
Chapter 523 Thieves Hunt, Part 5

Chapter 523 Thieves Hunt, Part 5

Gunshots fired out as angry screams went off. Lee Seng had anticipated this and raised an invisible gravity shield to protect him. The sound of gunshots filled the air and before the thieves' very eyes, they watched as all of their bullets hung suspended in the air.

"May you be set free where ever you're going." Lee Seng bid a farewell to the thieves in front of him. The bullets turned and rained down on them. He watched the thieves die in front of him as their bodies hit the floor. Their souls bled on the overgrown concrete as he turned. The chained Hell Horse moved away from him as he gazed his eyes upon the beast. Lee Seng pulled his tails into one large clump and pulled the hat off.

"I'm a friend of your owner." Lee Seng spoke to the horse with a kindness not given to the dead. He slowly stepped forward and stuck the hat out to the horse. "I'm here to save you. The horse shook its head and blew hot air out of its nostrils as it tried to back up. Lee Seng pointed at the chain.

"It's okay. I'm a friend." Lee Seng told the horse. He stuck the hat back on his head as the horse neighed at him. "I don't understand you, but I know you're scared. I can—" A neigh echoed behind him as Lee Seng turned to see a Hell horse trotting over to them. It came straight up to Lee Seng while it locked eyes with the remaining horse. They neighed at each other for awhile and the Hell horse even nudged at Lee Seng like he was trying to convince the other horse they were friends.

The conversation finally ended with a neigh and a nod. The Hell horse next to Lee Seng turned to him and looked at him. He nudged at Lee Seng like he wanted him to touch him or something, so Lee Seng did.

​ "Fox Spirit." A low voice spoke.

"Woah." Lee Seng gasped.

"If I had known you were a Fox Spirit, I would've talked to you sooner." The horse spoke. "Thank you for freeing me and my kin. We've been trapped here for days without help. We thought our Master had abandoned us."

"I can talk to beasts?" Lee Seng asked. The horse shook his head as a laugh came out.

"No. You cannot. I am intelligent enough to establish an energy link with you." The horse replied. "I don't have much time, but you need to find the others. They're deeper in the city. I fear they're being slaughtered."

"Over there?" Lee Seng turned and pointed. The horse shook his head and blew hot air out of its nostrils in agreement.

"Master's hat should give most of my brethren notice you are our friend. If you cannot convince them, one of the others shall convince. Do not worry, Fox friend. We know friend from foe." With that, the horse pulled away and neighed at Lee Seng.

"Bye." Lee Seng waved in disbelief. The horse turned and let out a loud and guttural neigh and the huge group of stallions darted away. "That… Was… Cool!" He clapped his hands together as he spun around. "I wish I could've ridden one now… No, now's not that time to get all excited about your favorite animal. We got a job to do!" He trotted forward where the fiery beast had told him to go.

Would any sane person listen to directions from a Hell horse? Probably not, but Lee Seng was literally winging it so why couldn't he take a push in a direction given by a fiery horse?

[9 Thief Souls claimed. 36/10,000]

Lee Seng shifted back into his human form. He didn't need any extra attention as he moved through the buildings and streets. He was getting the idea that every city on Earth would look something like this one and the ones under the Academy's control.

'People who couldn't survive in cities like this twenty-five years ago, fled to other places or ended up dying.' Lee Seng thought. 'Would I want to travel to places like this everyday? Isn't that the dream?' He hadn't had time to think about it when he was being tortured and captured, but going to these places was something he wanted to do.

'Reclaim earth as our own.' Lee Seng recited the slogan. There were many places out there that had to fend for themselves. Humans always adapted to what was happening around them. 'All the people without internet and accessibility to talk to other people for supplies. All those people without plumbing or electricity. Hell, all those people without basic necessities.'

The Old Sector City would be one of many cities plagued by monsters and he would come across them whether or not he was ready. Lee Seng had somehow found a way to bring it all the way back to his original purpose.

"Finish my time here and go back to Earth and figure out this thing in me…" Lee Seng whispered. He came to a stop, slipping into a darkened building. He almost accidentally knocked over some paint cans, immediately growing suspicious of his surroundings. Did he accidentally almost walk into a trap? His ruby and sapphire eyes scanned the darkened building.

'Paint cans. String…. Oh shit.' Lee Seng thought as his eyes landed on a huge piece of work. Something was hanging by a literal thread and would've hit him if he took the wrong step. It looked like it would swing directly at the entrance if anyone were to trigger the trap. Howls pulled him out of his meticulous thoughts and redirected them to the howling. He could feel the ground shaking as the howls grew louder. Lee Seng as quietly and efficiently as he could, made his way through the string and paint cans.

"AROO!" A large beast stopped in the broken doorway and sniffed the air. It cocked its head to the right and stared into the void as Lee Seng held his spot and breath. The creature was at least six feet tall. It was large a muscular with tons of gray fur. Its belly and chest were filled with black fur as a small tail stuck out from its behind.

'Werewolf.' Lee Seng thought. It bared its teeth and drool as it sniffed the air. 'That looks like a werewolf.' Lee Seng slowly backed up, accidentally kicking into a paint can. The werewolf jerked and roared as it rushed into the room. Lee Seng watched in disbelief as the werewolf managed to maneuver through the trap with ease.

Lee Seng instinctively shot his hand up and released a blast of gravity at the werewolf. The gravity triggered the trap and the large thing in the sky flew straight for him and the werewolf. Lee Seng shoved himself away, hitting the end of the large trap as large spikes impaled him and the werewolf. Lee Seng howled in pain  as he swung awkwardly in the air with the right side of his body stuck in the trap.

"Owowowowowowowow!" Lee Seng screamed as he and the werewolf began to swing the opposite direction. He pointed his hand and braced himself. "This is going to fucking hurt!" He rocketed away, slamming into the glass and shattering it as he smashed into a rusted car. He rolled backwards and hit the opposite building, lighting himself up in smoke as howls grew louder.

The blood flew out of his body as he gritted his teeth, trying not to bite his tongue off. His wounds quickly healed as the building in front of him exploded. The werewolf had gotten out of the trap, too! Its body burned its pierce marks away as it found Lee Seng. It let out a howl as more howls echoed all around him.

"Damn trap." Lee Seng groaned, standing. "And now I'm just going to get Werewolves on my ass." He brushed the dirt off his butt and watched the werewolf rush at him. "Werewolves hate silver, right?" Lee Seng summoned his katana and smiled as he pulled it out of it sheathe. "I wonder if this is actual silver." The werewolf leapt  and slashed at him with its powerful claws. Lee Seng lifted his scabbard, reinforcing it as he blocked the attack with a small shield emanating out of his scabbard. Lee Seng retaliated with slashes of his own, watching the werewolf react with dexterous movements.

Lee Seng shot out a piercing shot with his scabbard, exploding the building behind the werewolf as its blood red eyes glowed. A red bloodthirsty aura emanated off of the werewolf, who howled as it rushed forward.

'It got quicker.' Lee Seng thought as he raised the scabbard to block. The werewolf's hand disappeared from the spot Lee Seng thought it was going to be at and was immediately rocketed off to his right. Lee Seng bounced flipping and catching himself as the werewolf turned.josei

"Ah, shit." Lee Seng watched as more werewolves joined their enraged brother. "More. Just my luck."

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