
Chapter 422 Questions

Chapter 422 Questions

Lady Vix'i opened her eyes and let out a sigh of relief. It was almost dawn as the magical runic words started to die down. Nabi, Zixin, and Gorrum stood off to the sides, watching the scientist as she stood up.

"I'm done. Will you be alright watching him, Gorrum?" Lady Vix'i asked.

"I'll take it from here." Gorrum nodded. Lady Vix'i started to make her way to the door, her pupils following behind when Gorrum spoke, again. "Could you do me a favor?"

"A favor? Like what?" Nabi asked, turning to look at him.

"Can you give Keng his stuff back?" Gorrum asked. Gorrum moved over to the unconscious and sleeping Jyu'so and plunged his hand into Jyu'so's shadow. He began to pull out Keng's stuff and turned to set them off towards the others. It was a strange sight for Nabi and Zixin. They were witnessing someone else easily pulling things out of Elder Jyu'so's shadow.

"W-what… How are you doing this? Who's does all of this belong to?"

"A long story." Gorrum continued to pull the rest of Keng's things out, setting the bow at the top of the pile of clothes and bag. "Take this to Keng for me, would you? I'm unsure if Keng and Lily will stay there much longer now that everything has happened. Keng's training has been abruptly paused due to my own lack of judgment…"

Gorrum rose, turning and looking at Lady Vix'I, who was in the doorway, Nabi and Zixin, who were standing off to the sides of the doorway. Gorrum waved his hands over the stuff and they flashed into cards in his hands. He moved over to Zixin and handed them to him.

"What's this? I thought you were a fire-user." Zixin quietly spoke.

"You've only ever seen me use my god weapon arts, huh?" Gorrum chuckled. "There's a reason why I trained under the Elder. Deceit is the game when it comes to my powers. The ability to store others' powers, things, etc. I can do it all."

"Huh. Who would've thought a warrior like the great Sir Gorrum would have an ace up your sleeve." Zixin smiled, pulling the cards together and waving them. "I'll get these to him, then."

"Mmm, do so soon." Lady Vix'I approved. She let out a yawn and stretched. "I'm going to get some shut eye. Wake me up if there's anyone who needs my help."

"Yes, m'lady." Nabi and Zixin bowed.

"Take care of my brother for me, Gorrum." Lady Vix'I waved.

"Yes, m'lady." Gorrum nodded.

It was a colder morning as Zixin appeared at the Saviors Tomb. The forest was quiet as Zixin took a look around. The doors to the Tomb seemed to be closed and here didn't seem to be any signs of life.

'I wonder if they're still asleep. Could I possibly enter?' Zixin wondered. He started up the path towards the door when the door opened. Keng popped out of the door, odd shorts and shirt. He wore odd shoes as he flicked the door closed behind him.

"Keng." Zixin called him out. Keng turned and noticed the fiery Fox walking to meet him.

"Oh, Zixin. What're you doing here?" Keng waved. He descended down the steps and gave a small bow to the cheery Zixin.

"Came to give you these." Zixin pulled out a set of cards and waved them in Keng's face.

"What're these?" Keng grabbed the cards in his face and looked at them. They were his items. "H-how did you get these? I thought—"

"Sir Gorrum was able to retrieve them from Elder Jyu'so's unconscious body. He said you could have them back."


"There's another message from Sir Gorrum as well. 'Elder Jyu'so must be looked after for a couple months. Go to Pea'ir and meet with the woman you saw in your vision. She'll help you with the Merfolk. You're the only one who can handle the Merfolk problem.' That's what he said." Zixin recited.

"I need to help the Merfolk still…? Why?"

"Dunno." Zixin shrugged. "That was all he said. Do whatever you want with that."

"What happened to Elder Jyu'so then?" Keng asked continuing to walk towards the tree he had spent many weeks meditating under.

"He needed to be cleansed." Zixin replied, following Keng. "Cleansed of what? I cannot say. I was told to be hush about it. Elder Jyu'so will explain it if he wishes to tell you. Until then, you have your orders."

"Orders?" Keng turned around and sat down under the tree. "Those were orders."

"Yup." Zixin leaned against the tree. "What're you gonna do? I heard young Lily is with you still."

"She has to go back to her home soon." Keng told him. He set the cards down and watched as they shimmered. His stuff flew out of the cards and landed in a pile. Without hesitation, he grabbed his clothes and started to pull what was on him, off. He slipped the pants, shirt and shoes on, ignoring the boxers. "I think I'll go with her."

"Mmm, do as you please." Zixin waved. "What're you doing today then?"

"Training? Well, I guess we can't train without Gorrum…"

"You know everything you need to know about Sight Sensory, yes?"

"Yeah." Keng nodded.

"Then do it."

"I honestly don't want to train it anymore." Keng looked up at Zixin. "I actually want to look for the Majestic."

"The Majestic?!? You saw one? Where?" Zixin looked around.

"Earlier in the month I instantly spotted it with my ears. Yesterday I saw it with my own eyes. It vanished and I got into a situation and…" Keng waved his hands. "Everything you know happened."josei

"Ah," Zixin nodded. "Should you really go looking for it? Isn't its purpose to bring life and prosperity to the land? This place was cursed not too long ago."

"But I heard if you could kill one, you'd be given immense power."

"You're one of those thirsty hunters, too?" Zixin raised his eyebrows at the young Fox Spirit. "It's a waste of time. Nobody has capture and/or slain one in hundreds of cycles. What makes you think you'll get the opportunity to do that?"

Keng shrugged.

"I saw and heard it twice. Third time's the charm, no?" Keng gave a toothy grin at Zixin. Zixin rolled his eyes as he smirked at that comment.

"You sound more and more human as time passes. I don't think you've soaked enough time here."

"I am based off of all of the experiences Lee Seng has made over the last seventeen years of his life. It's kinda hard to be a 'Fox Spirit' when I got a couple months of experience versus seventeen years."

"Alright." Zixin pushed himself off the tree. "I won't get in your hair. Send me a message to let me know you're leaving, then."

"Okay~" Keng gave his older brother a thumbs up.

"See ya." Zixin waved and disappeared. Keng sucked in a breath and let out a slow breath. He didn't know when Lily wanted to leave, but he guessed about two days.

"Let's get to work, shall we?" Keng groaned as he stretched. He stuffed the itchy clothes into his bag and set the bow and quiver in its place and slipped the backpack on. "Time to find a Majestic."

Zixin flashed back into Crystallium. Nabi was dozing off with a hot cup of tea in front of her.

"Nabi, sleeping already? I can take over for you." Zixin told her, moving to sit next to her. Nabi shook herself awake and looked at Zixin.

"I just dozed off. How's Keng doing?" Nabi asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Fine. You should've seen him in those god awful clothes. He immediately stripped himself and wore the nicer set of clothes." Zixin chuckled. The teapot filled a teacup and the cup floated over to Zixin. The two six-tailed foxes took a sip feeling satisfied about the tea.

"Fashion has really changed for the better in Daros. To think they wore that itchy material." Nabi shook her head.

"Oh, I almost forgot the best part!" Zixin smiled at Nabi.

"What?" Nabi rolled her eyes. Zixin's carefree nature often got them into trouble. His excitement threw her off.

"Keng said he heard and saw a Majestic!"

"A Majestic? Aren't those extremely rare? They're from the Gods Realm. How could he see one?"

"Dunno." Zixin shrugged. "He said he was going to hunt it down and gain its power." He looked over at Nabi and noticed her shocked expression.

"He's going to do that?" Nabi asked. Zixin nodded. "Wow, that kid has balls. I'll give him that."

"I know. You don't see those types of people nowadays. Everyone plays so safe." Zixin sighed. "Life here gets boring at times but it's nice to not have to feel on edge."

"Mmm, you're right about that." Nabi nodded. They sipped their tea in silence for awhile until Gorrum descended the steps. "You're down here? Are you hungry? I can fix you something, Sir Gorrum."

"It's alright, Nabi." Gorrum waved her generosity off. "I need to step outside for a moment. Elder Jyu'so is still unconscious and probably won't be up for awhile. I gave him some medicine, but if he makes a racket, call me."

"Y-yes, sir." Nabi answered as she and Zixin watched Gorrum step outside.

"You think he's acting a bit… odd?" Zixin whispered as soon as the door closed.

"Not sure." Nabi shrugged, sipping her tea. "I think it's better to leave him alone. Not sure what to expect with him and the Elder."

"Lady Vix'I did say to be polite so…" Zixin shrugged turning to grab a piece of bread on the table. "Polite we shall be."

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