
Chapter 53 The Number Hierarchy

Chapter 53 The Number Hierarchy

Lee Seng stepped into the elevator. His tail wagged around and he turned back to look at it. He began to lower it and then stepped in. He wedged himself in between Carter and Scarlet in the back. Students began to pour in, all saying their greetings to the two Numbers and taking a quick look at Lee Seng.

They tapped their floors and waited for the elevator to close. They began to talk about their days so far, any interesting gossip; which Lee Seng would've liked to indulge himself in, but stopped himself. The students seemed all to talk about what they wanted to do for today and/or anything particularly interesting like a 'mission.'

The elevator dinged and students began to filter out. This happened four more times until they hit the fifth floor. The last of the students stepped out of the elevator. Some saying goodbye to the Numbers and trying to not make it obvious they were only saying bye to look at Lee Seng again. Scarlet and Carter waved goodbye and the door closed. Scarlet moved her wrist towards the button and waved it around.


"Number 4. Access to First Year Number level allowed." The AI spoke. The elevator began moving. Lee Seng tapped his foot and sighed. He pulled at his ripped shirt and looked at Carter.

"I already stick out with the tail and ears. My clothes are just another reason to stare." Lee Seng finally spoke up about his clothes. Carter looked up from his phone and began to stare at all the holes in his clothes. He lifted his right hand and poked one of the holes on his thigh. Lee Seng jumped backwards, moving his tail. He collided with Scarlet who looked up and sighed.

"C'mon, you two. It's a small space." Scarlet grabbed Lee Seng and moved him away. "Remember, you got a tail you need to account for now."

"Oh, sorry." Lee Seng slowly moved his tail and lowered it.

"You need some new clothes?" Carter asked.

"Yes, people already stare at me. What if I got a hole that ripped my boxers or something?" Lee Seng began to speculate more embarrassing theories that could make his life even more embarrassing.

"Fine, I'll have someone fetch you some clothes from the shops in 2nd."

The elevator dinged and the door opened. Scarlet walked out first. Carter tapped Lee Seng to go and followed Lee Seng out. The Numbers floor resembled an office building floor. Lots of light and bland decorations. Lee Seng followed Scarlet left and down a narrow hallway. The halls were empty and there seemed to be a spare amount of doors.

The two doors at the end of the hall were opened. Lee Seng entered the room and noticed a conference table sat in the middle of the room. All the chairs looked into the middle of the open conference table and the Numbers sat in their respective areas while they stared at something to Lee Seng's right.

"The test is going alright still." Alex commented. Everyone nodded as Scarlet sat next to Alex and Carter sat right next to Abby. Lee Seng moved in and stood near the end.

"You can sit at the end, Lee." Dr. Valentin instructed. Lee Seng nodded and pulled the end seat and sat. His tail felt a bit stuck but it wouldn't be the last time. He shifted in his seat for awhile and looked around.

"Ah, alright. Let's get down to business." Nicole said standing up. She tapped her lit phone on the table and an image hovered in the air in the middle of the table. "Protocol XI activated within Lee Seng. That's a scary thing to say because it was at a time which we weren't sure if it would activate or not. The results from Alex and Scarlet on the Goblin horde invasion stated Lee Seng did and did not have the Protocol in him."

"Did and did not? But he definitely has it." Abby commented.

"True, he does have it, but something happened that he triggered Yellow status instead of the usual red and green."

"So, what does this have to do with anything?" Carter asked. The Nicole grabbed her phone and started to pace around the table and Numbers. She slid her finger to the right and the image changed. It was a video of Lee Seng.

"Lee Seng, do you know what happened?" Nicole looked over at Lee Seng. Lee Seng's eyes pried away from the static video and he slowly shook his head. josei

"I only heard bits." Lee Seng answered. The video played and Lee Seng watched what happened after he passed out. The familiar tendrils within his soul realm appeared. He stood up and leaned forward. "No."

The video skipped to a squadron sent to retrieve him. The fight started and Lee Seng watched in horror as he quickly slaughtered the squadron. Nicole paused it right after he killed the squadron and turned to look at him. Lee Seng's lip quivered and he shook his head.

"You slaughtered Academy soldiers like it was nothing." Nicole spoke. She paused to watch him. She could tell even without tapping into his head, what he was thinking. "A feat you struggled when fighting with the C-rank Archer and B-rank Blood Puppet." Lee Seng pried his eyes way and looked at Nicole. She looked at him the coldest. He hated her stares. He felt like an outcast, but she always had an aura that pulled people into her. He didn't like that. His tail began to thump against the chair. He shook his head.

"That... isn't me." Lee Seng stuttered. "I couldn't... I wouldn't..."

"But you did under the effects of the Protocol." Nicole interjected.

"We know what the Protocol is capable of, One. He doesn't. You can't just put it on him." Scarlet stood up. Alex grabbed Scarlet's arm and tugged at her to sit.

"Sit." He whispered. Scarlet pulled her arm away and kept her frustrated eyes on Nicole.

"We know what it's like first-hand. He doesn't. It doesn't change what happened though." Nicole said. Scarlet started off towards Nicole but Alex tightened his hold and yanked her backwards.

"Watch it." Alex said. "Calm down."

"Be calm?" Scarlet shouted. She looked at the Numbers and then at Alex before returning her frustrated gaze at Nicole. "Our leader is making it sound like Lee Seng is a monster. He isn't a monster; he's just as confused as we all were." Nicole turned her gaze over towards Scarlet. Her eyes were twinkling like a prism.

"Watch what you say, Four." Nicole hissed. Scarlet felt the belittling feeling push at her. She tried to shake it off but it snaked into her mind like a poison. Nicole turned back to look at Lee Seng with her prism colored eyes. They twinkled and Lee Seng scoffed.

"If we have to count bodies then I guess I should learn a thing or two from you." Lee Seng's fists balled up. He smiled as Nicole's rage started to seep out.

"I would watch what you say, kid." She said sharply. She lifted her hands and Lee Seng felt the familiar telekinetic pull. Lee Seng's body began to squeeze and the Numbers watched quietly. "You think you have it together but you don't. You're just a failure that was given a second chance. Cooperate and you can stay here like your Father wished."

Lee Seng pushed against the telekinetic pull and instantly shattered it. The desk rumbled and the chairs pushed away from him. Lee Seng's tail slammed into the chair behind him and threw it backwards. He let out a wicked smile. He nodded as he began to pace. The Numbers quietly watched the two. The room felt like it was going to spark a fire at any second.

"Ah, the Creator pushed me through this." Lee Seng said. Nicole realized what she said and simply kept her straight face. Lee Seng looked at everyone and then back at Nicole. "I figured he would do something like that."

"And yet you thought you came here of your free will. Everything was planned from the moment you retaliated. Everything was planned in case something like this happened. You have no hold on your own life. You never will."

"Sounds like you." Lee Seng chuckled. Nicole thrusted her hand out. Lee Seng waved his hand and sighed. Her telekinetic grasp didn't reach him. She tried again and Lee Seng sighed. "Remember, you already had a hard time spreading lies in my head. Even more, you were easily able to move me at any time, but our powers are basically the same. I just don't throw a fit and force people to do what I want."

"That's it!" Nicole screamed. The room threw itself in chaos and Carter and Abby quickly stood up to block Nicole. "Stay out of my way!" She threw them away and marched over to Lee Seng. She slapped Lee Seng across the face. The slap stung him like a bee. He chuckled and slowly turned to look at Nicole.

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