
Chapter 473 Chained

Chapter 473 Chained

Isaac stared daggers at Keng for the rest of the night. Keng tried to ignore the glares, but knowing Isaac's intentions (even if he was drunk) was a bit… Daunting? Keng kept his attention on the flow of the conversation. Philip and the other boys chatted with him. They talked about repairs, his upcoming mission and his training.

"I think I'm getting the hang of everything." Keng told them. "I just wish I had more time to train. It's great that I catch things quickly but it's hard to continue practicing those things while I'm learning the next thing."

"I'd be stressed if I was in your shoes too." Bright tilted his cup at Keng. He took a sip out of the cup and swirled the drink around. "But I think you'll do just fine."

"Mmm, I agree." Philip nodded. "You've continuously put a lot of effort into whatever you're doing. You put way more effort than I do when I'm forced to help with construction work."

"Alright!" Isaac slammed his hands into the table, pushing himself up. "We fight tomorrow. Re-remember that!" He stood up, unable to even stand straight as he pointed at the wrong person. "I will destroy you tomorrow and keep my sister here!"

"Let's get you to bed, bro." Jacob stood up and grabbed his brother.

"No! I'm fine. I'm fine. I can get there myself." Isaac flailed his arms trying to move forward, bumping into the table.

"Okay, dude. Let's not make a big mess." Jacob motioned for Winn to help him.

"I think that's my cue." Keng yawned, standing. His head spun as he stumbled around before finding his balance. "Woah. Everything's spinning. Is it always like this?" Gorrum stood up and moved over to grab Keng.

"I think we will leave for the Tomb. Thank you for the wonderful drinks and food. We'll see if they actually fight tomorrow." Jyu'so spoke, standing. Fan'r followed suit, chuckling.

"Isaac is always unreasonable when it comes to these things. I hope he forgets about it. We can't do anything about Lily going. She's been tasked by Hydran, herself." Fan'r replied.

"Younglings." Jyu'so shook his head.

"Well, I'll see you out." Fan'r motioned. With the help of Gorrum, Keng made it over to the door, slipping his shoes in with the help of Gorrum.

"We'll be back tomorrow for the celebration of your eldest son's return." Jyu'so waved goodbye.

"Let's hope it's just that." Fan'r waved.

Captiol City, Earth Realm

The alarm blared, waking Lee Seng from his slumber. His side ached as he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

'Did I hurt myself?' Lee Seng winced. He took a look around. He somehow got home and was in bed. 'How did I get home?' A knock came to his door, drawing his attention.

"Hey, Lee Seng." Ritsuka's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Yeah?" Lee Seng spoke with a heavy morning voice. The door knob turned and the door opened, revealing a dressed Ritsuka.

"Are you doing okay?" Ritsuka asked.

"Hmm?" Lee Seng asked, confused. He shook his head no as Ritsuka shut the door behind him.

"You weren't home for a while. Did something happen?"

Lee Seng was quiet for quite awhile. He tried to recall what happened but he got nothing.

"Was I drunk or something?" Lee Seng asked.

"I don't think you were. You look like you got into a fight. Did something happen between the Creator and you?" Ritsuka replied. He leaned against the wall next to the door, folding his arms. Lee Seng glanced at his side.

"That would explain why this hurts so much…" Lee Seng muttered. He looked up at Ritsuka and spoke, "Do you remember who took me home?"

"Two dudes. They said they found you and you told them to take you here." Ritsuka replied. Lee Seng nodded and looked off to the left. Something was telling him that it wasn't the full story. He scooted over to the side of the bed, moving his legs to stand when the pain grew. He grunted in pain as he tried to stand.

"H-hey!" Ritsuka moved over, quickly. "I don't think you should stand." Lee Seng grabbed Ritsuka and held himself up.

'I got into a fight? A fight so serious I can still feel the pain from yesterday? Why?' Lee Seng thought. Ritsuka kept a close eye on Lee Seng. He could tell something was definitely off from Lee Seng, but even he wouldn't have correctly guessed it.

"Can you get me to the bathroom?" Lee Seng asked. "I'm gonna skip school and go visit my dad."

"Huh? Y-you could just visit Dr. Valentin."

"Something's bothering me about this whole thing." Lee Seng looked at Ritsuka. "I think I'm missing large parts of my memory." The two began to slowly make their way to the door when Lee Seng remembered the vial. "Where's the vial?" Lee Seng spun around, ignoring the pain as he looked for it. "Where did it go?"

"H-hey!" Ritsuka grabbed Lee Seng. "What're you looking for? Y-you might really injure yourself if you move like that right now."

"I had a vial on me the night I came home from the lab. Where did it go…?" Lee Seng stopped. The memories of Daros flooded in. "I went to the other Realm. How did I get back?"

"Y-you went to the other Realm? Daros?"

"They said Keng was there. Well, more like he's there right now."

"How do you know?"

"We always know where each other are now. It's like a ping in my head that won't go away." Lee Seng tapped his head. "I healed Lily's brother from the Curse and then… I don't remember anything."

"You don't know anything from that point?" Ritsuka asked. Lee Seng nodded. "W-what're you gonna do then? Go back?"

"I can go back!" Lee Seng exclaimed. "I walk among the land of humans. I wish to enter the Realm of the God King." The energy began to fragment all around Lee Seng and Ritsuka. They prepared themselves for the jump when a black energy expunged the fractal energy.

,m "What happened?" Ritsuka asked.

'That never happened bef–' Lee Seng began to think when a strange black symbol appeared in front of him. It was black chains wrapped around a heart.

"Try again. Maybe you didn't do it right." Ritsuka motioned.

"Okay." Lee Seng shifted in his spot. "I walk among the land of humans. I wish to enter the Realm of the God King." This time, energy didn't even have time to fractal around them. A black energy pushed out. The sound of chains came this time. The energy wrapped around them, expunging the spell, again. The symbol of chains around a heart tightened and Lee Seng began to feel something pushing down on his heart. Lee Seng gasped, falling onto his knees as oxygen began to cut out of him.

"H-hey! Lee Seng!" Ritsuka shouted. He knelt down and held Lee Seng up as Lee Seng tried to clutch his chest. "H-hey! Wh-what's wrong?!? Lee! Lee!" A familiar voice washed over Lee Seng's mind.

'You may not return here, demon! If you try to step into this place under the guise of Lee Seng, I will crush both of your hearts and kill three people to keep Daros safe from the likes of you!' Jyu'so's voice shouted.

'W-what?' Lee Seng squeezed his eyes shut.

"Room! Call 911!" Ritsuka shouted.

"Calling 911." The room AI lit up. The dial began to go when it suddenly clicked.

"911 what's your emergency?" A voice came over the line.

"I need an ambulance to 452 Cathrow Drive." Risuka shouted.

"What's happening? Can you please describe your situation? I'll dispatch an ambulance to your location based on your AI's whereabouts with your address in mind."

"My friend's having a heart attack. He's spazzing out."

"Alright, an ambulance is being dispatched from a nearby location within the Academy. May I get the name of your friend, sir?"

"Lee Seng Chang."

There was a pause when he said Lee Seng's name. Ritsuka didn't have time to find anything odd with it. He continued talking.josei

"H-hey, Lee Seng. They're coming for you, alright?" Ritsuka shouted.

"What's going on here?!?" Manny burst into the room. He saw the scene in front of him. Rituska looked at Manny with fear in his eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Help me get him upstairs. Ambulance is coming for him now. He-He's having a heart attack. He clutched his chest and started to gasp for air." Ritsuka explained. Manny ran over and helped Ritsuka lift Lee Seng up. The two of them worked together, the AI following them throughout the house as the 911 dispatcher stayed on the line.

"They'll be there in a minute." The dispatcher informed them.

"Can you try healing his heart attack?" Ritsuka asked.

"My powers aren't strong enough for that. I can try to ease the pain as much as possible. If he's having trouble breathing, there's definitely an airflow problem." Manny replied. The two climbed to the top of the stairs and set Lee Seng off to the side, making room for medical personnel to enter the building. Manny knelt over Lee Seng and began to heal him.

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