
Chapter 412 Training Continues

Chapter 412 Training Continues

"OH, ENERGY TRICKSTER?!?" Keng shouted. "WHAT'S THAT?!?" Keng leapt onto his feet and spun around excitedly. The Soul Orb had given him something he didn't expect and now he was extremely curious about it.

Class: Energy Trickster, Lv. 1: The combination of sly tricks and magic, the Energy Trickster is focused on getting maximizing their magic to steal the Energy of others and get out. Using the tools they were given, they do best in drawn out battles, switching their style of fighting to play some tricks on their opponents.

Two Skills have been unlocked!

[Energy Siphon] Lv. 1: Imbue your weapon or cast to siphon off Energy from the other and take it as your own. This skill is amplified with the [Sky Devourer] technique.

[Displacement] Lv. 1: Allows the user to mark 2* areas and appear back at that spot at will. Once a displacement is used, it uses the charge and fuels the user's next attack.

Notice: You are currently locked out of gaining any progression with your class skills for the next two months.

"Awh that sucks." Keng pushed the orb back into his chest.

"What is?" Gorrum asked. "Weren't you just happy that you got the chance to have an actual usable class? Did it give you something bad?"

"It gave me something usable, but I can't progress it for two months! What am I gonna do until then?" Keng pouted.

"We'll continue your Sight sensory training until then. If you can get better at that, the two months will fly by like nothing. Focus on this and when your punishment is over, you can use it to your hearts content." Gorrum was right. He had under two months to practice. He had four days and had to rest for a couple more days. If he could focus on Sight training, he could work out the kinks.

"The Shaman just said I can't do anything too physical, right?" Keng asked Gorrum. Gorrum nodded at him.

"This'll be a good time to focus on your training. No leaving the premises until then, alright?"

"Yes, sir."

The rest of the week was spent on Sight sensory training. Between the headaches and occasional migraines, Keng grew used to the feeling around and in his eyes. Once the week was over, he was allowed to do attend regular training again.

Lily was hesitant of him for quite some time. She kept her distance from Keng and Keng did what Gorrum had suggested and kept himself away from her. Keng spent the time Sight sensory training, hunting and fighting monsters for the next couple of weeks. Elder Jyu'so made him venture to the Shaman and ask her about his headaches.

Keng used the descriptive magical map and rolled it up as he lowered himself into the hidden cavern. Green wisps glowed about and a woman was humming.

'This is where the spot is… I think that's her.' Keng thought. A woman with a leaf cloak had her back to him. A fire was going and a cauldron was bubbling as she threw in some items.

"It seems you're my new visitor." The woman turned and smiled. She had sharp narrow eyes and her eyes were a misty gray color. "Welcome, welcome. I'm sure you know who I am. We've met when I aided your return to this Realm. Please, child, have a seat. I'm preparing some food for the spirits right now. We can talk once I put these in, alright?" Keng nodded and moved to sit.

He took a moment to look around. She lived in a hole that seemed to be a cave of sorts. It was a mix of natural cave that was caved out to fit the Shaman's needs. She plopped the ingredients in and grabbed the huge wooden spoon and started to stir the bubbly and thick concoction together.

"So," the Shaman started, setting the spoon back in its spot. "What brings you here to me, Silver Champion?"

"Elder Jyu'so said you could probably determine why I keep getting headaches. Y'see I get headaches when I use Sight energy sensory. Elder thinks I have a rare case that's been documented throughout the ages of Daros and he wants me to see you, Shaman." Keng explained. The Shaman nodded as a bubble popped behind her. She ignored it and grabbed a chair and set it in front of Keng and sat.

"You have these headaches when you do Sight sensory?" The Shaman asked.

"Yeah, for the most part, yes." Keng nodded.

"Alright. How long has it been happening?"

"Ever since I started so… Two, two and a half months at most?"

"A troublesome affliction. I will do my best to aid you. Will you move yourself closer so I can study your energy?" The Shaman asked. Keng nodded and scooted himself closer to the Shaman. "I will start. If you feel any discomfort, let me know, Silver child."

With a nod, the Shaman started her process. She lifted her hands and green energy started to pour out of her hands and cover Keng. Once the energy covered him, she began to mumble something under her breath. Two or three minutes later, she nodded and lowered her hands.

"There is a concentration of unnecessary energy buildup between your eyes." The Shaman told him.

"W-what does that mean?" Keng asked.


"Whatever you're doing, you're unconsciously putting energy between your eyes." The Shaman lifted her hand and tapped the spot. Keng's eyes focused on the spot she pointed at, blurring his vision as she stood up. "I think this is an energy problem, so I'll give you a drink for now and some ingredients to use for later. You'll have to drink this for the next couple of weeks. If it doesn't get any better, come see me before you leave for Pea'ir."

"A-alright, Shaman." Keng nodded. The Shaman grabbed some ingridients and threw them into a mortar and pestle. She began to pound and grind them together until they were a fine paste consistency. She grabbed a cup and filled it with water and scrapped the paste into the water. She stirred the water and brought it over to Keng, who watched it turn into a blue color.

"Drink this. It's a mixture of things you can find around here. They help boost your magical energy and should help fix energy knots and that condensed energy between your eyes." The Shaman explained. Keng took the drink from her and downed it. It didn't taste so bad for a remedy drink. The taste was somewhere around blueberry lemonade for him. He licked his lips and handed the cup back to the Shaman.

"I will pack you enough for the next couple of weeks, but I would get familiar with these plants. They have many uses and some of them are medicinal plants that can be turned into a paste and put on wounds." The Shaman told him. She set the cup down and grabbed the large wooden spoon and stirred the cauldron. "The bag will include some Lunar Belles, which grow in darker environments. They glow like the moon. Then there's aloe vera. You can find some around because its so hot here. I've taken some and grown them in the pots over there." The Shaman pointed. "Then there's the Xyl Vines. They grow off of the blue trees you see around here.

"Use a mortar and pestle to grind them up and turn them into a paste-like consistency and mix it in water and drink." The Shaman set the spoon back in its place and started to grab heaps of the three ingridients. She placed them into a large bag and tied it and handed it to Keng. Keng thanked her and she nodded. "Remember, child, one a day, every day for the next couple of weeks. If you can't find any near the Tomb, come looking around here."

"Thank you, Shaman. I will try my best to find them." Keng bowed.

p "Remember to return before you leave the region. I'll double-check your condition." The Shaman turned. Keng said his goodbyes and climbed up the vines and started his way back. He pulled his backpack sack off and placed the bag of ingridients in his bag. A quick tie of the backpack followed by strapping it back to his back with his bow and quiver on it, Keng set off for the Tomb.

It had been only a couple weeks since he found out his Magical Rewrite Class. He had a month and a half to go before he could gain experience progression for his Class. He would continue to practice using his Sight sensory and drinking the energy drink remedy until the progression lock out was done and then he would start using it.

'There's not point in using it now. It'll be a reward for being patient and practicing Gorrum's Sight training. Plus, I got bigger fish to fry. I have to find that Majestic one. If I can find the Majestic one, maybe some great fortune will come my way.' Keng had made up his mind. His goal would be finding this Majestic one and killing it. If he could do that, that just meant he trained well.

'On the other hand, I gotta figure out how to make it up to Lily. She's still scared to approach me, but she's slowly easing up… I feel bad… She might really leave if I don't do something for her… What did she like eating, again? I should ask Gorrum.'

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