
Chapter 520 Thieves Hunt, Part 2

Chapter 520 Thieves Hunt, Part 2

Lee Seng wrapped the barrier around the three of them and gave Lisa and the glossy-eyed David one last look before darting.

"Good luck!" Lisa shouted, sprinting in one direction. David ran straight for the skyscraper building as bullets flew and pinged off of them. Lee Seng turned and dashed, drawing many of the snipers' eyes with him as he left.

"They're splitting. What do we do?" A voice asked in the ear piece of the woman. She popped her gun back next to her hip as the distorted mirror appeared back as normal.

"We'll go with my plan." The woman spoke. "Notify the others. We'll split of focus three ways. Vicks, you handle the girl. Niles, you handle the boy running straight for this building. I'll handle the Fox boy."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Lee Seng's eyes darted from left to right as he quickly made his way deeper into the city. The streets were littered with junk. The monsters roamed the streets like it was an every day occurrence. He avoided them with ease, most trying to take a stab at him as he gave a wide berth. The gunshots had died and he could definitely hear something tailing him.

'Is it human?' Lee Seng peeked behind him. He couldn't see an energy source nor a a body or face. 'What's up with Limbo inhabitants not having an energy signature? I'm literally a chicken with its head cut off here.' A gun cocked and fired, forcing Lee Seng to dodged left.

'He dodged it.' A stealth assassin thought.

'The Fox is better than we thought, ma'am.' Another stealth assassin thought.

'Proceed as usual, men. We're nearing the pit. We'll corner him into there.' The woman's voice appeared in their heads.

Lee Seng continued forward, barely dodging the occasional bullet and wondering where his enemies were. He couldn't tell how many were following him, but there was at least two people behind him.

'Release the trap.'

A car exploded, flying up and blocking Lee Seng's path as he quickly came to a skittering halt. Gunshots fired from all directions, forcing him to through up a barrier as the car came smashing down onto him.

'Did it do it?' A steal assassin asked. The smoke billowed outwards and their outlines could be seen.

'Stay alert. If this one is as dangerous as the report says, I don't think that killed him.' The woman warned. Two stealth assassins circled where Lee Seng with their guns pointed at his spot. Their assumption were right to be wary of Lee Seng as two large pieces of a car flew at them. The assassins dodged with ease as their allies began to fire into the spot where the ripped car came from.

Lee Seng threw his arm out, creating a field of cosmos as it spread throughout the smoke.

"What is that?" An enemy shooter asked.

"Stars? What kind of magic does this guy have?" Shooter 2 asked.

"Focus." The head honcho woman ordered. "Assassins. Go." The assassins forms cracked and shifted as they launched themselves into the cosmic field. It was harmless to them.

"Harmless." Assassin 1 relayed. The two ran through the cosmic field and found Lee Seng waiting for them. Without hesitation they rushed Lee Seng at the same time. "Opening Detected… Kill." The assassins summoned their swords and swung. One aiming straight for Lee Seng's head as the other aimed for a dodge hit.

The first assassin's sword flew straight through Lee Seng, watching as Lee Seng didn't seem to react to it.

[Echo has been hit. Triggering Flash bomb.]

A blast of light fired out of the Echo Lee Seng, blinding everyone in sight as Lee Seng dashed out from the cosmic field with his unsheathed sword.

[Echoed Hits activated.]

Lee Seng swung downwards at the blinded assassin, only to be shocked the assassin reacted with a block. The Echoed Hit triggered, pressing the assassin's weight backwards as Lee Seng jabbed with his scabbard. The assassin quickly used the weight against him and fell straight through the earth.

The scabbard flew through the air as the other assassin appeared at Lee Seng's side, swinging at him. The sword collided with the invisible barrier Lee Seng always had on him. Lee Seng pushed the assassin away with a shove and jumped backwards. Gunshots fired at Lee Seng, piercing through his barrier and landing onto his shoulder.

Lee Seng slid backwards, blood warming him as he shook his shoulder. The bullet flew out, bouncing across the ground with his blood as it closed up. Assassin 1 appeared next to Assassin 2's side and the both of them held similar stances.

'Let's just assume both of them can do that.' Lee Seng thought as he threw a stronger barrier up with the motion of the scabbard in his right hand. 'My passive barrier is weak now. It can survive a couple hits but it instantly gets shattered by a concentrated force like that…'

'Beasts are coming.' The woman warned. 'Hold him for another thirty seconds. These ones you'll wanna get out of the way for.'

'Alright.' Assassin 1 replied. 'Let's do the same attack, again?'

'You go low, I go high.' Assassin 2 nodded. The two ran forwards, weaving in front of each other as they readied their swords.

'They're gonna do it again?' Lee Seng thought. He took a step backwards, left and right, distorting his image with three different Echoes of himself.

'What's happening?' Assassin 2 asked. 'Do we do it?'

'Just do it. He won't be able to dodge this.' Assassin 1 replied. The assassins swung, Assassin 1 dropping into the ground as he swung while Assassin 2 swung straight for Lee Seng's head. The sword flew straight through the three Echoes with ease. The Echoes started to split as they revealed the real Lee Seng.

'Got em!' Assassin 2 shouted. Lee Seng let out a cheeky smile as he blinked off to the right.

"Gravitum: Piercing Flashing!" Lee Seng's sword arm exploded with air behind him as the katana plunged the assassin straight in the heart, instantly killing the assassin.

"You bastard!" Assassin 1 rose up as Lee Seng pulled the sword out. "Sinking Strike!" The assassin twirled and slashed downwards.

[Illusionary Step as been used on Echo 3.]

Lee Seng flashed out of the hit, watching a literal sink hole open up as the strike plunged into the ground.

"You idiot! They're coming! Get out!" A woman's voice shouted in his ear. The assassin gritted his teeth as he sank into the ground. "Shoot him!" Gunshots fired out as Lee Seng bounced between his three different Echoes.

"We can't shoot him! He moves too fast!" A gunner shouted.

"Focus on the others! He's moving between them!" The woman pulled her pistol out and cursed under her breath as she flicked the switch. The gun charged up and she pointed it at one of the Echoes and shot at it. A starry barrier appeared as the bullet flew past it, piercing through the Echo. The Echo immediately faded as Lee Seng continued to blink between the remaining echoes.josei

"Say hello to our little friends the Pack!" The woman shouted. Lee Seng stopped his Illusionary Steps and dissipated the Echoes. He threw up a shield and took a whiff of something rotten.

"Argh!" Lee Seng covered his mouth immediately. His eyes began to water.

[Notice: Pack is attempting to distort your senses.]

Lee Seng could feel his sight becoming unfocused. He quickly turned, only to meet a large beast. It had three tails with sharp fang-like hooks. The beast was quadrupedal and stood to be humongous besides Lee Seng. It was at least nine or ten feet with huge fangs that dripped acid as it fell onto the floor. It had little to no fur yet reminded Lee Seng something of an ugly dog and rat fused together.

The Pack, whatever that meant, growled as it lashed forward.

'Oh shit.' Lee Seng thought.

"Run it back!" The woman shouted. "It's toxins will kill us! Wear your masks!" Lee Seng pulled his shirt over his nose as he dodged the Pack's strikes. He could see the dead assassin's body and hoped he had a mask.

'Thank god for ungodly hearing!' Lee Seng thought as he dashed towards the body. He jumped over as the Pack swiped him, flying past the body and tumbling onto the ground. The Pack ignored the dead body as it stood over it. Its acidic liquids burning the dead assassin's body as it readied itself for a charge.

[Notice: Toxins effects are growing. 18%.]

'I need a mask.' Lee Seng thought. He noticed the enemy was pulling back. 'They all have masks… I wonder if that body has one.'

[Answer: Most likely. You'll need to acquire one before the toxins start to mess with you.]

Lee Seng studied the Pack. He was only large and had acidic spit and probably breath. It's sharp fang-like tail reminded him of a scorpion. It was literally the "greatest" thing he could fight. He groaned as he cosmos energy fluttered around him.

'What do I do?'

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