
Chapter 684 What The Future Holds

Chapter 684 What The Future Holds

Lee Seng's luck has always been strange. It was a fact he grew up always hearing because he was a "miracle baby." When Vang and Chee were struggling most while Vang was still studying to be a doctor, Chee was stopped and told good things would come at a price to their family as a whole.

"You… are seeing someone, yes?" The young woman asked.

"Yeah? Why?" Chee asked. She was a bit taken aback someone had literally called for her and ran after her. She didn't know this woman and she resembled a college student at best.

"Well, I just had a feeling that you and your husband were trying to have a kid. You have an aura about you that you want kids. Does he want kids?" The young woman asked. Chee grew a bit uncomfortable, scooting away from the woman. The young woman stuck her and out, telling her to wait. "I ask because you will eventually have a child! Just not yet. Focus on your careers and time will come for you to bear child."

"How did you know that?" Chee asked. The young woman pulled something out of her purse and stuffed it into Chee's hands. Chee glanced down at it. It was a business card.

"Come to me when you are with child." The young woman smiled.

Many years went by, and Chee had her doubts. Vang eventually became a full-fledged doctor and immediately opened a biology lab. She wasn't quite she why her husband did that, but she was happy, nonetheless. Their careers took off and they grew more financially stable. Vang's clientele grew bigger, and more income flowed in.

When they least expected it, they were expecting. Vang jumped for joy when he found out she was pregnant. He even took the day off to pamper his wife with gifts and to ingrain the wonderful moment in their memories forever.

Chee took this opportunity to get her husband to do some cleaning. They were so busy; they both didn't have time to do it. Vang sorted through the closet as Chee sat on the armchair, watching TV while occasionally eyeing her husband.

"Oh?" Vang's eyes followed the business card over to his wife.josei

"What's that?" Chee asked. She started to stand when Vang lifted his hand up to her.

"Rest. I can grab it." Vang insisted.

"I'm not even that along! You act like I'm useless." Chee grumbled, sitting back down. Vang picked the card up and flipped it. It was a business card to some business called, "Glimpse into the Future."

"Glimpse into the Future? What's this?" Vang showed his wife the card. She extended her arm out to him and he moved over to her and handed it over. She took in and read it, mumbling the name.

"'What's in store for you? Come in and find out!'" Chee read the tagline. She looked at her husband and shrugged. "Not sure. Did you get something like this?" She handed her husband the card. He shook his head at her as he examined it closer.

"No. I don't remember ever going near the West side for something like this. I don't even touch that side unless I go grab those beans." Vang told her. "Could it have, been you? It looks a bit old like it's been sitting in that closet for ages."

"Dunno… Maybe it could've been me." Chee shrugged. The TV show went to an ad break and Chee was finally free for the next few minutes to grab something to eat. "I want sausages."

"Again? We just ate." Vang looked at his wife as she passed him.

"Have you ever wondered what your future child's life could be like?" The TV ad played. A very colorful and dainty set of pictures that looked like they came out of a PowerPoint flew up. "Or maybe you're having doubts on if you should be with him or her? Well, if you have questions that are unknown, come down to our shop!"

"Glimpse of the Future~" The ladies sang. Chee stopped at the doorway and turned to look at the ad. A familiar woman appeared on screen, smiling at the viewers.

"Come down to Glimpse of the Future off Vivian Street and get your future read! Whether it be for love, future, child, luck – we can get it done! We're expanding our clientele so please come down!"

"For this week, we're holding a special offer! New visitors get $15 dollars off on a consultation reading! Come down to Glimpse of the Future now!"

"Huh." Vang's lips smacked as he turned to look at his wife. "Talk about timing, huh?" There was that familiar glint in his wife's eye. He knew exactly what it meant. They had dated through their entire high school and college lives, so anytime Chee had that glint in her eyes, he knew something was going to happen.

"It's her." Chee pointed. She looked at her husband. "That woman stopped me in the street years ago saying our luck would turn around. She was the reason why I decided we should just focus on our careers instead of trying for a kid while you were doing your doctorate."

"Really? You took someone 's advice?" Vang asked, a bit skeptical.

"Mmm, I did!" Chee nodded. "I should go see her. We should go see her! She did say to come visit her when I was expecting! Maybe she can figure out if our child is going to be something great!" She began to turn around, excitedly, and make her way out the living room.

"You really wanna spend money to see someone like that? If you want that, we can just go to one of the Shamans." Vang groaned, following his wife.

"Come on! It won't be bad! Let's just see what she says. She was kinda right in the end about our careers and the baby." Chee turned to look at her husband. Vang sighed and nodded.

"I guess there isn't any reasoning to be done here?" Vang asked.

"Nope!" Chee patted her husband on the chest and turned.

They arrived in front of the shop with ease. Chee excitedly unbuckled herself and unlocked the door. Vang sighed and shut the car off and followed his wife as she quickly got out of the car. He shut his door and quickly locked the car. Chee was already at the door waving for him to come.

They entered the shop. It was… everything Vang thought it would be. Smelled like too many things were going on in here and poor lighting.

'What if she slips and gets her and the baby hurt?' Vang thought. He moved closer to his wife, who was happily bouncing as she took each step. They stopped at the front desk and Vang took another closer look. Curtains were drawn, colorful wallpaper was up on the walls with popcorn ceilings. An assortment of random objects and things were on sale. Each tacked with prices as a woman stepped through the veil of hanging beads.

They made noise as the blonde woman looked over to the counter.

"Oh, we have visitors!" The woman smiled. "Hello, hello! Welcome to my humble shop! How may I—Oh, wait. I think I know you!" The woman pointed at Chee. She put her finger up to her lips, tapping as she thought. "Did I meet you somewhere?"

"We've met. Years ago." Chee nodded.

"Ahhhh. That's where!" The woman chuckled. "How may I help you? I take it you've come back with great news. This is your husband?"

"Yes! Thank you for lifting my spirits! Who knew our careers would take off!" Chee nodded. The woman nodded and studied Vang. He was stiff and didn't really want to be here.

"She dragged you here, too. Good." The woman nodded.

"Hmm? Good?" Vang shook out of it. "How is that good?"

"Well, if I remember correctly, I asked your wife to come back when she was with child… Which you are?" The woman looked over to Chee. Chee beamed with excitement and nodded furiously. "Good. Lucky for you there's a promotion running. Since you came after we met that day, I'll give you another 5 dollars off!"

"Really?!?" Chee asked.

"Sure thing. It's not like I see many of my old potential clients from those days. Come this way. Sit and be comfortable." The woman motioned. She directed them over to a round table with a crystal ball in the middle. Chee dragged Vang over as he tried to not roll his eyes at every little thing.

Chee plopped her husband into a seat and sat down, excited for what was to come. The woman kept her smile and sat across from the couple. Her eyes didn't go straight towards the ball right away. They kept on Chee and Vang.

"Doctor… and a Nurse?" The woman asked, pointing her fingers at the correct person for the job.

"Y-yeah. How did you know?" Chee asked.

"Intuition." The woman smiled. She folded her hands together and closed her eyes.

"What's she doing?" Vang asked, looking at Chee, signaling for them to get out right now.

"Just hold on!" Chee whispered to her husband. He wasn't too into spiritual matters. He really didn't believe in them despite both growing up in it.

"Interesting…" The woman whispered. "Your child has quite a lot of potential coming his way."

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