
Chapter 392 Sight Training

Chapter 392 Sight Training: Sight Collection

"Ahhh, it still tastes good. I really miss your soups, Gorrum." Jyu'so sighed in relief. He patted his stomach as Keng downed the rest of the soup and set his empty bowl on the table. He had eaten four bowls and the wild boar soup seemed to taste better with each bowl he got.

"I should stop eating." Keng spoke aloud. "If I eat anymore, I'll explode."

"This is so tasty, Sir Gorrum. You should tell me what spices you've put in this." Lily looked over at Gorrum.

"It's a blend specifically from the Mountains and Desert region. Spicy yet sweet. I love the Jurya Desert spice blend that matches well with the mountainous regions. Their spices compliment each other." Gorrum told her like he was proud to share his vast and wealthy knowledge of food.

"What made you like cooking?"

"I lived by myself for many years and made very basic recipes to live. Often times, I bought food from the food stalls in the mountain city, S'lara while I stayed there. I'm in the floating city now and I live on an island that's hard to get all those foods so I decided to teach myself how to cook. It's a great skill for anyone to have. If you're interested, watch me as I cook. You'll learn some recipes while you're with me."

"If you aren't opposed to teaching me, I wouldn't mind." Lily beamed with excitement. Gorrum nodded and turned to look at Keng.

"How about you? Do you think this is something you'd be interested in learning? You're a good hunter, so it might be a good skill to show off to whoever you're interested in." Gorrum raised his eyebrows. Keng muffled some laughter as he grabbed his cup of water.josei

"Learning necessary skills to survive? I don't mind that." Keng let out a chuckle before he took a sip of water. "I like hunting so learning how to cook what I hunt wouldn't hurt."

"That's the spirit." Gorrum chuckled. "For dinner, I'll teach you how to cook a wild boar, easy!"

"Ah Gorrum, you're excitement is showing, again." Jyu'so smiled. "It might make your image look less instructor-y and more soft and fluffy." Gorrum chuckled and shook his head.

"Elder, it's fine. These kids will see different sides of me at any given time, anyways. Might as well show them I'm trustworthy, right?" Gorrum looked at Keng nad Lily. Lily nodded while Keng shrugged.

"Soft yet deadly." Keng commented. "Lee Seng is always thinking that if someone looks 'soft and kind,' it just means they're capable of being deadly down the line."

"If they're in the correct line of work." Jyu'so added.

"That too."

"Well, enough dilly-dallying. Let's continue our training, shall we?" Gorrum suggested. Keng groaned and stood up as the rest did. They grabbed their plates and cleaned the table up.

Keng and Lily sat underneath a tree as Gorrum and Jyu'so stood at the edge of the shaded area. A gentle breeze moved past them as Jyu'so and Gorrum finished up a small conversation.

"Alright, wells begin our Sight Sensory training. Now, the meditation you did this morning will come in handy. Feeling the energy coursing through your body and also feeling the natural energy that exists around you, will help you with putting the energy in your eyes. Channel your energy throughout your body first. Let's start with that." Gorrum instructed.

Keng took in a deep breath. The trees around him rustled as the breeze moved through. Birds flying and tweeting around them. The grass rustling around them. Keng noticed every small thing and slowly he could hear his body humming. It sounded different to the Silver form. It wasn't sunny or bright. It didn't have an emotional associated with it. It was just a bunch of noises that came together.

"Alright, now that you got that feeling in your mind, focus the energy around your eyes." Gorrum instructed.

'Move it to my eyes…' Keng thought. He registered what he needed to do, but doing it would be tough for him. He had an unruly method of moving his energy about his body. That's what felt normal to him. Keeping all the energy in the same place was hard, so moving some focus to be in his eyes would be tough.

Keng took another deep breath. He started to feel the rush of water filling his eyes. Colors started to flicker around him. He could see the green grass, Jyu'so's outfit and Gorrum's feathery arms, but they also flickered with a wispy aura. Keng became hyper-focused on trying to get used to this feeling, but a single thump in his chest made him gasp for air.

Keng lurched forward losing his focus. The energy draining from his eyes and disappearing from his body. He let out a couple coughs as Gorrum and Jyu'so looked at him. His head pounded.

'Argh.' He groaned. He clutched his head, closing his eyes for a moment.

"Are you okay, Keng?" Gorrum asked. He stood in the same spot with Jyu'so. They simply observed the two Foxlings as they practiced.

"I'm fine… Headache." Keng told him.

"The colors came back?" Jyu'so asked. Keng nodded. Lily turned her attention onto Keng. He was reacting more negatively than she did. She could barely capture the feeling of the energy collecting in her eyes.

"Try again when you can, alright?" Gorrum told Keng. Keng nodded. "As for you, Lily, you can keep going if you're fine."

"Ah, y-yes, sir." Lily turned to Gorrum. She retook her meditation stance on the floor and took a breath before restarting. The two went for hours. Lily struggled to feel anything. Gorrum gave metaphors of how it would feel like for her. She couldn't imagine the energy being like "clouds or starlight." She had a hard time understanding that. Starlight and clouds were concepts she knew about, but she had never thought about how they were.

Keng, on the other hand, continued to feel the rushing water like Lee Seng had done before. He had imagined Dark Matter rushing out of his body like water and that's what helped him use his gravity power. It didn't help him, so he tried the "imagining like clouds" method, but things only grew blurry for him.

"Ah, no use!" Keng fell onto his back. "Rushing water, clouds, and starlight won't help with this. It's just giving me a big headache!"

"I still don't know how to go about that." Lily told them. "The energy collects around or in your eyes?"

"Around and in." Gorrum told her. "How do I explain this better?"

"Perhaps we should stop for today, Gorrum." Jyu'so suggested. "The suns will set in a couple hours and we have, yet, to make dinner. Maybe the kids should focus on learning how to cook one of your recipes. We can try again tomorrow." Gorrum nodded. Keng and Lily had worked very hard today, despite Keng's constant complaining.

"Alright. Let's go inside. I'll teach you an easy wild boar recipe. All you need is some meat sizzling on a pan with some herbs and potatoes outside. Come on, you two. Let's go." Gorrum motioned. Keng groaned as he lifted himself up. The two stood up and followed Gorrum.

"You three have fun. I shall walk about for awhile." Jyu'so told them.

"Alright, sir. Come back in thirty minutes." Gorrum replied. Jyu'so noddded and watched them set off to the garden.

'Gorrum's way of training isn't bad. It isn't adaptable like I thought it would. I think these two need something else to help them… What would be a good way for them to capture the feeling of Energy gathering at your eyes?' Jyu'so thought as he began to walk the trail. 'Water filling a sink is a good way of saying it. Just like clouds or starlight. These are good concepts but I these two need something more physical. What should I do…?'

Jyu'so thought for awhile. He floated into the sky and moved above the trees. He pushed out of the forest cieling and felt the sun on him.

"Aha!" Jyu'so put his fist in his hand. "Cloth. What if we use cloth as an example? Do I have any on hand?" Jyu'so popped his hand into his Void Storage and dug around. "Ah… I don't think I have any… Hmm, what do I do…? I can pop back into Dat'e before dinner is ready." Shadows wrapped around Jyu'so as he looked behind him. A smile appeared on his face.

"It certainly has been a long time since I've trained the next generation…. Oh how I miss it." Jyu'so commented as he disappeared. Shadows unwrapped around him and Jyu'so found himself near the Crystallium tower. "I wonder if Vix'I is in." Jyu'so moved up the door and just as he was starting to open it, the door flew open.

"I will not have anyone disrupting my studies! Get out!" Lady Vix'I pushed Zixin out.

"But, Lady Vix'I…!" Zixin protested. Jyu'so moved out of the way and watched Zixin get shoved out of the door, catching his balance.

"I see you're still the same, sister." Jyu'so commented. Just before the door closed, Lady Vix'I peered back outside, lowering her eyes onto her brother.

"Jyu'so? What're you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Keng and Gorrum?" Lady Vix'I asked.

"Yes, but I wanted to run something by you quickly. If it's a good idea, I will need your help with it."

"Ah, brother." Lady Vix'I groaned. She opened the door. "Come on in. Make it quick. I want to return to my studies."

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