
Chapter 500 Tragic Lovers, Part 5

Chapter 500 Tragic Lovers, Part 5

Lee Seng spent every single minute on high alert. He had plummeted into the ground and could barely move. He had tossed himself into a sitting position, out of sheer pain, and now was stuck in that position.

Every noise spooked him. He felt like a sitting duck waiting for his death. It took longer than he expected for the enemy to show up. They saw him standing there and surrounded him in an instant.

"Monster," they screamed as they threatened him with their weapons. "You're a monster! We should kill you for what you've done!" They were angry he had dropped so many lives in one go.

A blast of wind pushed him into the ground. He didn't retaliate. They didn't know that. They three their magic at him and he could only take it. They blasted him for a while, punched him, let his blood spill into the floor and yet, he was still alive.

"That's enough!" A woman shouted. Theh all turned, splitting to reveal the bloodied and barley conscious Lee Seng. The blonde woman looked at her comrades and then to Lee Seng. She moved up to the young Fox-man and looked at the mask.

"Take his mask off. I want to see the one who killed all of our friends." The Ability Nullifer ordered. Two men grabbed him and lifted him up. They had spent so much time torturing him and fishing out their own revenge, his Negative had mostly disappeared.

A man moved forward and grabbed the mask.

"No…" Lee Seng weakly shouted. The man pulled as Lee Seng screamed, "No!" The man tried with all his might to pull the mask off but nothing happened.

"You can't take it off?" One of the enemies asked. Another stepped up to help. They began to pull and the same result happened.

"What's wrong with you? You can't pull off some mask?" The Ability Nullifier asked.

"It won't come off, Boss."

The woman stepped up and pushed the two out of the way. She wrapped her fingers on the edges and began to pull. She grunted as she tried with all her might but the mask wouldn't budge.

"Why won't it come off?!?" She asked. She released him and the two men held him in place. She swung her foot into his stomach, Lee Seng toppling over as the two men pulled him back up.

"What do you got to hide, monster?" The woman asked. "You killed so much of my people today. I should kill you where you sit but my master will want to see you." She rolled her eyes as she stepped away. "Bring him in."

Lee Seng was dragged through the city. It wasn't until they got further in, he realized there was some sort of odd… Glimmer. It looked like a desolate and destroyed city, but once they passed a certain point, everything was clean and fixed. There were a couple big buildings but loads of small ones were in the area now.

'How did they manage to do something like this?' Lee Seng wondered. People went about with their days, turning to look at the new prisoner as the Ability Nullifer and her group walked in.

"Who's that?"

"Did they find someone new to convert?"

"A new convert? Why do they look like that?"

"So much blood! What happened to them?"

"Will they be able to pass the conversion?"

"Come on, everyone! Move along!" One of the Ability Nullifier's lackeys shouted. "Give the boss space!" They showed the people away, allowing for the Boss to go through with her troupe.

"Wasn't there more that went with them?"

"Now that you mention it… Where's the rest?"

There was no answer. The boss led her people to one of the larger buildings. The guards at the door opened and let them through.

"Put him in one of the dampeners. He can't get out until the master gets here." The boss ordered.

"Yes, ma'am!" The two soldiers shouted. They pulled Lee Seng away as he tiredly tried to take in his surroundings.

Lee Seng was thrown into a damp smelling room. The two who had taken him here came in and connected something onto his arms and legs. They weren't made to bind someone but were something else entirely.

"These should hold you down, monster." One guard chuckled. The other one stood up and swung a punch across Lee Seng's face. He groaned as he stopped over.

"Without your flow of DME, what're you gonna do, huh?" The second guard laughed. They kicked him, putting him unconscious. When the two were done, they spat on Lee Seng before turning to leave.


p Eleven stared at the ceiling. He was bored. He laid in Lee Seng's room and let out a sigh. It's only been four days since he talked to the other Deimons. He had gone into training every day since then and nothing interesting happened.

He got pushed around, made fun of and had to live a life as boring as Lee Seng because Master had declared it so. He rolled into his side and grabbed his personal phone. The Queen had told him he'd be assigned to that annoying Cesar. Cesar would teach him to fight. Cesar would show him the Deimon way. Cesar would blah blah blah.

"Annoying." Eleven flipped over, burying his face into the pillow. "Too boring! Why do I have to do nothing but what this dumb Biohuman did?!? He's not even responding to me!"

Eleven stood up and walked to the full length mirror. He glared at himself as if he was glaring at someone else.

"You!" He pointed at the mirror self. "Wake up and fight! Try to push me out! It was more fun when you did that!" He poked the mirror a couple of times before his phone went off. Eleven turned around and grumbled as he picked up his phone. It was Cesar.

"What do you want?" Eleven asked.

"Someone's not in a good mood. Bored?" Cesar asked. Eleven let out a frustrated sigh.

"I'm not in the mood. Did you call me to just pick on me? I'll hang up if it's not interesting."josei

"Hold your horses, kid. I've come with some wonderful news."

That's what Eleven wanted to hear.

"What is it?" Eleven asked a bit nicer.

"Good." Cesar chuckled. "Come to the building now. You and I are going on a business trip."

"Trip? Outside the city?"

"Yes. Pack lightly. Come to the building in an hour." Cesar ordered. Eleven nodded excited as Cesar hung up. He would actually get to do something not boring. Eleven started to grab his backpack and stuff some clothes in it.

Knock knock.

"Hey, Lee Seng?" Ritsuka's voice called out behind the door.

'Ah, not this again.' Eleven thought. He cleared his throat and opened the door.

"Hm?" Eleven perked up. "What's up?" Ritsuka's eyes glanced into the room, noticing some half-shoved clothes in a backpack.

"Going somewhere?" Ritsuka asked.

"Uh, yeah. Last minute thing." Eleven nodded.

"Oh? The Creator, again?"

"Mmm something like that." Eleven turned around and continued stuffing his clothes into the backpack. Ritsuka closed the door behind him and planted a seat on the bed.

"You've been busy as of late, y'know." Ritsuka told Lee Seng. "I haven't been able to train with you lately. I'm sure you're itching to get back on your feet and dance." Ritsuka lightly jabbed the air as Eleven zipped the bag up.

"Gotta go, Ritsuka. Can't be late." Eleven responded, picking his phone up and looking at the time. "He'll be mad if I'm late."

"Oh? Let me walk you over to the telepad then." Ritsuka suggested, standing up.

"You don't have to do that. I'm fine. Trust me." Eleven disagreed.

"Come on, dude. We barely have time to hangout. I just wanna walk with you. After that, you can do whatever you need to do, 'kay?"

"I really don't have time," Eleven told him. "I'm busy."

Eleven started out of the basement, up to the foyer. Ritsuka followed after.

"I can't be late or else." Eleven repeated.

"I'll go with you! You won't be late!"

Eleven ignored him and continued on, slipping his shoes on and leaving. Ritsuka quickly put on his shoes and grabbed his jacket and keys, running after Eleven. Eleven didn't say much to Ritsuka. His persistence was annoying but Ritsuka did think Eleven was his friend.

"So what's tonight's agenda when you're there?" Ritsuka asked.

'I can't ignore him… He'll think I'm moody or something and get mad… Ugh. Why did this Biohuman have to be so friendly?' Eleven shook his head.

"The usual." Eleven answered. "Tests and probably physical training."

"He's making you so physical training now? I thought you weren't supposed to. Are you fine?"

"I'm fine enough." Eleven brushed him off. "Like you said, I've been itching to train. It's way better than being cooped up in the home and school." Eleven waved.

"True." Ritsuka nodded. "I knew you were acting a bit too lax. Should've told me you were doing physical training. I could've gotten you some extra time!" Ritsuka chuckled when the two came to a stop at the stop sign. A car's lights flashing then.

"Who's that?" Ritsuka asked.

'Just my luck.' Eleven sighed. A door opened and someone stepped out.

"Lee Seng." Cesar's voice called out.

"Who's that?" Ritsuka asked.

"I gotta go." Eleven waved at him.

"O-oh-okay. Uh, see ya. Call me when you're back, okay?!?"

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