the subject away from them. "You know what they're doing? Don't you have class with one of the twins, Evan?"

"Hmm?" Evan raised his head to look up. He had been focused on eating and resorted to listening. "Jason? Y-yeah, I got some classes with him. What about him?"

"You know what team he's on?" Olivia repeated her question.

"Apparently he formed a team with the other Third Year transfers. They already moved in over break."

"Ah, that's good. Hopefully they do well." Ritsuka commented. Lee Seng took a sip of his water. They had brought up the Kang twins so now he was thinking about Jason.josei

'I wonder how they're doing.' His mind brought up the strange cafeteria incident. 'People were on edge about that for some reason… I remember doing that fight afterwards but…' The twins had acted weird that day. They were nice yet mean. It was like they were trying to do something.

'They did that because it was the best outcome right? That's what they said…' He shook his head and pushed the thought out of his mind as best as he could. He continued to eat, listening to his roommates chat away.

"Well, I'm gonna leave first." Lee Seng stood up, taking his plate and cup with him. "Gotta unpack still."

"Oh, I brought your stuff down for you." Manny informed him.

"Alright, thanks. See y'all later." He gave them a nod and moved to the kitchen and set his things in the sink and moved to his room in the basement. He noticed the stair lights were on as he landed at the bottom of the steps. He turned right and walked down the path.

'Hm, the lights are on.' Lee Seng thought.

He opened the door to his room. He could see everything clearly and walked in, shutting the door behind him. His suitcase and backpack were sitting on the bed.

He moved to the closet and noticed there were hangers on the closet rods. Lee Seng grabbed a handful of them, scooping them up into his arms as he turned around and set them on his bed.

"Alright." He quietly spoke to himself. "Let's get down to business." He unzipped his suitcase and fished for his phone. He picked some random music to play while he worked on hanging his clothes.

Four songs finished before he heard a knock at the door. Lee Seng looked up and continued to hang his clothes.

"Come in!" He told them. The door knob turned and light poured into the dark room. Lee Seng grabbed his phone and lowered the music volume as Ritsuka popped into the dark room.

"Why're you sitting in the dark?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng's vision suddenly flickered and he looked down at what he was doing. He could barely see what he was doing.

"Uhhh, I'm not sure." Lee Seng quietly answered in confusion. Ritsuka flicked the lights on. Lee Seng's eyes didn't burn from the light. It felt like they had always been exposed to light.

"Oh, you managed to do so much of your clothes already?" Ritsuka pointed at all of his clothes.

"Hmm, I could've sworn…" Lee Seng whispered. Ritsuka moved over and grabbed the office chair and turned it towards Lee Seng before sitting. "Why're you here? Bored?"

"Mmm, you could say that. The rest are still unpacking and making sure everything is in it's place. I didn't have much on me so I finished after dealing with my clothes." Ritsuka answered.

"Ahhh, lucky you." Lee Seng set the clothes to the side and picked up the last shirt and hung it. "I don't have much stuff either so I guess that makes two of us."

"So, how were you able to even do your clothes in the dark? You forget to turn the lights on or something?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng bit his lip as he stood up and collected the hung clothes and moved over to the walk-in closet, flicking the light on before entering.

'How did I even do that?' Lee Seng thought. He remembered walking through the hallway and remembering the lights were on. He hung his clothes, putting his pants on the other side of the closet. 'It was bright like the lights were on… Did I just happen to see everything fine in the dark?' He turned around and exited the closet. He grabbed his boxer briefs and turned back around.

"I dunno." Lee Seng finally answered. He opened one of the bottom drawerrs and stuffed his boxer briefs inside. "Wasn't the hallway lights on?"

"No." Ritsuka gave him a strange look as Lee Seng popped out of the closet. He watched Lee Seng grab his socks and look at him. "It was off. It was dark enough that you would've had to turn on the lights to walk all the way from the other side to your room."

"Hmm, I swore it was on. It was like it was… bright." Lee Seng shrugged and moved back into the closet. He closed the drawer where he put his boxer briefs and opened the drawer next to it and stuffed his socks in it.

"You doing okay? You must've forgot about the lights." Ritsuka wrote it off.

"But I was hanging clothes in the dark. It's a coincidence I grabbed the hangers that I didn't know were in the closet and came back, unzipped my suitcase and then hung my clothes?" Lee Seng doubted himself. Was he really capable of doing all of that in the dark?

"Must've not been so dark in here. Maybe your phone light helped you. Who knows. That's not even something I want to dwell on." Ritsuka waved it off. Lee Seng flicked the light switch off and sat on the bed.


"Were having a team meeting and Manny wanted me to come grab you." Ritsuka informed him.

"A meeting on day one?" Lee Seng raised his eyebrows. "I thought we'd have one tomorrow on Saturday, but I guess it works." They both stood up. Ritsuka moved to the door first while Lee Seng grabbed his phone and shut off the music and slipped his phone into his pocket. He followed Ritsuka out of his room, shutting the light off as he left, and followed him out of the hallway and up the stairs.

"Hmm, these cookies are good." Evan lifted his half-eaten chocolate chip cookie in the air. "Benny's does have good snacks."

"That's what the workers were saying. Best snacks any student would ever want." Olivia commented. She took a sip of her apple juice box as she sat with her knees up against her chest.

"And we have arrived!" Ritsuka announced themselves as they rounded the staircase and split off to sit on the couch. Lee Seng sat next to Olivia while Ritsuka sat on the end next to Evan. Liz and Manny sat in the armchairs off to the side.

"Okay." Manny clapped. "Our first team meeting in our new place!"

"I thought you'd let people settle down tonight and do the meeting tomorrow." Lee Seng commented. "Didn't think you'd be gun ho about this, too."

"Of course I am! Don't you see the excitement oozing out of me?!?"

"Yeah, yeah." Lee Seng waved.

"So, let's get to business!" Manny punched the air. Everyone's attention moved from whatever they were doing to Manny. Manny put his hands together and leaned forward, arms on his thighs as he looked around. "So, we have somethings we need to go through first. I don't think everyone needs to be reminded, but I'll just say it for the sake of it…" He tapered off as if he knew he was doing it for dramatic effect.

"The first thing on the itinerary! What's… our… TEAM NAME?!?"

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