
Chapter 672 Custody

Chapter 672 Custody

"Sir?" A voice called out before everyone was pushed out and the door slammed shut. Lee Seng stood in his spot as he watched his father curse.

"Y-you bastard! Y-you would harm your own Father?" The Creator shouted.

"And you would beat your own son to the verge of death and heal him again and do it over and over and over and over?" Lee Seng deflected back. He took a step forward as his father squirmed. The sound of pounding grew loud as Lee Seng desperately wanted to rid himself of these feelings. "You're the reason I'm like this, Dad. The reason I feel every ounce of pain in my body. Shouldn't you take responsibility for that? Shouldn't you take away these feelings you put in me?!?" Another arm snapped in half. The Creator howled as the doors busted open.

"Lee Seng!" Akio shouted. A swarm of darkness blocked Lee Seng. In an instant, Akio was reaching for Lee Seng. Lee Seng was pulled backwards and thrown into the opposite direction. He caught himself mid air and flipped himself to hover in the air as security pointed their weapons at him. "Stop it! You're making this worse for yourself."

"Kill me then." Lee Seng spoke. He lifted his hand up and slashed at Akio. Akio blurred into another Dimension, only to feel the strike hit him. He flew out of the dimension and slammed into the wall as security pooled in, shooting at him. The bullets hovered in the air, dropping to the ground. A golden dagger flew through Akio's chest, impaling Lee Seng in the chest.

Lee Seng screamed in pain as Akali appeared in front of Akio.

"Are you okay?" Akali asked.

"D-deal with him… Before he… does something… He regrets it." Akio told her. Akali turned to watch Lee Seng wrap his hand around the blade.


Lee Seng screamed in pain as he ripped the dagger out. The guards split, slamming into the walls as Akali rushed forward. Her form instantly changed into light as she appeared in front of Lee Seng. She grabbed him and sent her knee straight to his crotch. Lee Seng groaned in pain as Akali tossed him into the ground. She landed on the ground, sending a karate chop at Lee Seng, knocking him out.

She huffed as groans grew all around her. Lee Seng had done all of this. He had seemingly injured Akio with his profound abilities and snapped the Creator's arms in half.

"Healers! Get in here now!" Akali barked orders. The healers flew in and looked around the room in horror. "Don't just stand there! Get the Creator healed now! Some of you heal my brother. Guards get up and follow me. We're putting Eleven into a holding cell!"


"We have reports that Lee Seng Chang has woken up, only to cause a ruckus!" The News reporter spoke from the TV. Ritsuka, Evan, Olivia and Liz turned their attention to it.

"Turn it louder." Liz tapped Ritsuka. Ritsuka reached over to the coffee table and turned the news up.

"Chang has injured his own father, the Creator, and Number 10. Number 10 seems to be getting surgery as healing wasn't possible. The report also states that Number 9 has locked up Chang in a holding cell while he was unconscious, and the Creator intends to keep him there until all is corrected. What exactly has happened to Chang? Has he lost his mind and finally gone crazy?"

"W-what the hell did he do?" Evan asked. Ritsuka shut turned the TV down and threw the remote to the side. "Does Keng even know what being quiet is?"

"He was gone for days and then we got reports he murdered innocent people? Is that possible?" Olivia asked.

"They also said online that a friend wearing the same uniform as our school went to find him." Liz added. She looked over at Ritsuka who seemed to be taking all the information in. "What do you think, Ritsuka? Is Keng capable of this? Do you think he… Y'know, snapped?" Ritsuka stood up and all eyes followed him.

"Where are you going?" Evan asked.

"To the lab." Ritsuka told them. "I've been there before and was questioned for why I was there. I'll go there to confirm the details myself."

"You can't go there! That place is on lockdown because of Keng and/or Lee Seng!"

"What do you want to do then?!? Just sit here and play with yourselves while we wait? I'm not waiting!" Ritsuka moved for the door as Manny flew down the stairs and stood in front of the door.

"We're not going anywhere." Manny stuck his hand out.

"Out of my way, Valentin. I'm not in the fucking mood." Ritsuka threatened. Manny kept his hand out. Ritsuka reached for Manny's hand, only to be met with a familiar paralyzation.

"Cool your jets." Olivia told them. "No need for violence. We need to understand what is happening. Manny, do you have anything?" Manny lowered his arm and shrugged.josei

"I keep getting the same thing. 'I'll tell you when I have time.' 'This place is a shit show. Don't ask.' Nobody's telling me jack shit."

"If you're in the dark then we're all in the dark." Liz shook her head. "What do we do then?"

"Nothing." Manny answered. He stepped away from Ritsuka, who followed him with his eyes. "We can't do anything because we don't understand the whole situation. Ritsuka went to find Keng that night, right? He was met with what?" Manny looked over to Olivia who sighed and released Ritsuka's head.

"Security. They wouldn't let me in… Why the hell am I even doing this? Let me go, Liv. Let me figure this out myself." Ritsuka pleaded.

"No." Olivia shook her head. "You know why you can't go there right now. If we go looking for answers to questions everyone else has, it's only going to cause problems."

"Then what do we do?!? None of you have any better ideas, right?"

"I have one." Manny raised his hand.

"Doing nothing isn't an option." Ritsuka told him.

"There might be something in my dad's office. I have access to it and could dig around." Manny told them.

"Aren't there security cameras? How are you going to get past that? Wouldn't it be suspicious?" Evan asked.

"Dad should have something. Hell, I know some of the Numbers keep some confidential information in their offices. If we can get in there, we can figure out what's going on."

"Honestly, if I were them, I'd be suspicious of us." Olivia commented.

"Why? We didn't do anything." Liz asked, looking between Evan and Manny in confusion. Olivia sighed and turned herself on the couch to face most of the group.

"Just think about it. Lee Seng or Keng goes on a murdering spree in that lab for God knows what reason. If I were the Numbers, I'd be suspicious of his friends and any schoolmates associated with him. What if they know something? Plus, Manny is one of the few people who didn't get memory wiped." Olivia pointed out. Liz, Evan, and Manny slowly nodded.

"Didn't think of that." Said Evan.

"Can you release me?" Ritsuka asked.

"Are you going to run away?" Olivia asked.

"Not after what you just said. What if you are right? Wouldn't that make us more suspicious? We're his friends so they'd obviously want to watch his friends, right?"

Olivia sighed and released Ritsuka from her hold. Ritsuka flew forwards into the door. The cold winter was quickly growing into a warm Spring. The snow was melting and brought some much-needed warmth from all the crazy news they were hearing. Ritsuka turned around and wandered back over to his friends.

"None of us has seen Calis ever since then, right?" Ritsuka asked.

"No, why?" Liz shook her head.

"I don't think we should worry about some driver right now. He probably got reassigned elsewhere." Manny brushed it off. "They'd be focused on trying to minimize any sort of rumors from spreading. So, it makes sense he's not around and someone's probably on us." Evan casually looked around, wondering if someone was watching them now.

'Who would follow us around though?' Evan wondered. 'What if they've been watching us ever since the incident? Wouldn't that mean they've been watching for almost a week now?' He pulled his phone out and began to type it out but stopped himself. He groaned, unsure if he should send it.

"What?" Liz asked Evan, who stuck his phone out to her.

What if they're listening right now?

"You think so?" Liz looked up at him. He nodded

"Our tech, too." Evan waved the phone before shutting the screen off and stuffing it in his pocket. "What do we do then?"

"Live our lives until we have an opening." Manny casually answered. He seemed to be the one without any care in the world. This confused most of the group even more.

"What do you mean by that?" Ritsuka asked.

"He means what he means." Liz answered. "Let's just go about our days. I hope we can go on break soon."


Liz had pulled her phone out and typed something. She moved over to the rest of the group and showed them the message.

Let's be quiet about this. No talk about it whatsoever. Not even on our phones or social media accounts. Nothing. They could be listening right now.

"What do we do… then? Until, uh, break?" Olivia confusingly asked.

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