
Chapter 518 The City Of Monsters

Chapter 518 The City Of Monsters

Lee Seng saw the city first. It was overgrown and had a dark cloud over it. It took Lee Seng a second to realize that it wasn't actually a dark cloud, but huge birds flying over the city. The tall skyscrapers were pitch black and the city seemed deserted.

'Why would anyone be here?' Lee Seng wondered. Something seemed not right about this city as they grew close to it.josei

"You should know a few things before we enter, Lee Seng." Lisa spoke up. Lee Seng slowed and looked at Lisa.

"About the city?" Lee Seng asked. Lisa nodded.

"This city has a reputation amongst the Collectors." Lisa said, brushing her hair to the side. "It maybe known as the Old Sector City, but everything you see is the manifestation of the actual city. Everything in Limbo is just that. This city, in particular, is known as the City of Monsters amongst the Collectors. Supposedly, after the event that changed everything on Earth, this city was swarmed by monsters. It's also known as the city of souls. People who usually enter don't come out alive."

"So this is one of many monster cities?"

"Yup," Lisa nodded. "Something's you should know." She pointed directly at the sky. "The Collectors call that the Black Sky. They're a bunch of flying creatures that will kill anything high in the air. Avoid running to the skyscrapers or flying while we're in the city. You do not want to fight the Black Sky. They've killed 99% of the people that's either tried to get information on what they are or have gotten the poor few who've tried to flee."

"Anything else I should be worried about?" Lee Seng asked.

"There's a lot of bi-pedal creatures, too. Just try not to fight anything if you don't have to." Lisa told him.

The sky darkened as they entered the city. Dead cars littered the overgrown streets as Lee Seng slowly led the way forward. Lisa followed behind Lee Seng while David trailed behind her. He hadn't said a word since Lisa put him in his place. A silent David was a strange David to witness, but Lee Seng didn't want to focus on that. He needed to focus on finding the thieves and the horses.

'Are the horses even gonna be alive?' Lee Seng wondered. The odd noises of screeches from above made Lee Seng look up, occasionally. It was too strange to be white noise and this was a new noise he couldn't just filter out. They wandered a couple hundred feet in before Lee Seng stopped and turned to look at his teammates.

"How're we doing this? Are we just gonna wander around until we find a thief or horse? What do we even do when we find a horse?" Lee Seng asked, quietly.

"Hell horses are sturdy and have great memory." Lisa told Lee Seng. "If we probably find one and tell it to go home, it should go home. That's why I snagged one of the old man's things." Lisa summoned a handkerchief, a hat and a walking stick. She handed Lee Seng the hat and turned and handed David the handkerchief. "Whip those out and allow the Hell horse to sniff it. They'll know what it is and know you're friendly. Directing them home shouldn't be a problem."

A gunshot fired out, piercing through glass as it flew past Lee Seng and Lisa. The three instinctively jumped out of the way, becoming more attentive. Lee Seng could hear the trigger being squeeze. Another gun shot fired out at them. David grabbed Lisa and shielded her as Lee Seng looked directly where the shooter was and watched the bullet freeze in front of him.

More gunshots fired out to Lee Seng's left and right. Monster shrieks echoed further into the city as the rumble of something running caught Lee Seng's attention. Lee Seng extended his shield around Lisa and David, watching the bullets come to a stop mid-air.

"Shooters above us." Lee Seng told his teammates. "There's monsters coming from within the city. Something big enough to create rumbling. I'll snuff the shooters out one by one from here and keep a shield up to protect us from any hits. Can you help me out, David?"

"Fine…" David replied, pulling away from Lisa. David focused his attention onto the surroundings around him. He moved past Lee Seng and turned his attention to the streets. Lee Seng lifted his hand up and made a finger gun with it and fired. Concentrated blasts of gravity flew out, shattering glass as the sound of gurgling death told Lee Seng he had hit his mark head on.

"Shit! They have ranged! What do we do?!?" A voice asked.

"The rest of you find new spots while I handle him." Another voice replied. The sounds of scrambling filled Lee Seng's ears as he raised his other hand and began to shoot wildly. Screams filled his ears as the rumbling grew louder.

"They're coming." Lee Seng told them.

[5 Bandits were killed. 20 Souls gained. Total souls:  972/1000 Souls collected.]

Large bison-like creatures slammed the rusted cars from their spots, as they ran after a humanoid figure.

"Come and get 'em!" The humanoid figure cackled. It pointed straight for David as a red light appeared and the figure quickly disappeared. The bison-like creatures raged as they picked up speed.

"Shit, what're these?!?" David asked. He lifted his arms up and exploded his flesh off and wiggled his bony fingers. David plunged his fingers into the ground and looked at the bison. "Bone fissure." Bone spikes rushed out, piercing the bison-like creatures into the air as more bisons rushed closer towards David and the others.

'Crap.' Lee Seng glanced to the right. His hand began to move when an explosion shattered the glass in front of him.

"Shit!" Lee Seng threw his hand up, blowing in smoke.

"Lisa!" David shouted.

"I'm fine! Lee Seng are you okay?!?" Lisa shouted. Gunshots fired piercing Lisa. Lisa shrieked in pain as the first bison lowered its head to hit David. David cursed as he threw his hands up, creating a large bone wall. The bone cracked in an instant and David went flying into the air as the rest of the bisons charged through.

"They'll get toppled now." The voice chuckled. "Rain them down."

"Tch." Lee Seng spat out blood. A colorful haze billowed out of the smoke.

"What's that?" A voice asked.

"Not sure. Keep your eyes on it."

"Freeze." Lee Seng commanded. The bisons all froze in place as Lee Seng lifted his hand up and flicked two fingers straight at the domineering voice. The bisons rocketed from their place and flew straight into the skyscraper buildings, slamming against whatever they hit. Lee Seng began to furiously flick his fingers in every direction, listening to screams erupt as the heavy bison bodies slammed against them.

'Heal.' Lee Seng thought. His eyes wandered over to David and Lisa and watched as their wounds began to quickly heal. He stood up and thickened the cosmic energy. He flicked his finger and watched as the colorful energy fired out, exploding the building in smoke as the shrieks of the Black Sky began to dip down a bit.

"CAWW!" Black Skies began to dive straight for the building. Lee Seng pushed the cosmic energy above his head and created a dome, watching the carnage happen. Some bisons rushed out of the destroyed building, falling to their deaths while others managed to get the killing blow on the bandits. Black Skies grabbed and picked at the bisons and bandits, taking them back into the sky as other Black Skies devoured the unlucky thing that got caught by them.

Lee Seng watched the building crumble in itself and watched his notification pop up.

[24 souls gained. Total Souls: 994/1000]

"What the fuck just happened?" David asked, clutching his stomach. Even though Lee Seng had healed him, with or without them knowing (was it really a problem?), he could still feel the lingering pain. David sat up as Lisa sat up and stared at the colorful barrier above them.

"You did all of this?" Lisa whispered. Lee Seng didn't reply. He simply watched the building continue to crumble as muffled cries called out for help.

"W-what do we do now?" David asked, looking to Lisa for an answer.

"I don't know…" Lisa replied. "I didn't think we would make it for a sec there."

'Just how strong is he?' Lisa asked herself. 'He definitely isn't just a human. He's definitely a Fox like that old man said… But can those Foxes wield Light magic like he can?' When Lee Seng finally was sure they were in the safe, he released the shield and turned to his companions.

"We should continue on before reinforcements arrive." Lee Seng told them. His eyes wandered to the skewered bisons left for dead on the overgrown road. "I think the thieves knew we were coming."

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