
Chapter 664 Captain Childs

Chapter 664 Captain Childs

The Captain licked her lips as she pulled a dagger out of its harness. She twirled it and grabbed it; blade pointed at Lee Seng. The odd thing Lee Seng could manage to observe while under so much pain was the Captain's eyes. They were void of any sort of emotion. Her rage was clear in her voice, but her rage didn't seem to show up anywhere else.

A beeping noise behind the three alerted them. Wysteria turned and casually walked out of the metallic cell they were in. She picked up the tablet and turned around to report whatever was on the tablet.

"Captain Childs." Wysteria spoke. "There's a Spawn signature. It's faint but it looks like its disappearing quickly."

"Did you really kill him? Was that what your crazy monster form was?" Captain Childs asked Lee Seng.

'Crazy monster form…?' Lee Seng repeated in his head. The flash of the nightmare popped in his head. A sharp pain shot through his head as he bumped his head on the metal restraint in front of him.

"The strangest thing is there's a third thing registering within him. It's growing." Wysteria entered the metal holding cell and stuck the tablet out. Captain Childs pulled the dagger back into its holster and grabbed the tablet. She and the man seemed to read it together and Childs' eyes widened.

"What the fuck is that?" Captain Childs asked Lee Seng. Lee Seng's stomach healed enough of the energy to relieve the pain. He gasped for air as he raised his head. "What the fuck is this, Chang?!?" She stuck the tablet in his face. The tablet gave him a screen of charts. Waves went up and down and there were multiple of them.

"What am I looking at?" Lee Seng asked.

"Your brainwaves, fucker." Captain Childs growled. Lee Seng's eyes scanned the information again. He could spot his brainwaves. He was obviously stressed so it was spiking, but there was a line that was barely spiking above the baseline. A third line was moving in between Lee Seng's and the faint line. The chart, or charts, were cluttered with similar waves.

Captain Childs pulled the tablet away and almost threw it into the man's arms. She turned her angry attention onto Lee Seng and asked him, "What the fuck is going on, Chang? You have multiple brainwave signatures pinging on each of those individual charts. What're you hiding exactly?"

"The faint one is clearly that annoying thorn in my side then." Lee Seng casually joked. Captain Childs's dead eyes narrowed at him like she was about to kill him. "I told you, he's dead! I guess in this case, dying as we speak."

"What did you do to him?!?"

"Nothing." Lee Seng shouted. The flare of black and orange energy oozed out of Lee Seng.

"He isn't supposed to—" Wysteria began to say as the black and orange energy started to eat the metal around him. Lee Seng's eyes flared a golden halo around his pupil as his form flickered.

"I did nothing!" Lee Seng smiled. He ripped his arms out of the bars as Wysteria and the man started to back out.

"Captain." Wysteria spoke. "Captain!" The man grabbed the woman and pulled her out. The metallic gate closed. Lee Seng pulled the strange cloth-like material off of his face, dropping it onto the ground as it dissolved to nothing.

"Scared?" Lee Seng asked. His eyes flicked to each one. Captain Childs seemed the least worried out of all of them. His hunch was right. "Scared I did nothing and that annoying Deimon died?"

"Deimon. So, you do know!" Childs flew forward, slamming against the cell as Lee Seng stood in the center of the cell. Her arms billowed with flames as she stuck her hand into the cell. "You know what we are then! You should also know how dangerous we are!"

"Dangerous?" Lee Seng cocked his head to the side. A pearly white tooth smile grew on his face as the energy dissipated around him. "I think you're just cocky."

"You little—"

"Captain!" The man grabbed her and pulled her away. Captain Childs lashed out at the man, cutting his arm off. The man pulled away, dodging her second attack, face blank. "Enough, Captain. He's getting into our heads. He can't do anything else in there. He just got lucky, right Wysteria?"josei

"Y-yeah." Wysteria answered hesitantly. Captain Childs huffed. She screamed letting a flame fire out of her mouth. The flames licked the cabinets and roof, triggering the sprinklers and fire alarm system.

"God dammit, Captain." The man whispered. "Did you just trigger the sprinklers?!? The firemen are gonna come now! Captain!" Wysteria's hand lit up in purple. She waved it and the sprinklers stopped. The four were somewhat wet from the sprinklers going off. The red fire alarm lights blinked as the blaring alarm screamed.

"You want to die, Virgil?" Captain Childs asked. "Don't do that again! I know what I'm doing!" The silver haired Captain turned to look at Lee Seng. She pointed a crooked finger at him and growled. She spoke something and turned to leave as Lee Seng gasped. Something pierced his chest like he was going to have a heart attack. Lee Seng dropped to the floor, clawing at his throat as he gasped for air.

"Let's go before they get here." Captain Childs ordered. "Leave him behind."

"Yes, Captain." Virgil and Wysteria spoke. They followed their captain out, giving last glances at the suffocating Lee Seng. Lee Seng gasped for air as he coughed. Smoke billowed out of his mouth as his eyes watered.

'W-what the fuck…?' Lee Seng thought. 'Is this it? Am I going to die like this…?' The fire alarm slowly grew quiet as Lee Seng's eyes blurred. 'He-help me… He-help me… I… I don't want to die!'


Fifteen minutes had passed, and it looked like Keng's ride was making no progress. His phone rang as Keng stared at the text message Chrono had given him of his driver.

Chrono is calling you.


"Hello?" Keng answered.

"Yeah… They hit traffic so it'll be a while. Do you think you can wait longer?" Chrono asked. The anxious feeling within Keng's chest was bothering him. The thought of Lee Seng being so close made him want to run all the way to the lab.

"Mmmm, I guess I—" Keng's chest swelled with a strange feeling. The hot chocolate in his hand fell, spilling onto the floor along with the phone in his other hand. Keng gasped for air as the customers around him looked at him.

"Keng?" Chrono's voice quietly called to him. Keng gasped for air, clutching his chest as people began to panic.

"He's choking!" A customer pointed.

'What the hell's happening to me…?' Keng thought. His vision blurred as his body swung right, falling out of his chair and onto the ground with the hot chocolate.

"Someone help him!" Another customer shouted.

"Move outta the way!" A doctor shouted. She had black hair and thick rimmed glasses on. She knelt beside him in the hot chocolate, ignoring the hot liquid. She pressed her hand onto Keng's chest. Keng could feel a calm feeling washing over him as his mouth opened, releasing smoke out of Keng's mouth.

"What the hell is going on?" Another customer asked. Footsteps rushed over to Keng and the doctor as she continued to watch the fiery smoke come out of Keng's mouth and nose.

"Should I call the hospital?" A shocked employee asked the doctor.

"Call them!" The doctor told the employee. The employee nodded, pulling their phone out and dialing the emergency number.

"W-what's happening to me…?" Keng asked. "S-smoke?"

"Save your air." The doctor told him. "It's clearing out. God, why is it so much?"

"Honey?" A man's voice called out. The female doctor turned to look up and then turned her attention back to Keng. "What happened to him? Why's smoke coming out of his lungs?"

"I don't know." The woman answered. The male doctor knelt beside Keng and hovered his hand over him. A warm light washed over Keng.

"How'd he get so much smoke in his lungs? He should've died from this." The man asked his wife.

"I don't know. At least it's coming out." The woman responded. She looked at Keng and smiled at him. "Don't worry, hun, it'll be over soon, okay?"

'Olivia?' Keng's mind thought. The woman in front of him looked a lot like Olivia. He squirmed, looking over at the man. His hair was cut short and was kept up with properly. He wore a doctor's outfit that seemed to have the same name as the woman's. 'Capitol Hospital…'

Keng gasped, sucking in air as he coughed. He shot up, almost swinging himself into the male doctor as he coughed.

"The ambulance will be here soon!" The employee informed them.

"Thank you." The female doctor smiled. She looked over to Keng. "Are you okay, student… Student Lee Seng Chang?" Keng nodded, standing up.

"You're soaked in your own drink." The male doctor observed. "You guys have a change of clothes for him?"

"Y-yes, I think we have something his size. I can—"

"I'm fine." Keng told them. He let out the last fit of coughs before smelling the fire in the smoke.

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