
Chapter 62 4 Years Ago (3)

Chapter 62 4 Years Ago (3)


Lee Seng and the twins stood near the front door. Lee Seng slipped on his shoes and strapped the other backpack strap on. He turned and looked at the twins.

"Well, I have to go now." Lee Seng said. The twins nodded. Jae patted Lee Seng on the shoulder and Jason patted him on the arm.

"Will you be alright?" Jason asked.

"I'll be fine." Lee Seng lied. He didn't know what would happen. He had told the twins earlier that he got in contact with Akio an hour ago and that's why Akio was here. He waved goodbye to the twins and unlocked the door. He heard the rumbling of a black SUV.

"See ya, Lee Seng." The twins both said. They waved goodbye as Lee Seng turned and waved before heading down to the steps and towards the black SUV. The sound of the doors unlocked and Lee Seng pulled front passenger door open and stepped up into the seat. Akio stared at Lee Seng as he settled himself into the car seat. Lee Seng sat his backpack between his legs and buckled up. He ignored Akio's stare and kept his eyes forward. Akio quietly sighed and put the car in drive.

The drive to the graveyard was about twenty minutes away. They pulled into the graveyard and slowly rolled towards Lee Seng's mothers area. As soon as they made it, Lee Seng unlocked the door and hopped out. He wanted to see his mom before he asked dove into the chaos of his Father's plans.

He shut the door and wandered over towards the plot diagonally to the car on the right. Withered flowers and new flowers were set on grave. Lee Seng stopped besides the dirt and stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out a charm. He held it up and smiled. The charm was homemade. It was Lee Seng and his Mom hugging. He squatted down and sighed.

"Sorry, I couldn't come for a bit." Lee Seng apologized. "Things have been hectic since you've left. I... ran away from home. I know, I know. I shouldn't have but I was scared. I guess I'm still scared of what's going to happen. You aren't here anymore, so Dad could possibly do whatever he wants. If anything, could you hold Dad accountable for the promise?"

Lee Seng's smile turned into a frown. His frustration was eating at him while the fresh feeling of his Mom's stayed in his mind. He buried his head into his hands and wiped his tears away. He held the charm up and dangled it.

"I'll leave you with this. I'll make another one." Lee Seng said. He set the charm on the small dirt mound and stood up. "I gotta go now. The serum is in a couple of days and Dad wants to handle some stuff before school starts. I'll come visit you when I can."

Lee Seng didn't know he wouldn't be able to talk to his mom for a year after that day. He got thrown into hell. He remembered getting home and his Dad beating him. All the rage and hate flew at him while Lee Seng couldn't properly process the death of his own Mother. He attempted to run away again, but was caught. He remembered trying to contact Jason and Jae, but they ignored his calls.

He texted his small group of friends, but was ignored. Just like how Manny had ignored him and left him behind for Sara, Jason and Jae's attitude towards him suddenly changed. Memories flashed forward to the night he found them. He had confronted them about the ignored calls and text messages. He remembered their disgusted looks as Lee Seng told them about him being powerless. He wanted to talk and figure out if he had done anything to the twins.

"Why would you do that to us?" Jason angrily asked. "I thought we were your friends and you did this to us?"

Lee Seng didn't understand what they meant. He never got to understand and find out what they were talking about. Everyone around him left him. Jason and Jae took their anger out on him every day for the next three years. Whether they beat him up, practiced their power on him, or humiliated him, he was always in constant hate and anger.

Lee Seng began to keep quiet, blend himself into the crowds and only stick to the places he absolutely had to go and then go back home. The Biohuman serum never worked on him. He had the strength of a superhuman, but lived like he was trash. He started to call his own Father, the Creator instead. He put distance between the Creator and him.

The good and the bad flashed in Lee Seng's head. The good moments up until the Biohuman serum haunted him. He sat besides Olivia and the cheers and sounds of the duo matches echoed throughout the gymnasium. With a blink, the memories disappeared from the forefront of his mind and he let out a sigh.

'No matter how good it was, it won't make up for the three years of torture and pain I've been through.' Lee Seng reminded himself. His fingers bundled into a fist and he hadn't realized he was squeezing so hard in frustration. 'Things are different now. I don't have to run away. I don't need to run away.'

Olivia had noticed Lee Seng had gone quiet and wondered if he would be alright. Like most people in and around Capitol City, the articles on Lee Seng Chang were something to pass time for most people. She couldn't deny she read them to feel better about herself or even to be entertained that the son of the Creator was running a 'rampage' throughout the streets of Capitol City.

She had quietly observed him ever since she saw him. Her interest grew when gossip had made it to her ears that the guy with a white tail was the Creator's son. She observed Lee Seng and made some effort to talk to him to see if what the articles said were true. She was confused by everything she saw and heard from Lee Seng. He put out a friendly demeanor and didn't like the attention put on him.

She wondered what more could he be hiding. The horns blared as the clocks hit 0. Those who hadn't finished their fights, stopped.

"15 minutes are up. Please proceed out of the arenas if you haven't concluded your fights. If you are injured and need medical assistance, please see a Healer at the station in the corners." The AI voice spoke. "We will now start Round 2 in a moment. Look for your team number above the arena or inquire through your watch."

Olivia stood up and stretched. She had been watching some of the fights while she let her thoughts go and was surprised at the combat ability of some of the students. She did, occasionally, look at Lee Seng out of curiosity, but who wouldn't?

Lee Seng stood up from the bleacher and stretched. He yawned and turned to look at Olivia who glanced at his direction before moving over towards the arena. Lee Seng followed behind.

"You weren't lying?" Jae asked. Lee Seng turned to look at the right side of the gym and noticed the Kang twins walking over towards the same arena area. "I thought you were lying."

"Why would I lie?" Jason asked. His eyes met with Lee Seng and his face became hardened. He tapped his brother and pointed at Lee Seng. Lee Seng wandered over towards the left side of the arena and pulled the bow off his shoulder.

"I guess you weren't lying." Jae admitted. He and his brother walked over towards the right side and stretched. It was their first match and they had decided to find the other team they were fighting and observe them. To Jae's disbelief, it was Lee Seng and the third place girl, Olivia. "She's a Fighter, right?"

"From what I saw, yeah."

"So, we should overpower her first or go for Lee?" Jae asked. Jason stopped at Lee Seng's nickname and turned to look at his brother. Jae raised his eyebrows and Jason slowly nodded.

"Yeah, we can go for her if you want. I think Lee Seng knows what we're capable of."

"Alright. I'm just confused about why he has a bow on him. It has no arrows and he was in the Fighter physical exam with us."

The two watched as Lee Seng happily chatted away with Olivia. Jason couldn't help but frown when he saw Lee Seng's smile.

"He doesn't deserve to smile after what he did to us." Jason reminded himself. Jae glanced at his brother before looking back at Lee Seng. Jae's heart felt conflicted.

'Wasn't three years of bullying, enough?' Jae wondered. He was honestly tired of the bullying. He didn't care if what they were told about Lee Seng was true or not. He felt bad and wanted to apologize, but Jason kept him away. Jae did everything he could to not be harsh, even if that meant stopping Jason when needed.

"I'll make sure you understand your place today, Chang." Jason growled.

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