
Chapter 431 A Little Competition, Part 3

Chapter 431 A Little Competition, Part 3

"I'm ready." Philip nodded. He turned to look in the direction of his brother. He could see flames raining from the sky.

"Altered Art: Repulsion." Keng flexed his hands and watched as the wave of water flew out in every direction. Goblins, wolves, and Hobgoblins that weren't smart enough, instantly died to the attack as it flew by. The water ate the flames away, washing past Jacob as it continued for another forty feet until it died. Keng sucked in air as energy began to fly straight into him.

He slurped the energy down and wiped his mouth as Philip made a beeline for Jacob. Jacob was kneeling, head down with his arms over him. Philip could smell the burnt flesh as Jacob began to move.

"Jake! Are you okay!" Philip shouted. He knelt down to look at his brother, who was turning to look at him. The anger in his brother's eyes told him everything he needed to know. Jacob didn't have time to dodge the mage's spell and took the full hit of it, but it did give Jacob energy.

Jacob lifted his hand and ruffled Philip's hair before darting at the nearest monster with a scream. Philip let out a sigh of relief as Keng ran to Philip's side. They watched as Jacob cleaved a hobgoblin in half and block a spell attack.

"Is he fine?" Keng asked. He was amazed Jacob could take the full brunt of a fire spell and be moving like that.

"He'll be fine." Philip nodded. "Shatter." He turned and fired his crossbow behind Keng. The bolt hit a wolf and exploded with explosive power behind the wolf. Goblins and hobgoblins burned as monsters began to run past the flames. "His power revolves around getting hurt. The worse he is, the better off he'll be."

"And what if he bleeds to death?" Keng asked.

"He knows his limits. Since you can heal, he can be reckless." Philip patted Keng before running past him.

"Hybrids are weak?" Keng scoffed. He looked over at Jacob who was leaping into the air and slamming his axes into the ground. A shockwave exploded from his spot and literally pushed everything twenty foot diameter away from him. "They're scary strong!"

"Shard." Philip spoke. The crossbolt flew at its target and splintered into huge pieces on impact. Huge wooden pieces pierced through the hobgoblin, piercing multiple enemies. Philip pulled back, reloading like he had been doing this for as long as he could remember. The crossbolt, unbeknownst to Keng, magically refilled the spot as Philip pulled down.

Monsters went for Keng, the elements, arrows and even melee attacks coming for him with no regard to Keng using his eyes. Keng jumped backwards, marking a Displacement mark where he was as he quickly threw up another Wave of Mercy shield and watched the water dissipate immediately. Arrows and lightning impaled him, sending him flying backwards as goblins and wolves ran at him.

Keng bounced, paralyzed from the hit of lightning as he slammed into a tree. He let out a grunt and watched as the monsters ran at him.

[You are paralyzed.]

"This is when I wish I had his gravity powers." Keng groaned. The paralyzation kept him from raising his hand. He could feel the strange yet familiar bubbling grow inside of him. It grew bigger and bigger as Philip turned, wide eyed.

"KENG!" Philip shouted. "Shatter." He fired a bolt and watched as the herd of monsters closest to the front turned to crisp as it flew straight into a goblin on a wolf. "Jacob! Help him!"

Jacob shouted as he cleaved a goblin's head off. He turned and watched as the growing group of monsters were rushing for Keng. Jacob grunted and ran, pulling his right arm back as he tossed the ax. The ax exploded in a shockwave of energy thinning out the herd.

"Can't make it." Jacob shouted.

"Ah dammit! I wish the twins were here!" Philip complained. The bubbling feeling inside of Keng grew. It was starting to burn. He groaned in pain as it started to rumble. The monsters piled into him, wolves biting him as goblins and hobgoblins pummeled him.

"Displacement!" Keng shouted. His body poofed out of its spot and he showed up at his start point. There were a thin number of monsters as Keng felt his body finally respond to him. Sphere of Hydran surrounded him as he lifted his hand to heal himself. Explosions went off around him as he tiredly healed himself.

"They keep on coming! We should go back home to protect the village!" Philip shouted.

"Get him!" Jacob ordered.

"Why can't you be like this all the time?" Philip turned and ran towards the sphere of water. The crossbow shifted and became a glaive as the sphere of water dropped. Philip dashed forward and swung in an arc in front of him. An explosion ripped from the glaive as Philip easily twirled it around and looked at Keng. "We're returning home!"

"Is the Ire going to be a problem for the village, too?!?" Keng jumped to the side dodging the bolt of lightning from the Lightning Hobgoblin mage.

"They're going to need us. The Ire probably threw them off! If we don't go now, we might get stuck with—"


"RAWR!" Two large feet slammed into the ground, sending whatever was underneath it to their deaths. Red eyes pierced through the fog, pulling Keng, Philip, and Jacob's attention.

"Crap! It's a big one! Let's go!" Philip slammed the backside of the glaive into a hobgoblin and quickly turned to run. Keng started to go backwards, watching as a bony T-rex looking thing roared.

"AN UNDEAD T-REX?!?" Keng shouted. "WHAT THE HELL?!?" He darted after Philip as Jacob stood his ground.

"Don't run. We have to kill it!" Jacob told them.

"But the three of us aren't going to be able to take that down! If Bright and Winn were here—" Philip began to say when another roar interrupted him.

[Fear has been used by Undead T-Rex.]josei

[No effect on user.]

'That thing keeps talking to me…' Keng turned and looked at the red-eyed undead T-Rex claw at the ground like it was about to run at them.

"I kill it. You take small fry." Jacob ordered.

"Y-you can't take it alone! You're going to die trying!" Philip protested as his brother ran at the Undead T-Rex. "JACOB!" Keng lifted his dagger and shot a stream of water past Philip. The water slammed into the wolves as Keng pulled the dagger backwards. Philip's entire body was frozen in fear. Keng listened to the glaive jingle as Philip continued to stand there.

'Did it fear him?' Keng lifted his hand and touched Philip. 'Heal.' The silver light shimmered onto Philip, burning away the fear as Keng gripped his glaive and looked at Keng.

"H-how did you know to do that?" Philip asked.

"The voice in my head told me it tried to fear me." Keng answered.

[Notice: Undead T-Rex is attempting to use 'Bone Rush.']

"Move! It's going to charge at us!" Keng shouted.

"Shockwave Charge!" Jacob shouted. The T-Rex and Jacob ran at each other. The two of them were going to slam into each other. Keng and Philip jumped away, narrowly avoiding ice and fire.

"This is why we need to go back! Jacob and I aren't the best when it comes to crowds!" Philip told Keng. Keng listened as a loud shockwave of smoke shot outwards, covering the field in a dirt cloud. Keng and Philip landed back onto the ground, smoke covering them as sounds of goblins charged at them.

"Altered God Weapon Art: Sphere of Absorption." Silver balls of water appeared around Keng, clearing the smoke as the silver water devoured any unlucky monsters around him. Bodies dropped as Keng pointed towards the Undead T-Rex. Spheres of Absorption fired off into the smoke as Keng felt re-energized.

Philip spun in a circle, revealing himself as he slashed and kicked at monsters. He nervously kept looking towards where Jacob went. Goblins jumped at Keng, holding his attention as a bolt of lightning fired at them. The goblins fired off into different directions as Keng rolled deeper into the smoke.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

[User is paralyzed.]

Keng could hear the sounds of shockwaves coming towards where Jacob and the Undead T-Rex thing were. He groaned as lightning coursed across his body. The sky rumbled above him, pulling his attention up as a huge bolt of lightning flew straight for him.

'SHIT!' Keng screamed in his head. The ground ripped from the immense power of the lightning as sparks arced in every direction. Keng could feel the lightning burn his entire body as he laid on the uneven ground.

'Heal.' Keng weakly commanded. Light wrapped around his body, clearing his paralyzation. Keng summoned another Sphere of Hydran around him as he pushed himself into a sitting position. His eyes burned of silver fire as the ground rumbled.

"What now?" Keng groaned.

[Notice: Spike Rush has been activated by Undead T-Rex.]

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