
Chapter 468 The Honored

Chapter 468 The Honored

"You and my sister were able to kill it?" Philip asked, not as a question for Keng but a question for himself to retain the answer. Keng simply nodded. "That's good. Honestly, I could hear everything that was happening around me. It was like I was in an odd state of being awake but not able to talk or interact. It was strange."

"So you must've heard… Everything then?" Keng asked, turning his attention onto Philip. Philip nodded, looking at Keng.

"I know everyone blamed you and Lee Seng for my comatose state." Philip replied. Keng's rigidness grew. He felt a bit awkward about it and didn't know what to expect from Philip. Philip turned away from Keng, looking at the injured around them. "I don't blame you. I did what I had to do. I knew the risks and I still took it. It just sucks that the curse didn't stay dead. It came back and you still came back and did what you had to. Not because my family said so but because it was your duty."

"Mmm, duty." Keng sighed. He didn't know what his duty was, still. Keng just had many conflicting things he wanted to do, but he was just put into a situation where he had to pick some out because he had to do them first.

"Don't worry about my family. You held your end of the bargain. Lee Seng healed me, you protected me and the whole Village. It's undeniable proof you know what you need to do. Once Isaac comes back, you'll be able to go with my sister to do your quest." Philip reassured Keng. Keng leaned into his seat, stretching as he looked at Philip, again.

"And after that, I can go back to my partner." Keng added. Philip nodded, turning to look at Keng.

"I don't mean to pry or anything but…" Philips voice trailed off. He didn't know if he should ask such a personal question after everything that's been done. "What will happen after you go back to Earth? I've heard in passing you need to save him from your fate or something. What do you mean by that?"

It was a question even Keng didn't want to fully answer. He knew what he needed to do but doing it would actually be more of a problem than listing it out.

"To save him, I have to go back. Back to the place where his identity could truly be at risk. That's why I was, thankfully, taken here by Commander Chimera's group. I'll have to go back, find them, find Lee Seng, and get Lee Seng back."

"What happened to him? I know he came and healed me but the energy I felt was kind and warm." There was a slight pause from Keng. People came by and noticed Philip was out, sitting by "the Savior."

"Ah, Philip? You're awake!" A soldier exclaimed.

"Should you be outta bed?" Another soldier asked.

"Why are you sitting with the Savior? He's probably tired from all the fighting. You should let him rest." A third soldier pointed out.

"I'm fine. It was loud and they needed beds. I'm healed and wanted company. I saw Keng first and decided to sit with him." Philip replied. "He saved me and the village. Gotta thank the guy who did it right?"

"You aren't wrong." The first soldier nodded. The second sdier turned to look at Keng, noticing a small smile.

"We'll get back to our jobs." The third soldier spoke up, motioning for his fellow soldiers to go.

"We're gonna throw a huge party for you, Savior!" The Second soldier shouted at Keng. "For you and the others! The Curse is dead and we can live in peace, again!" Keng's smile grew and the second soldier was berated with questions of "why did you let out that secret?"


"Well, I guess they're excited." Philip smiled. "Get some rest. I guess you'll be in for a real treat."

"Treat?" Keng raised his eyebrows at Philip. "What do you mean by that?" Philip began to stand, stretching.

"It's a secret!" Philip replied. "I'm gonna go find my family. You should rest some more."

The chaos in the village of For'wut continued for hours. Keng sat and watched people move about, eventually standing and helping. His undeniably crazy strength and gravity powers served well in removing debris. He learned another older Fox had the ability to rebuild things. With Keng's help, they were able to rebuild one of the watchtowers.

"Alright, night is coming! Let's feast!" Farrow, the seven tailed Fox Spirit, told Keng. Farrow had wispy gray and white hair and wore a modified soldier's outfit of For'wut. He turned Keng around and motioned him over to the large bonfire that seemingly appeared in the middle of the village.

"Let's eat!" Soldiers shouted, happily.

"What? There's so much to do, though." Keng stuttered.

"Much to do, but many hungry stomachs! We are eating together to celebrate your win against the curse!" Farrow jollily chuckled.The group of soldiers ushered him straight to the bonfire. Music was going and people were already shouting and enjoying their time.

"Is this really something to celebrate?" Keng asked. "You guys must be tired from everything that's happened in the last two days. We don't have to celebrate now. You–"

"Don't worry, kiddo!" Farrow patted his back a bit too hard.

"Alright, everyone!" China's voice bellowed out. "Thank you for your hard work! It's such a great way to end our night by celebrating our village's survival! Let's take a moment to pray for our brethrens whom lost their lives today!" The Priestess stepped up and looked around.

"Brothers and Sisters for For'wut. We gather tonight to celebrate the Saviors' and our win against the Curse, but we also take this time to recognize the lives that were lost protecting our home. Let us take this moment to send them off in prayer and lower their bodies to rest peacefully." Priestess Ro'sa spoke.

Ro'sa began to lead everyone in prayer, offering up the dead soldiers and villagers, who risked their lives to protect the Village, up to the gods. Keng watched as everyone folded their hands together and bowed. He quietly followed suit, unsure if he should be giving a little prayer too.

"Gods, please take your children. Allow them to return to the Cycle and be reborn. Allow them all to live lives worthy of protectors." Priestess Ro'sa's prayer seemed like it was coming to a close.

"May the Cycle bless them all." The crowd spoke in unison. Everyone opened their eyes and unfolded their praying hands together.

"Now, let us take a moment to lift up the slayers of the Curse!" Priestess Ro'sa motioned and Keng found himself being pushed to the front.

Keng soat out of the crowd, stumbling over to the Priestess and Chima.

"Let me formally introduce to you one of the new Saviors leader, Keng the Silver Fox." Priestess Ro'sa motioned to Keng as Lily stepped out of the crowd and over to Chima. The crowd muttered and cheered as Keng scanned the crowd. Ro'sa turns to look at Keng. "Address the crowd."

"Wha-" Keng gulped as Ro'sa turned to look at the crowd.

"He will now give a speech." Ro'sa motioned. Keng gulped as he looked around. So many unfamiliar faces were staring at him. It was quite uncomfortable and Keng was starting to wonder how Lee Seng could do such a thing.

"Um…" Keng looked around, straightening himself out and trying to calm every nervous nerve in his body. The crowd went quiet and patiently waited for him to speak. "I really don't know what to say. I, uh…" He looked over to Lily. "I guess I'll have to thank Lily for her immense help in all of this.

"She's following a very new leader who hasn't really studied Curses, Saviors history, common spells, Saviors Spells, etc. Despite all of that, thank you for believing and following my orders even if I'm not that great of a leader." Keng turned and smiled at her. His eyes went over to the crowd. He could spot Winn and Jacob. The brothers stood close to each other as they listened. Many people whispered as Keng took a long glance around.

"I'm just a new Fox Spirit who doesn't really know what he wants to do, yet." Keng continued. "But just know that I'll do what I can, learn what I don't know and make sure I can kill these Curses before they take more precious people from your everyday lives. I hope that they may rest in peace and we can celebrate their dedication to protect all of us. Without them, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get as far as I did thanks to their and your help. Thank you."

Keng bowed as cheers and claps erupted throughout the crowd. He hid away his fear for what was to come. His nervousness for the next journey he would be making.

'One adventure ends and another one is upon us.. ' Keng thought. 'Let's hope the Merfolk problem goes away quickly. I need to get back to Lee Seng. The bad feeling hasn't gone away yet…'

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