
Chapter 481 The Cabin Old As Time

Chapter 481 The Cabin Old As Time

The cabin had electricity. It may have reminded him of Daros, but it had the comforts of Earth. Lee Seng stood at the entrance of the door. A hallway led to, what Lee Seng assumed to be, the kitchen with Crow in there. A living room area was off to his left. Lee Seng took his time looking around and noticed the fireplace with a TV mounted on top of it.

"That doesn't work!" Crow yelled.

"Good to know." Lee Seng muttered. A couch sat in the middle while two arm chairs flanked the sides. Lee Seng moved into the opposite room. It was a reading room with loads of sunlight. "How does that work?" He peered out of the windows. The morning sun was shining, revealing the flower patch near the house. He turned his attention to the books and pulled one off.

"Karen." He read. "Isn't this the one about the psycho killer girl?" He turned the book and glossed through the summary. "Yup. Read that one." He slid the book back and pulled another one out. "These are definitely books from Earth…" He slid the book back and walked out of the room, turning right.

He assumed the hallways would be bare but there were pictures up of people he didn't know. There were similar people in some pictures with different men, women, children, etc. Overtime, the same people switched out.

"Different teachers over different time periods?" Lee Seng wondered. Their clothes looked relatively different. Each photo captured a different point in time, but Lee Seng couldn't tell what period exactly. He passed a couple of closed doors before coming to the first open door to his right.

It was the bathroom. A small bathroom that had updated interiors. The pictures on the hallway walls made him think the place was fairly old, so the modern interior was surprising to him. White back splash with one of those fancy faucets in a glass bowl. He always liked those faucets. The tub was quite large. He decided to step inside and sit down in it. The bath was just the perfect size for him. He stood up and noticed the shower head.

"The bathroom is so modern. The pictures make it seem like this place would be dated." Lee Seng muttered. He stepped out of the bathroom and turned right. He made his way to the kitchen and found Crow cooking.

"Could you set the table up, Fox?" Crow asked.

"Sure. Where's the stuff?" Lee Seng asked. Crow turned and pointed to a set of drawers and cabinets.

"Silverware in there. Plates and bowls up there and the cabinet two over is the cups. Water can be taken from the fridge." Crow replied. Lee Seng pulled out plates, bowls and silverware and moved them over to the small dinging room table. He placed them and went back for cups, filling them with water. By the time he finished and sat down, Crow was grabbing extra plates and bowls and filling them. Crow set the food down at the table and finally sat down.

"Alright. Dig in." Crow motioned. Lee Seng looked at the food selection. It was breakfast. Eggs, sausages, bacon, and, surprisingly, rice porridge.

"Woah. Porridge." Lee Seng immediately moved for it, scooping some into his bowl.

"This place is magical and always gives you what you want for cooking. I thought I'd keep it simple and I'm glad you like porridge." Crow smiled.

"I usually only had this when I was sick. I really like the simplicity of this." Lee Seng scooped some and noticed the ripped chicken. "And chicken bits. Nice." He took a bite and smiled.

"Salt and pepper to your liking. Eat up. We have lots to go through." Crow motioned. The two filled their plates and bowls and began to eat. After some time, Crow spoke up, again. "Alright, now that we're eating, care to fill me in?"

Lee Seng spent some time filling Crow in on what was happening. He told her about the deimon tormenting him, splitting from his partner, and the messed up memory altercation. Crow cupped her coffee, nodding as Lee Seng finished.

"And that's it." Lee Seng told her.

"Interesting. Who knew you've been constantly tested ever since our last encounter. How long do you have left?" Crow replied.

"I'm not sure. I've been having nightmares about many things, but I'm not sure if that's the side effect of being forcefully separated from my partner or the deimon inhabiting my body. With the memory wipe of everyone in the city, I've been suspicious how revealing anything. The people I would trust aren't here, either. I only have one person to rely on while also trying to keep the facade up with my own father."

"To think your father would do such a thing to his own son. Some people are truly evil." Crow shook her head. "Have you figured anything out since regaining your memories?"

"I did but I'm not sure what happened to the one piece of evidence I had… I lost it in Daros."

"You lost it in the Fox Realm?" Crow asked. Lee Seng nodded, scooping the last bits of his food into his mouth. "What will you do then? If you don't have a way to check and see if the stuff the Creator is injecting into you is actually feeding the deimon, what will you do?"

"I'm not sure. I need to get my partner back before I can do anything. There can be, at least, two of us looking for answers. I'm scared there's stuff I don't know about myself, that are being hidden from the Creator within the facility." Lee Seng told her. He let out a sigh as Crow took another sip of her coffee, before setting it down to the side.

"Then let's start with what we can do right now."

"By practicing with my spiritual body?" Lee Seng asked.

"Correct." Crow nodded. "I may be physically in this world, but I had to learn how to protect my soul. Limbo, Earth, Daros. Everywhere you go, there will be people who can spiritually attack you even if you're in your body. Here, monsters and restless spirits live here so you can easily be attacked, especially in that form. This may be similar to how you would normally strengthen yourself in the physical realm, but you're just doing it with your spiritual body."

"Hmm?" Lee Seng tilted his head.

"We'll start with sparking your energy to flow to your soul as well as your body." Crow stood up.

"H-how do we do that? C-Cain, er, Lord Cain told me I had no energy because it's with my physical body." Lee Seng asked.

"Into the basement we go." Crow motioned to Lee Seng's right. The right side only had the back door. Lee Seng rounded the table, leaving the empty plates and bowls behind. Crow led him to the back door and turned. She rapped her knuckles to Lee Seng's left and the wall slid open, revealing stairs.


Crow descended down the steps, Lee Seng following after her. They walked down twenty-four steps until Lee Seng hit the bottom. It was a fairly large space. Large than any "normal" basement he's ever been. There was a large seating area in front of them. Crow moved over at sat on the couch, allowing Lee Seng to take a moment to take in the space.

Behind the stairs, was a large area that reminded Lee Seng of a gym. It was a fairly large open space with nothing in it. There were stuff hanging on the walls but other than that, there wasn't much down here.

"Come over here. We'll start over here. It'll be a tedious journey, so get yourself comfortable." Crow motioned. Lee Seng turned around and found a seat in one of the arm chairs. "Good. Clear your mind, we're going to meditate. I will then initiate the process. It will be painful because you haven't channeled energy into your spiritual/soul before, so try to endure it as best as you can."

"Alright. What are you going to do to initiate the process?" Lee Seng asked.

"I will push some of my spiritual energy into you. Once this happens, your spiritual body should open up the rest of your gates."

"The rest of my gates?"josei

"You are familiar with the gates your body has for Dark Matter energy, yes?"

"Yeah," Lee Seng nodded. "There's over thirty different gates in your body. The Biohuman serum was all about opening these gates. We've learned over twenty five years since the serum that these gates can be taken care of and strengthened to increase DME levels."

"Correct. Although we may differ in the way we've opened our gates, humans have always had these gates. And just like we've always had these gates, our spiritual bodies, our souls, have some gates as well. It's trickier to open because it can be a harsh process that could result in permanent damage."


"Before you freak out," Crow waved her hand. "A teacher must learn how to open the gates. It involves tedious practice of energy precision, but there's many, many, many people who have gotten their soul gates opened. All of those pictures you saw in the hall earlier are people who have gotten their soul gates opened. That's the purpose of this cabin. This place is a special place. A place as old as the start of Earth."

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