
Chapter 669 Is He A Murderer?

Chapter 669 Is He A Murderer?

A swarm of news reporters sat outside the laboratory. They were waiting for someone. Cars rolled into the facility, moving to the back and pulling to the front where all the news reporters were. The collective hivemind of reporters turned and started to snap pictures and film as the Creator waited patiently for the guards to open the door for him.

"Move back! Move back! Make room!" The bodyguards shouted. A guard opened his door and the aging Creator stepped out. He had taken the earliest flight back after learning about the gruesome things that happened in his own laboratory. The Numbers had all told him they would handle it, but this was something he needed to see for himself. He needed to see Lee Seng.

"Doctor, is it true your son murdered the emergency response team sent to put out a fire?" A reporter shouted.

"Creator, where are you currently holding your fugitive son?" Another reporter asked. The Creator and his bodyguards pushed through the crowd. He didn't answer them. He acted like he knew everything, but this was one of the few things he was unsure about. Of course, he wouldn't say that aloud.

"Is your negligence to your child the reason why Lee Seng became the way he is?" A reporter asked. The Creator stopped at that.

"Keep moving, Creator." Number 1 spoke in his ear. "Don't answer anything they ask. The PR team has already issued a statement, you don't need to—"

"My negligence?" The Creator turned to the reporter. There was an audible sigh in his ear. "Would a parent ever want their child to become a murderer? Kill innocent lives who were just trying to help them? No." The Creator shook his head. "Lee Seng could never do such a thing. Don't ask questions that are absurd."

"Then why were the pictures online leaked?" Another reporter asked. The Creator turned to look at the reporter. A young woman, probably in her late twenties, had pushed another button. "Shortly after more response units arrived, there were pictures of the scenes that leaked online. Were you trying to cover it up like you always do?"

"The leaked pictures…" The reporters whispered. The Creator cleared his throat and began to turn.

"And what about that student that went looking for Lee Seng? Where did he go? Why is only Lee Seng reported alive? There were fifteen people dead, twelve barely alive and two people fully okay. The body count doesn't lie, Dr. Chang."

"Creator, you need to go inside before you make things worse." Number 1 hissed in his ear. The Creator sighed and nodded.

"Is he saying she's right?" A reporter asked.

"I see you've seen it all too." The Creator spoke. "A gruesome scene, don't you think? Do you think Lee Seng is capable of even doing such a thing? Do you think a kid who just got his powers this late could even be that powerful? Ha, if you're thinking he is from his Academic records, you're wrong. He isn't powerful at all. He's cocky and a troublemaker, yes, but the boy doesn't even understand anything when it comes to his power. Did my son kill those people? No." The Creator shook his head.

"Who did, then?" Another reporter asked. "Who's responsible for all of this carnage?"josei

"If you've seen the leaked photos, the answer is obviously clear." The Creator started to turn. "Maybe you should do your jobs better and look at these so-called leaked photos for the evidence right in front of you. My son is a victim. A victim. You should be careful what you say."

The chatter of the reporters grew to an all-time high. The Creator and his bodyguards moved into the building as a sigh of relief came out of his nose.

"Sir, you shouldn't have said anything! Things are going to be way more complicated now." Number 1 stepped in front of him. "You should've just followed the script! Things would've been under control."

"They would've endlessly talked if I didn't get them anything." The Creator told her. Number 1 waved the bodyguards away and walked with the Creator.

"Sir, whatever you do is going to be taken in the other direction anyways. They'll think we're defending Lee Seng for murder."

"But the clear murderers are already out there on those leaked photos, Number 1." The Creator looked at her. Number 1 sighed and ruffled her hair. "Where is he? Was he put in a safe place?"

"Yes. Aki—Number 10 insisted on putting Lee Seng in his room and leaving security there along with him." Number 1 reported. The Creator nodded as they turned the corner. The pictures of the carnage flashed in his eyes.

"Do you know who was here? Did you look at the footage?"

"We did and…" Number 1 trailed off. The Creator looked at her.

"What? Say it."

"It's her. The pyromaniac."

"Hm." The Creator nodded. They turned the corner and stopped. Where once was a bloody mess, was cleaned and back into pristine condition. The Creator scanned the area and sighed. "Have another crew come by and sweep everything again."

"Yes, sir." Number 1 nodded.

They made their way to the back of the lab. Security grew thick like locusts, acknowledging the Creator and Number 1 with salutes and nods. The duo turned right and turned left to look at the guarded doors. The two bodyguards saluted and stepped aside.

"Did he wake up, yet?" Number 1 asked.

"No, ma'am. He still hasn't had any activity of sorts." Bodyguard 1 reported. Number 1 thanked them as the Creator stepped in first. Lee Seng's half-lab, half-bedroom was in a state of disarray. The traffic of ins and outs was apparent. The two rounded the corner and opened the door at the end of the hall. Akio was sitting, arms folded, looking at the hooked-up Lee Seng when Number 1 and the Creator came in.

"Doctor. Number 1." Akio stood up and gave a salute. The Creator waved him off, allowing him to sit again.

"How is he?" The Creator asked, standing beside Lee Seng.

"The monitoring system hasn't really detected any activity. It's like he's almost… Brain dead, sir." Akio told him.

"Have you had Dr. Valentin come in and check on him?"

"Multiple tests have been run and they all come to the same conclusion: he's brain dead." Akio's voice trailed off. The Creator simply nodded and studied his son.

"Was I too harsh with him?" The Creator wondered aloud. The two Numbers didn't respond to the question. He shifted and pulled Lee Seng's arm out beneath the bed sheets and did a pulse check. After he was done, the Creator tucked his son's arm back underneath the sheet and straightened his back out. "Continue to monitor him."

"Yes, sir." Akio nodded. The Creator and Number 1 turned to leave. Just before he exited, he turned and looked at Akio. Akio watched his younger brother closely, hoping he would wake up like the other times.

"Akio, you should get something to eat and rest a bit. Someone else can take over." The Creator told him. Akio turned and bowed. The door closed behind the Creator as Number 1 waited for him at the end of the hall. She studied his calm face. He certainly had something on his mind. She waited for him to go ahead of him and followed him out. He stopped in the doorway and turned to look at Number 1.

"Nicole." The Creator quietly spoke. "Dig into the student who came to find Lee Seng. See if it's one of his friends, schoolmates. And have someone keep tabs on all of his friends including Manny. If any of them ask, tell them he's recovering and will be back as soon as he can."

"Yes, sir." Number 1 nodded. She watched him turn and leave. Number 1 stepped out and nodded at the bodyguards before continuing. She pulled her phone out, only to see another notification pop-up. Academy work never ended on top of her duties as Number 1. She unlocked her phone only to be met with a concerning email. She skimmed it and sighed.

"More problems… Not enough time." Number 1 shook her head. She tapped her messages and sent an order out to the other Numbers. They would have to keep everything around Lee Seng locked up tight and that means dealing with the press. "I wish you were here, Nicolai. You would know what to do best. I'm barely holding it together with all of these… Situations."

Number 1 slipped her phone into her pocket and headed out of the lab building. Security held back the reporters, hoping for one last scoop. Cameras flashed and voices erupted in questions. Number 1 moved through to the car pulling up. A bodyguard stepped out as Number 1 rounded the corner.

"Thank you." Number 1 nodded at the bodyguard.

"You're welcome, ma'am." The bodyguard nodded.

"Make sure nobody gets into the building."

"Yes, ma'am. Have a safe drive!" The bodyguard saluted as Number 1 slipped into the car, closing the door.

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