
Chapter 512 Team DLs

Chapter 512 Team DLs

"Sure, why not?" Lee Seng answered. David and Lisa's eyes lit up. The shy scarred girl stood up and leaned across the table. He could see her scars on her face. It covered a quarter of her face, covering part of her eye as well. Her scarlet eyes looked at him with glee.

'Hm, she's kinda pretty.' Lee Seng thought. His face instantly grew a bit red as he pulled away. Lisa realized what she was doing and sat back in her chair, covering her hot face.

"I'm sorry!" Lisa told him. "I didn't mean to! I swear!"

'She didn't stutter.' Lee Seng observed. David cackled as he pointed at Lisa, embarrassing her further.

"And you say you can't be seductive! Lady Esme was right to pick you! You're definitely one of her little Collectors!" David shouted.

"S-s-s-s-s-s-stop i-i-i-it!" Lisa told David. She shrank deeper into her chair. Lee Seng smiled. He hadn't spent much time with David and Lisa, but could tell these two were friends.

After breakfast was finished, Lee Seng got some lunch for the road. He had made the mistake of not doing that and starving for the last couple of days. David and Lisa waited for him. They didn't grab food and Lee Seng wondered if they were just used to not eating so often. The three made it back to the Debt Collector room and David and Lisa led the way off to the left. They wandered down the hall towards the exit and swung a right, revealing stairs leading downwards.

"It's in the basement?" Lee Seng asked.

"Yup." Lisa nodded. They all descended down the stairs, avoiding people who were already coming up. The fancy marble stairs and walls continued even to the basement. To Lee Seng's amazement, the basement was just as swanky as the rest of the estate. People were grouped up and looking at requests together while another set of desk ladies seemed to be helping people down here as well.josei

"There's even people down here." Lee Seng whispered.

"Come on. This way." David snapped Lee Seng out of thought. Lee Seng followed his new companions to the board. They eventually got their chance to see the board.

[Capture Spirit Animals littering Limbo!]

[Find my Wife near Hell!]

[Scrub the toilets!]

"What are these jobs? They're… Kinda boring." Lee Seng whispered.

"What about this one?" David pointed. "Hunt down fugitives?" He pulled the request off and showed it to Lisa.

"I-i-it looks in-interesting… H-h-h-how is this a low cl-class request?" Lisa asked, handing it to Lee Seng.

"Not sure." David shrugged. "We'll be running around Limbo, though." He pointed at the sheet as Lee Seng read it.

Capture the Fugitives who took everything away from me!

I've been trying to finish my job in Limbo so I could move on! Just when I was about to be done, these fugitives come out of nowhere and ruin all of my work! Now I can't move on because of them and I don't have much time left! Please help me, Debt Collectors! I will do anything to move on! I'll pay you for each fugitive you find! Those scoundrels scattered after I tried to hunt them down myself! They moved into different parts of the Old Sector!

"They scattered around the Old Sector?" Lee Seng looked up at David and Lisa. "What's the Old Sector?"

"A section of Earth in Central USA. It's nothing but fields and fields of farm land. There used to be small cities and towns there but they're all abandoned now." David explained. "Just our luck, too because the Old Sector in Limbo is a horrible place filled with Hell's creatures that didn't get sent back!"

"T-t-that's why I q—q-questioned if the j-job is re-really for us. T-t-the Old Sector i-i-is da-dangerous." Lisa added.

"Ah." Lee Seng nodded. "Let's do it. It sounds like fun."

"B-b-but shouldn't we ch-check if—"

"Let's just go ask with the sheet. That way we can get one over on everyone else!" David pulled Lisa and Lee Seng through the crowd. The three moved to the front desk. "'Scuse me!"

"Ugh, it's you two again. I told you," the lady rolled her eyes as she chewed gum. She sounded like a New Yorker to Lee Seng. "If you wanna do a team request, you gotta have three. And I see you don't—"

"We do!" David patted Lee Seng. "Our third!"

"Did they bribe ya into doing it with them, dear?" The New Yorker lady asked. "If they did, they can't do that. It's against the rules. I'll have ya know, you could get into big trouble with the Lords and Ladies for going with it."

"Uh, they didn't bribe me." Lee Seng corrected. The New Yorker woman titled her head, appalled.

"You're willingly joining these two? They suck at their jobs. You'll be doing all of the work." The New Yorker woman warned.

"I'm just here to do jobs." Lee Seng shrugged. She studied him for awhile and then stuck her hand out. She had large fake nails on her and motioned for Lee Seng to give her the sheet. Lee Seng handed it over and she nonchalantly smacked her lips as she looked at it. "We were wondering if this was actually a low job. It sounds—"

"Oh, it is." The New Yorker desk lady replied. She looked at them. "It's just a bunch of kids messing with the client. Do ya wanna do it still?"

"Yes!" David and Lisa shouted, slamming their hands on the table. The New Yorker desk lady nodded and flipped the page around. She grabbed a pen and looked at the group.

"I'll need your information."

The three gave their information and as soon as that was done, Lisa and David looked at each other with excitement.

"I need a team name." The New Yorker desk lady told them.

"A team name?" David and Lisa asked in unison.

"What do we name ourselves?" David asked.

"I-I-I don't know…" Lisa looked at Lee Seng.

"DLs?" Lee Seng said the first thing in his mind.

"What?" David asked.

"David, Lisa, Lee Seng. Our first name initials together."


"Done. Team DLs." The desk lady slammed the pen on the table. "Now, gimme your Collector jewelry. I'll need it to make everything official." Lee Seng pulled off his necklace and handed it to her. Lisa pulled an earring off and handed it over. David lowered hismelf and pulled the ankle bracelet and handed it to the woman.

The desk lady clumped them together and moved the paper to her right. A light shot out beneath the paper and it was done. She handed them their jewelry.

"The information is all on there. All legit. Team DLs is a thing now, I guess. Good luck or whatever." The desk lady waved. The three put their jewelry back on and headed back up the stairs.

"I can't believe we're actually doing team stuff!" David giggled.

"I know! I-I never thought w-w-we'd do this, ever!" Lisa added. The two whispered between each other as Lee Seng trailed behind. His watch beeped and he looked at it. It was a message from Cain.

"I see you've teamed up with Lord Eros and Lady Esme's Collectors." Cain wrote. "I hope you all do well together. Remember, don't stir any trouble and only do what you need to do. Don't go the extra mile or you won't rise to the top."

"Yes, yes. I know." Lee Seng wrote back. He looked up and noticed his two teammates had gone further ahead of him. He quickly sped up and reached them as they reached the top.

"So what now?" Lee Seng asked. The two stood near the large doors and looked at him.

"We go through the door." David smacked thee door. He pushed the door open and Lee Seng watched as flat land sprawled in front of him for miles. It was windy and smelled like ash. "And we're here!" The two stepped out first as Lee Seng followed behind them. The door slammed shut behind him, revealing more grassland around them.

"This could be anything. I don't even know where we are." Lee Seng whispered as he took in the sights.

"Well, what do we do first?" David asked. "Find the man?" Lee Seng's watch beeped at the mention of that.

[Find the Client.]

There was a set of coordinates with it. Lee Seng clicked on it and noticed a map pop up. It looked like they were quite far from the man.

"We didn't get lucky with spawn point." David frowned.

"We'll have to walk far." Lisa sighed. Lee Seng looked up.

"You didn't stutter." Lee Seng pointed out. Lisa looked at him and smiled.

"Hm? My stutter?" Lisa began to chuckle. "Don't tell me you fell for it too!" David began to laugh with Lisa. He pointed at him and shook his head.

"Lisa purposely does that. She tries to play shy girl all the time to get people to loosen up around her."

"So I wasn't crazy when I heard her talk fine the other two times…" Lee Seng whispered.

"Come on. Let's go. We don't wanna be here when it's High Noon." David motioned, heading off in the direction their maps told them to go.

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