
Chapter 557 Gone Dark

Chapter 557 Gone Dark

Soldiers were running around as Lee Seng and his team of Merfolk landed. Rya led the team towards the large crystal tower. When they entered, people noticed them right away and swam over.

"Squadron Leader Rya! You're safe!" A young Merman spoke.

"Thank Hydran, you're here! You gotta help us!" A mermaid frowned.

"What's the deal? Does the village need more help?" Rya asked.

"We have more pressing matters!" The mermaid replied. "Calis' squad went dark! They were checking in with me when the Earthquake started and then something happened to the other Fox Spirit! What do we do?!?"

The mermaid was in distress like the rest of the Merfolk in the room. The earthquake was ruining currents and tearing paths apart like nothing. Rya thought for a moment before answering.

"How long until the Earthquake settles?" Rya asked.

"It's not going to settle anytime soon." The Merman replied. "According to the calculations, we got another fifteen minutes at least."

"But if we don't save them, they could be lost forever!" The mermaid cried.

"You said you had their last coordinates?" Rya asked.

"Yes here." The mermaid pulled out the conch and gave it to Rya. Rya peered inside and nodded turning to her team.

"They're in Tangled Grove. Who knows what happened to them there." Rya sighed. Keng looked around and noticed Aliza and Cayi frowning.

"What's Tangled Grove? Is it safe?" Keng asked.

"They were supposed to go through Tangled Grove and enter the lower regions. They got caught in a trap laid out by some Ferals. The Fox Spirit was snatched away and Calis had to divert their attention to saving her." The mermaid explained.

"And that's when they went dark?" Rya asked. The mermaid nodded and Rya simply nodded.

"If we get close enough to Lily, I can find her." Keng spoke up. "I'm very familiar with her energy, so finding them won't be too hard."

"If the others got lost, Leader…" Vizo looked at Rya.

"We are familiar with Calis' squad. We know their energies and can be on the lookout for them." Rya replied. "Vizo and I can keep an eye out for them while we traverse the Grove."

"But what if we–" Aliza began to speak when Rya shushed her.

"No negative talk. We will find them because we must. The Grove maybe teeming with enemies but it doesn't mean we can't find them. Aliza, you're our Scout for a reason. You're trained to do this."

"Well, it's going to be hard looking for multiple people. Who's gonna help me do that?" Aliza asked.

"I can." Keng lifted his hand.

"Ah, you did say you were quite adept when it came to Sight and Hearing Energy Sense, right?" Rya asked. Keng nodded. "Right. You did say you were gifted in those areas."

"Could I see something of the group? It would make it easier for me to know what to look out for."

"Oh, Freppie left his scarf behind." The mermaid piped up. She swam over towards a door and opened it. A moment later, she came back out. She swam up to Keng and handed it over. "Will this do?" The scarf was imbued with red-yellow energy. Freppie's scarf chimed like usual, but as he lifted it up, he could hear someone singing.

"Oh, ho, I'm a pirate. It's a pirate's life for me~"

"Is…" Keng smiled. "Does Freppie sing a song about being a pirate?"

"Whoa!" Aliza moved backwards. "How did you know?"

"I can hear it in the scarf… Well, in the energy. Does Freppie sing this a lot?"

"All the time, actually." Vizo nods.

"Hm, I didn't know someone's singing could actually become embedded in their Energy." Rya nods impressed.

"Anyone else?" Keng hands the scarf over to the mermaid.

"Mmm… No, I don't think so. Squadron Leader Calis has a bright energy. You can't miss it. Denni and Trenni have a mix of each other's colors since they're twins." The mermaid adds.

"Good to know. What's next, Leader?" Keng turns to look at Rya, who seems to have conjured a plan.

"Tyu, do we still have packs?" Rya glances at the merman. Tyu nods.

"There's a few left because the others are using them." Tyu replied.

"Good, give us what you can spare. We'll leave after this." Rya nods. She turned her attention to Keng. "You should know a few things about the Grove, Fox Spirit Keng. The Grove is nortorious for the creatures inside. Ferals are the first of many to run amok there. Due to the earthquake, I can see it not being a problem. The paths are narrow there and entering there inhibits how fast one can traverse the Grove. You'll have to navigate us with Aliza's help, alright?"

"Okay." Keng nodded.

"Here, Rya." Tyu hands the pack over to her. Vizo takes it and straps it on his back, letting his prized trident float in front of him.

"I've been meaning to ask, Mr. Vizo." Keng steps forward. He points at the trident. "Why doesn't your trident give off energy? It's always on you, so I thought items like that should always have traces of your Energy."

"That's because I don't have energy." Vizo replied. Keng's mouth widened and Vizo smiles, grabbing the trident. "I have energy, but because of the way my ability works, I don't have any."


"Vizo saps energy from his enemies!" Aliza joyfully adds. She mimics stabbing noises. "His strength is stronger than any Merfolk and large creature! That's why he has little to no energy signatures!"

"Ah." Keng nods. "Your strength is regarded as useful here."

"You are quite strong, yourself, Fox Spirit. Is it different above?" Vizo asks.

"Well, the Fox Spirits don't care, but my twin's people - the Biohumans - don't regard strength as power."

"Strange." Rya replies. "Strength above all is useful here. You can help cut the corals, move the buildings to and fro, and so much more. Why do your twin's Biohuman people no regard your and his strength as nothing?"

"Well…" Keng thinks aloud. "I'm not sure. Having immense strength, speed, intellect and quick natural healing is a power in of itself. I'm not sure why the Biohumans think of it as nothing. Maybe it's because it's too simple."

"Has your twin fought against anyone who is powered?" Vizo asks. Keng nods. "Has he beaten any of them?"

"Oh, he's beaten plenty!"

"And yet they call his gifts nothing." Vizo shakes his head.

"Alright, enough of that." Rya claps. "Let's head out. We need to get to the Grove before something bad happens. Aliza, Cayi, are you ready?"

"Ready, Leader!" Aliza raises her hand. Cayi nervously nods. Rya's eyes linger on him for a moment. Cayi's nerves disappear and he nods.

"Alright, let's go!" Rya motions.

"We should keep the conch just in case." Vizo suggest to Rya.

"Good thinking. Tyu, Era, we'll keep their conch. You have ours?" Rya looks back at the merman and mermaid standing next to each other.

"Yes, Leader Rya. We'll keep in touch with you with that. Please find them and bring them back." Era replies.

"May Hydran guide your squad." Tyu and Era bows in unison. Keng follows the group as they filter out. As soon as he steps out, he can feel the earth shaking. Despite an earthquake happening, he had felt very little of it in the tower.

'Could be the enchantments on this place.' Keng thought. Rya led the group left, the opposite direction they had come from. They eventually reach the walls and a group of warriors spot them.

"Rya! Vizo! Where are you going? It's dangerous to leave!" A warrior swims up to the group. "Turn back. It's not safe!"

"We don't have time for this, Yim. We were tasked with bringing Callis and his squad home." Rya explained.

"You're going to save my son and his squad?" The warrior asks.

"Son?" Keng whispers. "Who's his son?"

"Calis." Cayi answers.

"C-calis? H-he looks so young!"

"Merfolk life is quite long and prosperous. Calis's dad is only in his two hundreds. Doesn't Fox Spirits have immortality or something?" Cayi looks at Keng.

"I-If we get our nine tails, b-but then!" Keng looks at Calis's dad conversing with Vizo and Rya. He seems to be nodding as Rya gives him an explanation.

"Alright." Calis's dad nods. He looks over at Keng. "Fox Spirit, come here." Keng moves to the front with Vizo and Rya. He gives a small bow.

"H-hello, sir." Keng greets him.

"Hello." Calis's dad responds. "I hear you're navigating Rya's squad into the Grove. Will you need more energy for the journey?"

"Uh…" Keng looks at Rya and Vizo. "I didn't really think of that, actually." Calis's dad laughs and turns around.

"Doi! Come here for a second!" Calis's dad waves. A female warrior swims away from the group, heading voer to them.

"Everything alright, Captain?" Doi looks at Calis before acknowleding the rest of the group. "Where are you guys going? It's dangerous to go outside."

"They have special permission." Calis responds. "The Fox Spirit, here, can navigate them through the wild currents without it getting crazy. Rya has just asked me if we could offer some food to rejuvenate him. They're going to the Grove."

"Oh, the Grove. To look for Calis and his squadron?" Doi asks.

"Correct. They're finding Calis and the other Fox Spirit. Do you have any of those roes?"

"I have plenty, Captain." Doi sticks there hand into a watery portal and pulls out small roe beads. "Here you go, Fox Spirit. Eat one now." Doi hands Keng some.

"What does it do?" Keng asks.

"It gives you energy." Rya replies. "Eat one. It'll be a long journey."

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