
Chapter 387 Stubborn As A Mule

Chapter 387 Stubborn As A Mule

Keng looked at Zixin as he turned away from Keng. Zixin had just said something Keng handy venue thought about.

"Say that again. I can save Lee Seng with a calamity weapon?" Keng moved around Zixin to face him. He grabbed Zixin as Zixin reeled in his mistake.

"I shouldn't have said that." Zixin sighed. He looked at Keng who was excited about a huge answer to his problem. "You're not fit to use it anyways."

"But it chose me!"

"But you don't know how to use a bow properly."

"Lee Seng used one with no training just fine."

"And is mediocre at best! Keng, you cannot solve your problems with no experience and a calamity-grade weapon."


"It's in the name, idiot! CA-LAM-ITY. It would cause a huge problem on Earth for you! If you managed to save Lee Seng, they would go after you. If you use the bow and show them a small portion of that power, they'll want it for themselves. That's how selfish humans are." Zixin explained. "If you're going to save Lee Seng, you do it with your own strength."josei

"What if my strength needs extra firepower like that Ruby bow? Wouldn't that solve everything?" Keng asked.

"You're not hearing what I'm saying." Zixin sighed in frustration. He wiped his face and looked Keng dead in the eyes. "You cannot use the bow."

"So I'm supposed to do it the hard way?!?" Keng shouted. Gorrum and Jyu'so walk out of the gate and look at Zixin and Keng. Everyone in the Village could probably hear them arguing. "Why do it like that when I can use that bow! I don't have time before Lee Seng and I turn into a mon–"

"Watch what you say." Zixin covered Keng's mouth, hissing at him. "You don't go around announcing that. Do you want more people to not like you? You're already different, Keng. Don't make it worse for yourself."

Keng sighed and tried to pull Zixin's hand away.

"Promise me you won't say that out loud. I don't care about you wanting the bow. That's off limits until you prove yourself to Elder Jyu'so, Gorrum and myself, but you cannot speak about turning into a demon, okay?" Zixin waited for Keng to answer. Keng nodded and Zixin removed his hand.

"Fine. Let's just leave." Keng turned to face Gorrum and Jyu'so. He had familiarized himself with the way they walked and spotted them out when they were still in the city.

"What's this all about?" Gorrum asked. "You want the bow now?" Jyu'so began to lift the bow towards Keng when Zixin grabbed it.

"Not right now, Elder." Zixin said. "He needs to build good foundation and grow strong based on that before he gets to take the bow. If he gets the bow, he'll just run to the nearest Gate and go back."

"Like he could ever." Jyu'so chuckled. "I guess you weren't that perceptive, Zixin. You have much to learn." Jyu'so shook his head and grabbed the bow. He wandered over to Keng and handed him the bow. "Take it, Foxling."

"Why? You heard him. It'll just be an easy way to get Lee Seng back." Keng pointed at Zixin.

"I thought you were perceptive as well. I guess I shouldn't have thought so highly." Jyu'so shook his head. He placed the bow in Keng's hand and plucked the regular bow off his back with his shadow hand. "You can't leave Daros, anyways. Not until the mark vanishes. I'm pretty sure you've felt it already, no?"

"That's what that is." Keng sighed. He strapped the Ruby Bow on his back and nodded. "A spell to stop me from even leaving. No wonder why I felt the way I did earlier."

"You will finish your training here and once you do, I will let you go." Jyu'so promised. "I'll make sure you have plenty of time leftover to search for Lee Seng before you turn into a demon."

"Fine." Keng sighed. "I'll train like you want me to. Not like I can leave now anyways. Can we go then? I wanna get there before sundown since I can't fly."

"You lose your Vessel's power and you piut about it? Many Fox Spirits would die to get their flying ability way earlier if they could." Gorrum chuckled.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just go." Keng turned and started off. Zixin jogged after Keng and moved past him, turning to block Keng.

"You'll be there for two months right?" Zixin asked.

"Correct." Gorrum nodded. Zixin looked at Keng and gave him a smile.

"I'll come visit when I can. I'll definitely send you off before you go to the Elder's seaside village."

"It's just training, Zixin. You don't have to act like I'm leaving forever." Keng brushed him off and tried to walk past.

"Yes, I know, but," Zixin grabbed him and hugged him. "You don't really like saying goodbye, do you?" The feelingbhe got when he was with Zixin reminded him too much of his relationship with Lee Seng. He didn't want to feel that and tried to push Zixin away.

"Let go, Zixin before I get mad." Keng threatened. Zixin only hugged him tighter.

"Kid, I've followed you, guided you and trained you a bit while you were here for leisure." Zixin spoke. "I don't understand everything but nobody is going to leave you like that. Just know he doesn't remember you because it's probably some sort of spell. If you can break that, he'll remember."

'But he does remember… It's just that thing in him…' Keng thought. Zixin patted Keng a couple of times and pulled away.

"I'll take some time to do some more one on one with you soon. Travel safe, Kay?" Zixin smiled. Keng nodded at him and pulled away from Zixin.

"Bye. Come visit soon, Kay?" Keng pointed at Zixin, waved and bowed at Gorrum and Jyu'so.

"Safe journey, everyone. I'll visit when I can." Zixin spoke.

"Good to know there's people who care for you, too, Keng. Goodbye Zixin. Take care of my sister for me. She may be a handful but Vix cares." Jyu'so waved.

"Yes, sir. I'm well aware." Zixin waved. Zixin watched the three until they weren't in his exceptional sight anymore. He turned around and sighed. "Back to work."

A couple hours later…

The pink haired young teenager stood at the steps of the Saviors Tomb. Lily sighed as she adjusted the backpack on her back. She had ditched her traditional outfit and was wearing something more comfortable that would allow her to move about. Her hair was in a bun and she wore her adventuring outfit that she usually wore when she was out hunting with her father.

It was colors that blended easier with the forest near her home.

She stood out in the ex-cursed forest. The trees were different colors and some of the areas weren't at all the usual green and brown. She sucked in the fresh air of the forest and smiled

"It's been awhile, Tomb." Lily greeted the building. She climbed up the steps as the building started to glow. It recognized her and the doors began to open by themselves. "Let's air out this place first. Hopefully I can get in and out quickly. Gotta help Mom and Dad with the party for older Brother, too!"

Lily stepped inside and grunted as she pulled one of the doors shut. She kept the other one open so air could come through. She hummed a tune as the ukulele strapped on her backpack made a 'plang' noise as if it was playing to her hums.

"Let's see…" Lily stepped into the small room off to the side. The magical lights turned on noticing her presence like it did twice before. She set her backpack down and pulled the ukelele off and held it in her hand as she turned around.

"I have some leftover rations I could eat… but I think hunting would be easier." Lily mumbled. She plucked at the strings of the ukulele and played it while she figured out what she was going to do first. As she played, she slowly moved to the front of the door.

The sound of crunching grass made her look up. The musical notes had warned her of movement. She looked at the door and listened as the crunches of footsteps came closer. Her father's warning popped in her head.

'Remember Lily. Be careful. The Tomb is hours away from Dat'e. The Foxes might not like the sight of you, so be careful. We don't know who is truly good or bad. There might be things we haven't seen there before so always be alert.' Lily's Father spoke.

"This is it…?" An unknown masculine voice asked.

"Yup." A familiar voice answered.

"Why's the door open?" Another stranger spoke. Lily couldn't quite put her finger on it but one of the voices sounded familiar.

"Huh? It shouldn't be… unless…" Footsteps rushed up the stairs. "Lily, you here?" Keng called out.

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