
Chapter 368 Bad Blood

Chapter 368 Bad Blood

Ritsuka and Manny unfroze immediately as everyone moved over to the unconscious Lee Seng.

"He passed out, again!" Evan shouted.

"Move." Manny pushed through and moved Evan over. Evan stumbled out of the way as Ritsuka caught him. They all watched as Manny started to grab Lee Seng and lift him up.

"Where are you taking him? Shouldn't we grab his meds?" Liz asked. Manny ignored her question and broke through the crowd. He started over to the front door.

"Dude, you're not taking him alone." Ritsuka shouted, following after. Manny slipped his shoes on and moved to the door, trying to open it.

"Oh my god." Olivia groaned. She followed after the two. Ritsuka grabbed Lee Sengs5 car keys and slipped his shoes on and grabbed the door handle, glaring at Manny.

"I'll drive him to the hospital. Let's go." Ritsuka told him. He opened the door and the two rushed out.

"Should we all go?" Evan asked Liz. Liz sighed.

"Those two will cause a ruckus if no one goes with them."

"I'll handle it." Olivia told them. She gave them a frustrated glance and sigh. "These two can't even be civil in front of Lee Seng long enough. They probably won't make it to the car."

She grabbed her things and rushed out the door, closing it.

"No, I'm taking him!" Manny shouted. "You get the duck away. You don't deserve to be near him!" The two were sizing each other up. They had managed to get Lee Seng into the back of the car seat and close the door but it looked like they were fighting to see who drove.

"And you're fit to drive? Do I need to remind you who failed last time? You did! Get the hell outta my way!" Ritsuka began to push back. The two began to grab at each other and push.

They stated to throw punches at each other as Olivia moved to break them up.

"Hey, hey, hey! Enough dipshits!" Olivia shouted, squeezing herself in between them. She turned and pushed Manny away from the door and met Ritsuka with a pissed off glare. "You two aren't going." She snatched the keys from Ritsuka's hand and stood defensively at the driver's side door.

"You need help to carry him. You can't carry him!" Manny shouted. He moved up and Olivia met him in response.

"Valentin I swear to God, if you say another stupid thing I will leave you to freeze out here all night." Olivia angrily pointed her finger at him. Ritsuka started to chuckle when Olivia pushed him backwards.

"And you!" She shouted. "You promised me you would try harder to be civil. You both did! Look at what you did!"

"I didn't do it! He did it!" Ritsuka put the blame on Manny. "If he didn't mention it, we wouldn't be in this mess!"

"Oh it's my fault again?" Manny shouted. "Maybe you should take the reins and be a leader then, Mr. Complains a shit ton!" The two flew straight back at each other and Olivia sighed. She watched them tackle each other onto the ground and shook her head.

"This is exactly why you two aren't fit to lead whatever our team is." Olivia shook her head. She opened the door and got into the car. She turned the car on and locked the doors.

"H-hey! Olivia! You need help with him! He's heavy!" Manny shouted as he tried to peel off of Ritsuka. Ritsuka grabbed him and slammed him into the ground. He quickly pulled up and ran towards the car as Olivia quickly backed out.

"Liv! Let me go with you!" Ritsuka pounded on the doors as she quickly floored it to the end of the driveway. "Olivia!" He and Manny ran after the car, pushing each other as they watched her turn out and quickly shift into drive.

Olivia sped off as the two stopped and watched.

"It's your fucking fault I couldn't help him!" Manny told Ritsuka. Ritsuka turned and pushed Manny.

"You ruined it." Ritsuka shook his head and made his eyes back to the house. "You can freeze out here, dumbass." Liz opened the door as Ritsuka stormed past, straight for the basement stairs.

"Rit–" She called out, turning to watch him storm off. Manny screamed into the night sky as he threw a tantrum like a child not wanting to come inside.

"DAMMIT ALL!" Manny shouted. Liz sighed and shook her head.

"Should we–" Evan began to ask when Liz shut the door and turned around. She moved out of the foyer and towards her room.

"Let them act like kids." Liz told Evan. "Leave the door unlocked for him. Let him blow it off. Olivia will handle Lee Seng."

It took Olivia almost fifteen minutes to get to the First Year building.  She pulled into the medical parking lot and pulled strisjfntuo to the doors. She left the car running as she ran inside.

"Can you help my friend please?" Olivia asked. She turned and pointed and the nurses and doctors began to move.

"Grab a stretcher." One of the doctors ordered. The nurses moved to grab a stretcher and they hurried outside. Olivia opened the back door and pointed.

"Is Dr. Valentin in?" Olivia asked.

"Lee Seng Chang? Dr. Valentin isn't in. Are you sure you want to keep him all the way over here?" The doctor asked.

"I was told to bring him here."

"Alright, let's get him inside." A male doctor opened the door on the other side and helped lift him up. The nurses and doctors pulled him out and set him on the stretcher and pulled the stretcher up.josei

"What happened?" The doctor asked as Olivia watched the nurses and two remaining doctors followed after as the sounds of the running car and quick breaths were left.

"He passed out. He's been having migraines all week." Olivia answered.

"Are you and him living together?"

"Oh, we're teammates." Olivia corrected.

"Alright, well I'll tell Dr. Valentin that he's going to be here. If you want to stay with him for a bit, you can after we're done with him."

"Okay. Thank you doctor." Olivia and the doctor gave a nod at each other and the doctor turned around and went inside.

Olivia moved the car into the nearest parking spot and locked the car as she made her way back inside.

"You sure you can do this?" A girl's voice asked.

"I'm fine." Sara spoke. "It's just a night. He's probably waiting for a call from me anyways. I'll just call him tomorrow. Drayson and his friend are waiting for a great night." Sara and her friend began to giggle.

"Wow, what excuse did you give your poor boyfriend?"

"Team stuff." Sara told the girl as they rounded the corner. Olivia and Sara's eyes met for a moment and Olivia continues forward.

"Shit." Sara swore under her breath.

"What?" The girl asked. She looked over at who Sara was looking at. Olivia jangled Lee Seng's car keys in her hands before slipping them into her coat pocket.

"Why does she have his keys?" Sara whispered. She looked over and noticed Lee Seng's car. Sara tried to act normal like she didn't do anything and pulled her friend along.

"Who's that?" The girl asked.

"Lee Seng's teammate." Sara hissed.

"You think she heard us?" The two girls slowly trailed towards the First Year hospital entrance as they watched Olivia step inside.

"I don't think she could have." Sara answered. "What's she doing here with Lee Seng's car at this hour? Come on. Let's go." Sara pulled her friend forward quicker.

"How long til I can see my friend?" Olivia asked the front desk assistant.

"He just came in, right?" The front desk assistant asked.


"It'll be at least half an hour. I'll alert you when someone comes out since they saw you with your friend."

"Alright, thanks." Olivia turned around and noticed Sara and her friend walked in together, arms linked. They were dressed like they were going out for the night.

'It's really cold. Why would they dress like that?' Olivia wondered. She moved to the right and sat at one of the empty chairs lined up by the wall. She pulled her phone out and noticed Ritsuka and Manny had spammed her a couple texts each, individually. She sighed and tapped on the group chat with all of them in it and typed away.

Olivia: Don't be worried. He's being taken care of by the doctors in the First Year building. They said they would alert Dr. Valentin. I told the doctor he passed out so they're gonna make sure he's fine, give him some meds if he needs it and probably let him sleep.

She hovered over the send button and sighed, moving her hair to the side as she continued typing.

Olivia: Also, @Ritsuka and @Manny, you two should really think about what happened tonight. You two made Lee Seng pass out. Talk about what happened and make sure you two both come to a consensus before Lee Seng comes home.

She pressed send and looked up. Sara and her friend were standing nearby.

"Oh, Olivia, right?" Sara's obvious perky customer voice came on. "What brings you here at this hour?"

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