
Chapter 772 The Fortress Of Nature, Part 4

Chapter 772 The Fortress Of Nature, Part 4

Yusuf cowered as the average height Fox Spirit stood in front of him with his head cocked to the right and demeaning gleam in his eyes. Yusuf's lackeys asked if Yusuf was okay and then hell broke loose.

"You think you're all that, freak?" Lackey 2 asked. He moved forward and swung his fist. They were all large. It wasn't anything Lee Seng could deal with. Lee Seng smiled.

'Gotcha.' Lee Seng thought. The fist flew straight for Lee Seng, but was surprised when Jane was in front of him. Kiara was pulling Lee Seng backwards, snapping the hybrid out of his sinister mood.

"H-hey!" Lee Seng hollered. "What're you doing? I was about to pummel them!"

"Don't get into more trouble." Kiara told Lee Seng. She let him go and looked at him with her green-purple eyes. "You're already in enough trouble with James. You don't need to get into more trouble, hm?" Jane howled as she pushed lackey 2 into Yusuf and the others. The huge men all toppled over one-another, and Jane shook her head.

"All bark and no bite." Jane smacked her lips. "Piss off! We're already late because of him. We don't need to be super late because of you!" Jane turned and began her saunter back to Kiara and Lee Seng when Lackey 3 pushed the others out of the way and stood up.

"You bitch!" Lackey 3 lit up and the large double-handed axe on Yusuf's back ripped off and flew at Jane.

"Jane!" Kiara shouted. Lee Seng's eyes twinkled as the double-handed axe froze in place. The axe flew at Lackey 3, smacking him with the flat side of the axe and knocking him out. Lee Seng lifted his hand and grabbed the double-axe which was double his size. He looked at it and shook his head.

"Too large. Plain lookin' too. I guess you'd be a Fighter or a Tank." Lee Seng flicked the axe and watched it sail through the air towards Yusuf. Yusuf grabbed it and pulled it down towards his chest. Lee Seng looked at Kiara and then Jane. "Are we going?"

"I told you not to get involved." Kiara sighed.

"I didn't." Lee Seng turned around and followed Kiara. Yusuf growled. His body glowed a red color. He stood up and gripped the double-handed axe in his hands and rushed forward. Lee Seng and Jane turned. Jane sighed and watched as Yusuf swung his axe straight for her. Jane lifted her hand up and blocked the attack, negating the force in an instant. Yusuf grunted as he tried to push the blade into Jane.

Blood spilled from Jane's hand as she allowed the axe to come closer. Her arm lowered just enough to give Jane the right amount of force needed. She pushed the axe up and watched as Yusuf's arms quickly rose and his body followed the axe. She turned and Kiara continued down the path, taking a left.

"C'mon, can't keep the Sergeant waiting." Jane motioned to Lee Seng. Lee Seng spun around and picked up pace with Jane. They turned left twice and exited the cafeteria. Lee seng looked at Jane's hand and noticed the wound was still there. Jane noticed Lee Seng was staring at her and asked, "What?"

"Your wound. Doesn't it hurt?" Lee Seng asked, pointing at it.

"This?" Jane raised her hand. "Nah, I've had worse."

"You should get it treated before it gets infected."

"Don't worry about it. I'm tough." Jane smiled at Lee Seng who wasn't having it and grabbed her hand and turned her. "H-hey!"

"Heal." Lee Seng spoke the incantation in Fox tongue. A golden light washed over Jane's wounds and patched her wound. He let go and smiled before continuing to follow Kiara.

"How'd you do that? You aren't an Observer, are you?" Jane asked.

"Does he even know what that is?" Kiara asked.

"I'm a Specialist." Lee Seng answered. That was enough to draw Kiara and Jane's attention. "Fighter-Glass with low ranking in everything else. All-rounder you could say."

"Having two baskets of eggs wasn't enough for you, so you decided you'd do all four?" Kiara asked, returning her eyes towards the front.

"I can't heal the dead. I'm not that good." Lee Seng answered. "I can only patch small wounds like that. Most of the time, my healing only works on myself or my brother."

"I heard about your brother." Jane wagged a finger at Lee Seng. "He broke out of his cell and knocked everyone out, right?"

"Yup." Lee Seng nodded. "You'd think since we look the same, he'd understand what I was trying to do."

"But he didn't, clearly." Kiara commented. Lee Seng shook his head as they exited the building.

"Why are they taking so damn long? Can I go grab him?" A familiar male voice asked. James shook his head at the twin swordsman.

"You can't Eli. Kiara and Jane were sent because they're the least likely to be hostile towards him." James answered.

"He broke your rules. He should be punished, Sarg!" Eli complained. The black-haired twin swordsman noticed Kiara, Lee Seng, and Jane first. He quickly popped away from James and moved straight for Lee Seng. Jane quickly moved in front of Lee Seng to block, almost getting squashed by two men. "Let me see the troublemaker! He should be scolded!"

"He was…" Kiara softly spoke. She looked at James. "Twice already."

"What did he do this time?" James asked.

"Yusuf." Jane answered. James nodded like he understood. Jane pushed Eli away and allowed Lee Seng to join them in their small circle. Lee Seng stood next to James and Jane while Jane kept a hold on Eli to her right.

"You're finally here. I hope Yusuf wasn't too much of an ass." James said. Lee Seng shook his head.

"The beef between him and Miss Kiara seems a lot bigger than little ol' me." Lee Seng pointed. James nodded.

"I'm surprised you didn't crush him." Jane commented. "He was giving you the bug eyes too!"

"We're on a job. I cannot do what I want whenever I want. That's what I was trying to convey to our new companion here." Kiara motioned at Lee Seng.

"Companion! If anything, he's a slave forced to work!" Eli shouted.

"Oh, shut up, Eli. You're using too much energy and my coffee is just starting to activate." Jane squeezed Eli's head in her arm harder. Eli began to complain while Kiara looked at James. Lee Seng turned his attention to James and noticed he was studying him.

"Did you gather anything from observing him, Kiara?" James asked.

"I saw him doing the courses and noticed he's physically fit. It seems like he isn't in peak condition due to some underlying health issues, but DME flow is great. He has great power for a Specialist." Kiara answered.

"Another Specialist." James nodded. "That means the five of us are all Specialists."

"W-wait, huh?!?" Lee Seng's mouth dropped. "Y-you're all Specialists, too?!? I-I haven't met a-another Specialist… Well, a Specialist is naturally made…"

"What bullshit are you spewing right now?" Eli asked. He tapped Jane's arm, and she released him. He stood up straight and pulled his collar.

"Well… I haven't met someone who's like me through Biohuman serum means." Lee Seng specified.

"You know about the serum?" Kiara asked.

"I thought you were just a Fox." Jane added.

"Seems I misjudged you." James sighed. "You are Biohuman? How'd you come to be… In your current form?" The others looked at Lee Seng with the same question written on their faces.

"Well, I got the serum when I was of age." Lee Seng told them. "Nothing happened and I just so happened to cross paths with someone who promised me power. I became a Fox Spirit because of them." Lee Seng answered. He bit his lip and then looked at James. "How do people get powers if they don't get the shot? I know the serums are being distributed all over the world, but how did you guys get your powers?"

"A truck of the serum crashed and pooled into our waters. We drank it and gained powers no one could imagine." Kiara answered. Lee Seng stared blankly at her for a couple of seconds. She seemed like she was telling the truth. Lee Seng started to nod when a smile grew on her face. "I'm lying to you." James's group broke out into laughter.

"He fell for it!" Eli laughed. "I can't believe it! You really believed that?"

"I wouldn't have doubted it… It happened to a place I read in the news when I was little. That place has monstrous sea creatures now because of it."

"We got shipments of serum from the sky." James answered truthfully. "I'm sure you know that. The shipments were sent everywhere."

"Y-yeah, I know it's just…" Lee Seng rolled his neck. "I didn't think Miss Kiara could pull such a joke." Lee Seng awkwardly laughed.

"Well," James clapped his hands. "Let's head out." They all turned to follow James when Lee Seng appeared in front of them.

"One more thing." Lee Seng stuck his finger out.

"What?" James asked.josei

"I just need to put us into a contract."

"We already did this with the Druidess. That many people witnessing it couldn't possibly lie about it." James rolled his eyes and began to move forward when Lee Seng blocked him, again.

"It's not for my sake. It's for my friends… and I guess for your sake." Lee Seng looked up for a moment before growing serious. He lifted a finger and an orange rune appeared. "I will do all that I can to make sure whatever affliction is on your forests, gets eradicated within three days. When I clear this affliction, whatever it may be, my friends will be released, and we will be allowed to freely roam and do our business. Failure to complete the quest will result in my friends' death if I fail. If the Druid party, you guys, fail to uphold these conditions that were verbally made yesterday, all contractual limitations are broken on Team Zephyr, my companions and I, may do whatever we need to survive and finish our quest."

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