
Chapter 593 A Hectic Morning With The Crew

Chapter 593 A Hectic Morning With The Crew

Ritsuka shook his head. Manny's behavior had been increasingly moody and bi-polar. From what Keng learned from Ritsuka, Manny's been going out a lot and coming back in the morning. He would sleep around with other students to pass time. Keng guessed it was his way of coping with things, but now that "Lee Seng" was back… Would he still do that?

Ritsuka and Keng called it a night after that. They said their good nights and Keng took a shower, a nice, almost scalding hot shower and hit the hay. Surprisingly to Keng, the sheets were new. They weren't old and left to build dust.

'I wonder who did this.' Keng thought as he settled into bed. He let out a yawn as his eyes drooped lower. 'Thank god Ritsuka's here to help me… I need to… Figure out how to deal with school and then… Then I can…'

An alarm blared Keng awake. He jolted out of bed and looked around. The noise was coming from everywhere but he didn't really know where it was coming from. It took him a minute with scrambling out of the twisted sheets to find the source. IT was coming from the holographic clock on Lee Seng's desk!

"When did this even turn on?" Keng whispered, shutting it off. He stretched, letting out a groan as the holographic clock flicked some casual information to him. It was early April. Not a strange thing for it to be kinda cold in April… Well, that's what the memories from Lee Seng told him. It wasn't too strange. They did get snow in May one year. Keng shrugged and moved to the door, opening it.

He was in boxer briefs and had a case of bed hair that would've been called "perfect" from others. He made his way to the bathroom, only to be greeted by an opening door. Hot steamy air filtered its way out and a shirtless Ritsuka stood in the doorway.

"Mornin'." Ritsuka waved. "Had a good sleep?" He stepped out of the bathroom and leaned on the other side of the door frame.

"Mmm." Keng nodded, still half asleep. He was used to waking up as soon as the sun was out, but his body had told him otherwise today.

"If you want to, you could work out with me in the mornings. I still do it twice a day." Ritsuka offered.

"We'll see after today." Keng yawned. "That was probably the best sleep I got, but I'm tired…"

"Wash up, get changed and get some breakfast upstairs. I think Evan's cooking today. You'll need it for Academy. You're going to have a fun time catching up." Ritsuka smirked.


"Don't even remind me!" Keng groaned, throwing his head back. "This is the curse I live with… Doing his dirty work."

"Don't say that." Ritsuka patted Keng on the shoulder. "If you came from him then you must have his IQ. It'll be a breeze. You can recall it up from here." Ritsuka tapped his head. "Get ready. I'll let you have your time alone."

Keng spent the next fifteen minutes on his usual routine. He might've looked like Lee Seng and sounded like him, but Daros had instilled a lot in him. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, went to Lee Seng's room and took some time to wake up with meditation and changed into Lee Seng's school uniform. It fit perfectly on him, not that he had no doubts, but this would be a pain.

He shifted into Lee Seng as a knock came upon the door.

"What?" Keng shouted in Lee Seng's voice.

"Can I come in?" Ritsuka asked.

"Come in."

Ritsuka opened the door and closed it behind him. Keng was in the middle of pulling the backpack up with a fashionable winter coat in his arm.

"I think you should try to see if you can even get into Lee Seng's stuff." Ritsuka told him.

"Shouldn't be too hard. I've paid attention to what he does sometimes." Keng shrugged it off.

"Just try in case." Ritsuka stuck his hand up to block Keng from moving past him. Keng sighed and threw the coat on the bed and pulled the backpack off and unzipped it. He pulled the tablet out and put his finger on it. It registered it was Lee Seng and unlocked.

"See?" Keng looked at Ritsuka.

"Now the laptop." Ritsuka nodded. Keng sighed and set the tablet off to the side as he fished for the laptop. He opened it and turned it on. It asked for a password and Keng sighed. "What is it?"

"This is easy." Keng scoffed. He began to type and when he was finished, he hit enter, raising his hand up into the air. Ritsuka watched, shocked, when it went through.

"How'd you know that?" Ritsuka asked. "Are you exactly like him?" Keng shut the laptop and stuffed it back into the backpack along with the tablet.

"No," Keng answered zipping the backpack up and putting it on his back. He grabbed the winter coat and held it as he turned to Ritsuka. "Lee Seng might be smart but he's too simple when it comes to security." Keng moved past him, opening the door.

"What's the password?" Ritsuka asked.

"I'm sworn to secrecy!"

The two went down the hall and up the stairs as voices buzzed. Keng put his backpack and winter coat on the floor as he moved through the living room into the kitchen.

"Food's on the counter! Come eat with us!" Liz shouted from the dining room.

"Alright!" Ritsuka shouted back. He jogged after Keng, sticking close to him. It was weird to have someone stick so close, but Keng didn't mind it. Ritsuka might've just missed him… and/or Lee Seng. He grabbed a plate and some utensils and pulled some random food into his plate. There was sausages and Keng had to grab some. Not because Lee Seng liked them, but Keng had similar taste. He smothered his plate with syrup and waddled over to the table. Evan, Liz and Olivia were dressed and eating.

"Hey. Sleep well?" Olivia asked.

"Feels like heaven." Keng replied taking a seat on the right side. Ritsuka entered shortly after and sat next to him. Olivia gave an odd look but didn't think too much into it. They all did miss Lee Seng's presence. "Where's Manny?"

"Mmm, I think he's still getting ready? He came home earlier." Evan answered.

"Probably slept with another friend cause he was sad about you." Liz rolled her eyes. Ritsuka snickered at that as Keng started to eat. Footsteps shortly came afterwards. It was Manny. He grabbed a cup of coffee and moved into the dining room, setting his eyes on Keng.

"Oh. You're back?!?" Manny shouted loudly.

"Ahhh. Loud." Liz covered her ears. Manny ran to Keng, almost spilling his coffee as he set it down and tackled Keng with a bear hug.

"Did they do anything to you? Are you okay? They shouldn't have had a problem letting me come with you but the Creator's such a dick! I was worried!" Manny barraged him with questions and opinions. Keng pushed Manny's face away from him. He was smothering him.

"Maybe I should've just stayed kidnapped." Keng annoyingly commented. He pushed Manny away while the others laughed. "Already tryna choke me out? Did you have a good time last night? Must've gotten choked well cause I see that line." Manny threw his hands around his neck, shielding it.

"What?" Liz tried to peek at Manny's neck. Manny was red with embarrassment as Keng laughed. "I wanna see! Not every day Mr. Playboy gets choked! Must've been—"

"Shut up!" Manny shouted. He marched over to his coffee and sat down in the last empty seat. He pulled his collar up to hide it and sipped, glaring daggers at Liz and the others. "I get more action than all of you combined!"

"That's… Nothing to be proud of." Evan shook his head.

"Are you going to stop now that Lee Seng is back?" Ritsuka asked. Manny grew red as he slammed his coffee down his throat and set the empty cup on the table.

"Are you guys done yet?" Manny asked standing up. "We're going to be late! Lee Seng probably needs to get there earlier to catch up!" The group laughed as Manny stomped off into the kitchen with his cup.. He was obviously hiding from his embarrassment but also trying to boost himself up with coffee.

The group eventually finished and all rushed out the door. There schedules were similar today so they decided they would all drive one car. They piled into the biggest car, which wasn't Lee Seng's, and made their way to the Academy with Olivia driving.

"You excited to go back to school?" Liz asked Keng. Keng sighed and shook his head.

"I don't wanna play catch up." Keng groaned.

"I can help you, bud." Ritsuka patted Keng. The two were squished while Manny was in the open space in the trunk. He was lying down as Liz sat shotgun with Olivia. Evan gave occasional glances at the outside, interested in conversation.

"We do have all our classes together." Keng nodded.

"Exactly! It's probably nothing too hard for you. It's all easy, trust me."

"Sucks I don't have a class with you." Manny pouted. "I would help you in an instant!"

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