
Chapter 547 The Person Waiting

Chapter 547 The Person Waiting

Lee Seng woke up with a jolt. He let out a gasp as he checked his surroundings He was still in his body suit and everything seemed to be fine. The silence was loud as he turned to look left. The bone cocoon was... Broken open.

"Hey!" Lee Seng scrambled onto his feet and ran over. He peeked inside. There was no David. Shards of bones was split all over along with white dust. Lee Seng moved past the broken bone cocoon towards the stairwell. He let out a vibration blip and got nothing. "Where did he go?" It was night outside as Lee Seng ran down the stairs.

'Where could he have gone without me?' Lee Seng thought. 'It's good that he didn't kill me, but why did he just leave me behind? Is he going to do this thing by himself?' Lee Seng's mind raced with questions. David was a muscle-head through and through, but he continued to have these bouts of angry moods.

"Where did you go?" Lee Seng whispered. He found his way at the first floor stairwell door and opened it. Another blip flew out and he stopped. There was something odd and pointy ready to fly at him if he took a wrong step. Lee Seng looked down and noticed the trap below him. It was a thin string, so Lee Seng could've basically not seen it and tripped the horrible trap.

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. He continuously let out more blips, filling his mind with the space around him. There was something at the edge to his right. It looked like a humanoid figure. Although he could tell where people, traps, and potential secret areas were, Limbo operated with no clear energy source such as Dark Matter.

'Do I take the straight forward option or the safe option?' Lee Seng pondered. He lifted himself up and crossed his legs, easily passing through the door. His eyes moved to the right, noticing the humanoid in the shadows. Their arms were crossed and leg propped up to the wall behind them. Lee Seng floated over to the right, dropping onto his feet, continuing down the hall towards the humanoid figure.

The figure pushed themselves off of the wall and turned to face Lee Seng. They started making their way over. Their arms unwrapped from each other and their right hand rose up, waving.

"Your coordinates were right. You are here." Lisa's voice spoke.

"Lisa?" Lee Seng stepped closer and the shadows revealed Lisa. She was pale as a ghost still, but she had a backpack on her. "Why're you here? Wouldn't it take forever to get back here from the Estate?"

"Mmm, it would, but you can teleport back. It took me awhile to get close enough to register where anyone was and I found you here, but ran into quite a problem." Lisa motioned behind him.

"The trap?" Lee Seng turned to look.

"Mmhm. Spike trap. One wrong move and I would have to make the journey all over again." Lisa shook her head. "So, is it just you here? Where's David? Did he respawn?"Lee Seng was unsure of where David went. The broken bone cocoon appeared in his head.

"Honestly, I lost him." Lee Seng told her. Lisa nodded like she expected that answer. "He was with me, all fine and what not, but his bi-polar mood has been killin' me. He freaked out when I tested if we could portal our way to this building because we were so high up. He went from scared to angry with me and then went berserk. One of the enemies was a problem though."

"How so?" Lisa asked. She was attentive to everything Lee Seng was telling her. She was loads better than David and he wondered what she personally thought of David.

"That announcer guy in the arena. Y'know he how he was a demon?" Lee Seng asked her.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"This old guy out of the whole group turned into a demon satyr. He was fast. Had fast kicks and horns strong as steel, maybe better than that. He impaled me and David a couple of times and could regrow his horns like nothing. He had the power to phase through whatever, but spiritual attacks managed to work on him." Lee Seng explained. Lisa nodded, thinking for a moment.

"And what happened to David after that?"

"I tried to heal him but he wouldn't heal." Lee Seng told her. Her face scrunched, slightly, for a moment and nodded. "That isn't a good sign, huh?"josei

"No." Lisa shook her head. "I think you need to know a couple of things before we head out. One, that form you saw me in isn't new. It happens every so often, but I've been struggling to control it. I've gotten a better grasp of it as of late, so my added strength will aid you in the upcoming battle. Two, David has had his Sin form for awhile, but it apparently hasn't finished its full capacity, yet. His bi-polar mood swings are heavily influenced from what he was in life."

"Figured that much." Lee Seng commented.

"So with that said, a cocoon is… Bad. I'm shocked you aren't dead. How close were you to him?" Lisa asked.

"Thirty… Forty feet?"

"You're lucky he didn't kill you. What were you doing? Sitting? Waiting for him?"

"I was waiting for him, but I… Fell asleep."

"Extremely lucky." Lisa nodded her head a little faster.

"So I could've died…" Lee Seng whispered. He sighed and rolled his neck. "I guess I was more tired than I thought."

"You never think of needing to eat, drink water and sleep when you die, but you do, especially if you're in this place." Lisa motioned. "Speaking of that, I got some more food. I assume you're hungry." Lisa started to pull her backpack off when Lee Seng grabbed his necklace. A mercury glow emitted off of it and the next thing Lisa knew, Lee Seng was digging out some uncooked food.

"I remembered I have this, but there's no fire…" Lee Seng whispered.

"Oh, throw that out. We aren't going to eat some random meat you scavenged off of some beast. I brought food and the lady gave me what you liked when I gave her your name, so here." Lisa pulled out a dark gray container and offered it up to Lee Seng. "They're color coded by our Lords." Lisa commented. Lee Seng nodded as he emptied his uncooked Vryk meat, tossing them into the hallway.

He took the container and the silverware and planted his butt where he stood and opened it. It was hot and fresh. It was kimchi stir fried rice with eggs. Lee Seng took a moment to give a small thank you before digging in.

"Ugh." Lee Seng rolled his eyes. "I didn't realize how famished I was because we were always moving."

"Slow down. We have time." Lisa sat down diagonally from him. "I have tons of water too."

"How'd you fit all of that in there?" Lee Seng asked.

"It's an enchanted bag." Lisa replied.

"A bag of holding…" Lee Seng whispered with his mouth full.


"Nothing." Lee Seng continued to dig into his meal as Lisa sat a water bottle down next to him. Lee Seng grabbed the water bottle, setting his food aside to open the bottle. He chugged some of the water and continued eating his food.

"So, could I ask a question about your… Outfit?" Lisa motioned her hand around Lee Seng's appearance. "H-how did you… What's up with this?"

"Oh, this?" Lee Seng looked down. "It's part of my Biohuman powers."

"Biohuman powers? I thought you were a Fox Spirit."

"Mmm, I am that too." Lee Seng took another gulp of water, setting it down as he focused his attention onto Lisa. "I'm a Biohuman and a Fox Spirit. I'm an interesting case because I'm one of the first Fox Spirit-Biohumans. My Biohuman power is gravity… Well, Cosmos now. With that came the strange sub-ability to manipulate my Dark Matter — do you know what that is?"

"I-I'm familiar. There's plenty of people who've explained it to me before." Lisa nodded.

"Okay. Well, this skintight suit is pure Dark Matter. The strange off-set ability allowed me to basically do this. It was only possible because of my Fox Spirit abilities, too."

"Sounds very complicated. So, what can you do with this suit?"

"I can create tentacles. Fuse my weapon to be stronger with the help of the Dark Matter… Be more flexible with it, honestly. I can imitate my Fox tails with them."

"Oh, where did those go?" Lisa began to peek for them, but only noticed the Fox ears poking out from his head.

"They're in the suit." Lee Seng set his food down and stood up. The gold and silver lines started in the back where his tail bone would be and coursed throughout the suit.

"Ah. So, this suit allows you to use both of your abilities at the same time?"

"Yeah." Lee Seng sat back down and grabbed his food. He scooped another bite in his mouth. "Although it takes a lot of DME… But enough about me, let's talk game plan."

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