
Chapter 655 Tick-Tock

Chapter 655 Tick-Tock

"What do you suggest we do then? Follow whoever took Lee Seng into a portal and end up, God knows where?" Chan-Yeol asked. Keng spooned another bite of food, setting his plate off to the side.

"Follow it." Keng answered. "We can actually visit the place and figure it out from there if we need to."

"Won't that look a bit suspicious?" Akio asked. "You're currently Lee Seng. Wouldn't it be weird for Lee Seng to go to that side of the city?"

"The apartment complex is currently getting renovated. That one apartment building is just one of many that are technically done. I've seen some people living in it." Chan-Yeol told them. "It wouldn't look too suspicious if the Creator's son shows up to look at an apartment, right?"

"He's currently at the Academy. They'd find it weird he's looking at apartments when he's supposed to be living on campus." Akio motioned. "We can't use that excuse even if we wanted to. Is there something on that side of the city we can use as an excuse?"

"It's on the East side, right, Mr. Chan-Yeol?" Keng asked.

"Yeah. Walking distance of the city market, too." Chan-Yeol answered.

"We could go with the intention of going to the city market but make our way to the apartment complex." Keng suggested.

"That would be hard." Chan-Yeol sighed. "People are going to want eyes on you. Whatever you do, someone will know. Trust me, being in the limelight for your whole life doesn't really give you any personal space."

"Oh, I know." Keng folded his arms together and leaned back into the sofa.

"Why don't I go with Mr. Chan-Yeol?" Calis suggested. "If there isn't really anything interesting on that side of the city, I could go. No one would pay attention to me. They'll think it's work."

"True, it isn't just me that's in this whole plan." Keng whispered.

"Plus, you can go to the West side of the city and search for that building." Calis added. "It's like getting two fish with one spear!"

"That's an odd idiom." Akio glanced over at Calis.

"I didn't think you'd know what an idiom was, sir." Chan-Yeol commented. His slight grin was enough to get Akio riled up.

"That's it you little—" Akio grappled with Chan-Yeol. The two acted like Manny and Ritsuka.

"What do you think?" Calis asked Keng. Akio released Chan-Yeol, hitting him on the head with his knuckles before moving back to his seat. "I'm good at spotting portals, too. It's how I get places quickly."

"I guess you can do it." Keng shrugged. "Not like I have as much choice as Lee Seng." He picked up his plate of food and began to eat, again.

"With that out of the way, what's on the West side of the city?" Chan-Yeol asked. "Where'd you get this info from?"

"An Ice Elf." Keng answered. "Specifically, from the Grand Healer."

"I thought they kept to themselves." Akio looked at Chan-Yeol. Chan-Yeol shook his head.

"They've become more curious about the teams going into their area. I've heard some guilds have built relations with the Ice Elves and have said they're peaceful people. They don't like the blood shed and would rather coexist if possible."  Chan-Yeol explained. He turned to look at Keng. "You got this from the Grand Healer? I heard she's a hard person to meet."

"One of our VIPs knows her. She said for us to go to her to stave off the poison in her and the other VIPs' systems." Keng informed them.

"So, you'll go find this place?" Akio asked.

"Yeah, I guess." Keng stuffed his face with the last bits of food and set his plate on the coffee table. "I don't have much choice, anyways. Time isn't on my side." Akio set his plate on the coffee table and leaned on his arms; body hunched forward.josei

"What do you mean by that?" Akio asked. Keng's tongue pushed against his cheek, rolling his neck to the right as he scratched the left side of his neck.

"I thought I had a couple months left before… Things get worse, but I have less than a month and a half before… Lee Seng and I both go bye bye." Keng blew raspberries and tilted his head off to the side. He looked down at his hands and feet, all of the possibilities creeping into his head. "I honestly might have to cut school to figure this out."

"If you disappear, suddenly, it'll look suspicious." Chan-Yeol told Keng. "You just showed back up and you'll just disappear? I don't think it's a good idea."

"What other choice do I have?" Keng looked up. "I have less than a month and a half left. I need to find Lee Seng and reconnect with him. What do you want me to do? Nothing?"

"I'm not saying you should do nothing. You're already doing so much with help from us, why don't you just—" Chan-Yeol began to say as Keng stood up.

"I need to look for him before I kill everyone." Keng interrupted. "Death's at Lee Seng and I's front door. I need to find him before it's too late."


'How long has it been… Since I was put into this room?' Lee Seng groaned. He stared at the padded ceiling. Days had gone by, and one person would come in to give him food and the injection. He had tried to fight them, but each injection made him feel more tired, more worn out. He lifted his hand up into the air, noticing his arm shook.

'I don't feel good.' Lee Seng's arm descended back to his side as he tried to turn. 'I can barely move… It's like the Negative's just been put onto me…' The padded door opened, flicking the lights on. He listened to heels click on the floor and then settle onto the padded cell room. There were multiple footsteps that entered, and Lee Seng was too weak to turn and find out who was here.

"He's right there…" Michael half-heartedly lifted his tired arm up and pointed at Lee Seng. "Sapped of all his energy."

"You're certain the serum did its job?" An unknown male voice asked.

"Yes, I'm sure. Doesn't the Queen want him?" Michael asked, looking at Lee Seng. Lee Seng felt arms grab and lift him up. His arms slung around the necks of strange, suited men. He recognized Michael, who was standing next to a man who was dressed like a butler.

"Take him away." The butler motioned with his head.

Lee Seng was taken through the hallways into an elevator. The butler and Michael were the last to enter, turning their backs to Lee Seng and the two guards holding him. He found it hard to keep his focus as the butler hit a button. The elevator descended lower, turning negative. They stopped at Floor -10. The doors opened and the butler and Michael led the two guards and Lee Seng forwards. They entered a small room with a large machine in the middle. A woman in a dress covered with flower prints and a sunhat stood next to a similar looking woman. She wore winter gear and excitedly pointed at different things.

"Madam, we're here." The butler bowed. Michael didn't bother to bow as the two women turned around. The short, bobbed hair woman turned with the flower dress woman and beamed in excitement.

"Neo. Michael. You came with the one with Eleven inside?" Queen asked. Lee Seng forced his head up. They had spoken about 'Eleven' multiple times in passing to him, but he never understood what that meant.

"Who?" Lee Seng weakly asked.

"Oh! He's still got some in him!" The blonde woman with a New Yorker accent smiled. She looked up at Queen and tugged her shoulder piece. "Can I play with him, Queen? Can I?"

"You cannot Queenie. You're still incomplete. You have to wait your turn like the rest." Queen told her. Queenie frowned.

"I want to play though!" Queenie pouted.

"Put him onto the machine." Queen ordered. The two bodyguards pulled Lee Seng over to the machine and set him on top of it. He faced looking up at the ceiling as the two bodyguards latched the restraints onto him. "Are you certain, doctor, he won't break out? The last thing I need is for the Deimon Spawn to break out of his restraints."

"I'm certain, my lady." Michael answered. "He won't be able to break out of it. He's been given more than five doses in the time he's been here. The Spawn has gone quiet and has left the human alone." Lee Seng weakly grunted as he tried to break out of the restraints.

'They aren't even that strong…' Lee Seng tugged against one of them. 'What did they put in me? It's making me feel so… Weak.' Queen and the other Deimons turned around as the bodyguards stepped away. They stood at attention as Queen came close to Lee Seng.

"The Master shall be pleased when we tame Eleven." Queen spoke. She looked at Lee Seng with disdain. "How can the Master be so attached to something so… Chaotic? There must be balance and I'm glad we have a chance to enact that balance onto this one. Start it."

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