
Chapter 504 Tragic Lovers, Part 9

Chapter 504 Tragic Lovers, Part 9

Teresa's eyes turned purple as her body seemingly jerked in different directions. Lee Seng would've wondered, if he had time, about if he does that when his own Deimon takes over, but the Deimon in front of him dashed at him without delay.

She swung like she was swinging a sword. Lee Seng dodged out of the way only to be connected by a strange force. Blood ran down his shoulder as he pulled away. Something was definitely not right about that.

'I pushed her sword away from her. The other one is embedded in the wall. How did she cut me?' Lee Seng wondered as his wounds slowly closed. Teresa dashed at him swinging the invisible blade. Lee Seng blocked with the scabbard watching the glimmers of the invisible blade show itself.

Whatever was in control of Teresa could manifest a sword that could easily be hidden. Lee Seng swung the scabbard at the possessed Teresa, going wide as Teresa jumped backwards.

Lee Seng threw another gravity blast out, watching Teresa slashed, vertically, through the blast, dashing towards him as the gravity blast seemed to not dissolve but break through the walls. The glass windows exploded, shattering and forcing an air pocket from the sixth floor.

Deimon Teresa dashed forward, slashing at him. Lee Seng blocked with the scabbard, letting out his own cheeky swipes. Deimon Teresa stepped backwards, quickly changing her stance as she pierced her invisible sword forward. Lee Seng started to pull right when the invisible sword pierced his chest, turning red.

'Crap!' Lee Seng thought as the Deimon pushed the sword in deeper, pushing through to the other side as Lee Seng's mouth filled with blood. Deimon Teresa pulled the sword out, raising it up to the ceiling.

"Die!" The Deimon screeched.

Eleven wandered towards the prison building. He wondered why they used such a perfectly nice building (as 'nice' as it could get for a building taken back by nature could get) being used to hold prisoners.

'How many prisoners could someone have? Enough to make a dungeon in one of those buildings people probably worked at?' Eleven thought as he neared the entrance. The guards instantly recognized him and became defensive. He was starting to come to a stop when both of the guards' faces grew wide.

"The prisoner has gotten out!" The small voice told them. "Lock the place down and make sure no one gets inside!"

"What? Where did it go?" Guard one asked.

"I don't know! Security tripped and he isn't in his jail!" The two guards looked at each other and then at Eleven. Eleven shook his head as he began to walk inside. The guards blocked his way, pulling his eyes up at them.

"We can't let you in! It's on lock down!" Guard two told him.

"Why? You lost your prisoner or something?" Eleven asked with a smile. The two guards gulped as Eleven pushed himself into the guards. "I can help you, y'know. I can sweep this place faster than you guys. Let me in."

"But we can't…" Guard two looked at Guard one. Guard one raised his hand to his ear.

"The Deimon that came with Master Cesar wants to help search for the prisoner. What should we do?" Guard one asked. There was a long pause before a woman's voice answered.

"Let him in." Teresa answered. "I'm on the sixth floor. I think he'll go there. Have the Deimon sweep from the first floor to the sixth." The two guards looked at him and pulled away.

"Boss says for you to—" Guard one began to relay the message when Eleven opened the doors, uninterested. "H-hey! Boss said for you to sweep the floors in case the prisoner isn't where she is!"

"I know!" Eleven waved goodbye. "I heard everything."

'This day just got more interesting.' Eleven thought as he watched guards frantically running around.

Eleven quickly darted through the floor, not even searching the rooms with his eyes. He kept up with his ears, hoping to find the Fox mask humanoid thing before the others did. It wasn't until he hit the third floor, he could hear fighting above him. He quickly dashed to the stairs and threw the door open.

"Get outta my way!" Eleven shouted, pushing past some guards as he leapt up the stairs. "It's growing louder! I think it's further up! Oh, I hope I get a chance to fight that Fox! I've been itching to fight!" Eleven threw the fifth door open and poked his head in. It was loud but it still sounded quite muffled. He frowned when he swept the floor and found nothing. Just as he was about to enter the stairwell, again, he heard the loudest crash noise ever.

Eleven quickly sprinted up the stairs as the guards all shouted "it's coming from upstairs!" Eleven blazed to the sixth floor, throwing the door open and watching the wall at the end explode into shards as a woman pulled her self up. Eleven's eyes narrowed. Her energy felt similar to his.

'It feels similar to the Deimons. Is she— No she can't be…' Eleven thought as the Deimon Teresa lifted herself up. She held onto something invisible. It looked like her hand was wrapped around something. Teresa dashed in, the sound of metal clashing against metal echoed. 'He's here!'

Eleven sprinted down the hall, turning his body as he slid to a stop. He watched the Fox guy and Teresa strike each other. The room exploded with each hit as the Fox guy's energy seemed to fizzle on contact. Small little distorted fractals floated all around. Even Eleven could tell these were bad.

Lee Seng blocked the attack by Deimon Teresa and gritted his teeth together as she pressed down onto him. He pushed her away as he quickly slammed himself into her, toppling her over.

"Arghh!" Lee Seng threw a punch, watching it slam into the floor as she rolled away.

"You!" Eleven pointed at Lee Seng. Lee Seng looked up as Teresa kicked him in the stomach, forcing him backwards. "He's mine!" Eleven sprinted forward as Deimon Teresa windmilled herself onto his feet, planting a kick in his stomach. Eleven reeled backwards, watching as Teresa hopped onto her feet and went in for the kill.

"He's mine!" Eleven shot his hand outwards, watching as Teresa rocketed past Lee Seng, bouncing off the ground as Lee Seng watched.

'What the hell is happening?' Lee Seng thought as he looked at the new person. 'Crap. It's him. What is he doing here?'

"You!" Eleven pointed at Teresa. "I don't know who you are but you stay out of the way, Deimon!"

"ARGH!" Deimon Teresa shouted as she stood up. She turned to look at Eleven, glaring at the Deimon glaring back at her. "Don't interfere with our prey! He's ours!"

"'Ours?'" Eleven chuckled. "Deimons don't work with humans, they destroy them! This one is mine!" Eleven fired off another gravity blast at Deimon Teresa. Teresa lifted her hand up and dissolved the attack like it was nothing. Eleven narrowed his eyes. "Hm, so your power isn't an invisible weapon. It's that." Eleven dashed forward, jumping over Lee Seng as he ducked. The two Deimons began to fight each other as Lee Seng slowly got onto his knees.

'A perfect time to go.' Lee Seng thought, turning around. He slowly started out of the room as the two Deimons fought each other. Eleven seemed to have more of an edge than Teresa. Eleven caught on pretty quickly that his powers wouldn't work on her. Teresa seemed to negate whatever attacks he threw at her. She physically couldn't keep up with his strength and speed, but she always managed to barely defend herself.

Lee Seng made it to the stairs. He didn't even hesitate to open it. He began his descent at the first signs of guards.


Lee Seng swung his hand, watching gravity push them into the wall. He continued on, not even waiting.

'More guards will come.' Lee Seng thought. 'I need to go now.'

"Get him!" The guards shouted. Lee Seng groaned as many guards blocked his way.

'Fine, I'll go this way!' Lee Seng threw himself into the wall, blowing up the wall as he fell through the air. The guards all watched as he fell towards the ground.

"Hit him!" A guard barked. Guards began to fire at him as a loud noise from above caught his attention.

"Get off me!" Eleven shouted.

"You let him get away!" Deimon Teresa shouted. The two punched at each other as they fell. The distracted Lee Seng took the hits of the guards which only made him go faster.

'Crap, crap, crap, crap!' Lee Seng screamed in his head. He flexed his hands, trying to wrap gravity around him. The film of gravity began to wrap around him but fizzled out. 'Why isn't it working?!?' He watched as Teresa managed to plant a good punch across Eleven's face.josei

"ARGH!" Eleven screamed. Purple, black and gray energy fired off in every direction. Teresa went flying away as Eleven fired another blast at her. Teresa threw her hands up, blocking the attack as gravity began to take her.

"Shit. Just my luck." Lee Seng cursed as he extended his right arm out all the way and spun. "Gravity bubble, save me!"

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