
Chapter 667 Emergency Response III

Chapter 667 Emergency Response III

The halls felt eerie with Keng walking them. Doors that were open at the start of the building, were now left closed. Any doors that were suddenly opened, were met with a gruesome scene of death. Sometimes it was a gray monster left while other times it was a poor Biohuman lost to the gruesome mauling of the gray monsters. Holes, scratches, and large chunks of missing flesh was left on the poor Biohumans that tried to fight them off.

Keng steadied his heart as best as he could. He needed to find Lee Seng before the others found him. If the Biohumans found him, he'd probably be questioned if he was even human looking. If his tails showed, they'd try to kill him in an effort of survival.

'Monsters are monsters.' Keng thought as he turned the corner, coming to a stop. The sight of Biohumans lying on the floor in a circle was almost too disturbing for Keng. He forced himself to stomach the sight. The amount of blood that painted the walls, ceiling and floor was... a lot. Keng moved closer to examine the bodies. Slash marks and large holes were left on the dead Biohumans. This was the work of something more than the gray monsters.

"It couldn't be." Keng told himself. He stood up and found a trail of bloody footprints leading away from the gruesome scene. "Feet… Where did you go?" Keng followed the footprints around the corner. He noticed dead gray monsters littered about. One was thrown back into a lab room, another in the wall. The bloody footprints continued further on. Keng followed them for awhile until the footprints started to fade away. From the looks of it, he found less and less monsters or people this way. It was like whoever or whatever he was following was going somewhere.

Keng stopped at an intersection and looked left and right.

'Three ways. Where could you have gone?' Keng thought. He turned left and looked down the hallway, weighing his options. Just as he was about to turn, he got the strange feeling he was being watched. Keng whipped his head to look behind him and saw nothing. It was completely silent and there was nothing in sight. All the doors seemed to be closed, and the hallway led to another set of doors with a red light coming off it.josei

Before Keng could brush it off, completely, something unfurled from the ceiling. A single red and black energy fell from the ceiling, dangling. It swished side to side slowly, capturing Keng's attention. Another thick red and black energy fell until six tail-like energies dangled. The red and black energy-like thing dropped to the ground, slowly standing. It was humanoid in nature.

The creature turned and Keng noticed a red cloth wrapped around its head. Before he could even make out anything else, an agonizing pain shot through his chest.

"Argh!" Keng dropped to the ground, clutching his chest. He forced himself to watch the humanoid figure lifting its foot, revealing the dried blood on its food. It slammed its foot onto the floor, cracking it as it watched Keng. "L-Lee Seng?"

The realization made Demonic Lee Seng rush Keng. Lee Seng lifted him up into the air and slammed him into the ground. The floor cracked as Lee Seng pushed down onto Keng's throat. He squeezed Keng's neck as Keng struggled to fight him and the pain inside of him.

"Argh!" A blast of energy flew out, pushing Lee Seng into the air. Keng threw his hand up as Lee Seng stuck his hand out. Two energies collided with each other, rattling the building. The doors and ceiling shook as the Demonic Lee Seng landed ten feet away. Keng threw himself up, feeling the pain inside pushing down on him.

"Not… now." Keng told the demonic energy swirling inside of him. "I'm so close…!" Lee Seng sprinted forward, black and red energy swirling around his arms as he threw a punch at Keng. Keng flew backwards, bouncing down the hall as Lee Seng continued forward. Lee Seng leapt into the air, energy sharpening around his limbs as he went in for the kill. Keng lifted his hand up, summoning Hydrosphere as a water vortex surrounded him. Lee Seng flew in, spinning round and round as Keng forced Lee Seng away from him.

"Lee Seng, it's me, Keng!" Keng shouted. Lee Seng's tails lifted him into the air as Keng stood up. "It's me! It'll be fine! Just… Just let me in!" Keng ran towards Lee Seng, water pushing him forward as the demonic tails flew forward. Blast of gravity flew outwards, knocking the tails aside. Keng jumped, raising Hydrosphere as his body shimmered. Lee Seng's hand shot out from the side and grabbed Keng. Keng floated in the air as Lee Seng's hand started to squeeze.

Keng gasped for air, pushing gravity outwards. Lee Seng's squeezed hand opened, releasing Keng as the two energies shoved both in opposite directions. Keng and Lee Seng landed on their feet and sprinted at each other. Hydrosphere shimmered, pulling the water on the ground up. Keng slashed in the air, watching water and gravity fly at Lee Seng, who deflected the attacks with his tails. The two went at it, quickly growing at a stalemate.

'Gravity times ten.' Keng watched as ten gravity rune glyphs appeared, shattering in an instant. Lee Seng immediately dropped to the ground, unable to move. Lee Seng's distorted voice howled as Keng jumped.

"Sorry, but I need to go inside!" Keng shouted, flying straight into Lee Seng.

Keng flew out of the Oasis, landing on his feet. Lee Seng's Soul world was covered in red and black. It looked like someone had scratched something out with red and black and animated it to shake constantly. It didn't take long for the world to manifest red and black humanoid creatures. They howled as they rushed at Keng.

'They look exactly like those monsters that chased Lee Seng and I to his old house.' Keng thought. He dodged right, watching one monster fly by while the rest tackled him. They roared as their jaws widened and went in for a bite. Keng's hand flexed, summoning a gravity rune that exploded. 'Defense Rune setup.'

[Runeweaving Water Sphere, Gravitational Shield times ten together… Holding.]

The monsters flew in different directions, hitting the ground and rebuilt themselves back to their original forms. They stood up and screeched as they rushed at Keng again. Keng released two more gravity blasts before calling it quits.

'Find Lee Seng.' Keng thought. He lifted into the air and watched the monsters slam into each other. They reached upwards like kids who couldn't grab the toy at the top. Keng turned his attention to scan the area around him. It was completely covered in the demon's energy.

"Where do I find Lee Seng?" Keng whispered.

"GRAAA!" The shrieks of the monsters drew Keng's attention. The demonic energy had summoned more of them and now they were creating a tower of monsters just to get him. Keng clicked his tongue and flew deeper into the Soul world.

Different areas began to pop up. Crumbled roads and fields of overgrown grass and weeds painted in red and black. The monsters continued to grow from the ground, following Keng as he zoomed through the area. He needed to figure out where Lee Seng was. The crumbled roads and overgrown grass fields quickly turned into a neighborhood. Broken homes scattered.

'Lee Seng's house.' Keng's eyes widened. The cape cod house stood out from the red and black colors of the world. 'I thought that it got destroyed.' He fixed his destination for the home, quickly gaining on it as he landed on the roof of the cape cod home. He pulled at the window and watched it slide open. Keng slipped inside, closing the window and locking it. He turned his attention to the room. It was Lee Seng's room. The closet door was on the wall parallel to Keng. It stood on the left side and memories of their Pact floated to the surface.

'A place like this wasn't destroyed?' Keng wondered. He noticed the action figures on the shelves. He traced his finger over it and realized it was in mint condition. 'Why didn't this place get touched by the demon?' He moved around the room. It was filled with a mixture of childhood items and a teenager's simplicity his parents didn't understand. Posters of bands and kpop groups were hung up for everyone to see. Old albums Akio had were on the shelves along with an assortment of books and figurines.

"In another life, he would've been an idol." Keng casually commented. He moved to the exit of the room and opened the door. It creaked revealing the darkened hallway. Keng made his way down the hall, listening for any signs of life. "The monsters aren't pounding on the door."

He descended to the first floor, noticing the house was in tip top shape. It wasn't dilapidated like last time. The house was in pristine shape. The neutral wall tones blended well with the dark flooring. The large front door stood at attention, locked and ready to be opened at any time.

Keng turned the corner, noticing the basement door was wide open. A low groan crept into Keng's ears as he inched closer to the door.

'What was that?'

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