
Chapter 784 Rest

Chapter 784 Rest

"How could he hear that?" Lee Seng looked at Keng. "The guy practically whispered it." The two twins looked at each other as Keng motioned at Calis.

"Calis has great hearing!" Keng shouted back. Lee Seng shushed him and Keng covered his mouth like he had done the unthinkable.

"You'll wake up the kids." Calis smiled. Keng glared at Calis and looked away. Lee Seng agreed with Calis.

"I can't believe I complimented you and this is what I get." Keng grumbled. Calis kept his grin and shook his head.

"You think they have food at this hour?" Lee Seng asked. "What time is it?"

"11:58pm." Keng answered. He flicked the runic time away and yawned. "How can you two even think about eating at a time like this? I'm wiped."

"Crying burns calories." Calis answered.

"You didn't even cry!" Keng stuck his head out at Calis. Calis smiled and pushed Keng back into his bubble.

"I had to comfort people. Y'know, a leader's job isn't just leading! It's comforting, making sure everyone's okay and making sure they're fed. I guess you wouldn't know since you follow orders so well, fox reed." Calis gave a bigger shit-eating grin and Keng stood up and tried to pummel Calis. Calis giggled as he fought Keng.

"Take that back!" Keng whispered.

"No!" Calis chuckled.

'When did that happen?' Lee Seng observed. In all his time, he didn't really see Keng and Calis act like this at all. They seemed to have grown close. 'Did Calis just call Keng fox reed?'

"Keng." Lee Seng spoke up. Keng immediately stopped and turned to look at Lee Seng, tangled with Calis's hands. "We can evolve."

"Oh, really?!?" Keng excitedly ripped away from Calis and jumped over the coffee table and sat next to Lee Seng. He snuggled right up onto Lee Seng who smiled and pushed him away.

"Why are you snuggling up to me now?" Lee Seng asked. He pointed over at Calis "Go play with Calis. You looked like you were having genuine fun." Keng's face immediately grew in disgust like he was trying to hide something. He pulled himself away from Lee Seng's side and looked away. "You suck at hiding what you! You and I are the same person! I know my own ticks!" Lee Seng grabbed Keng and pulled him into a headlock. Keng and Lee Seng cackled as they fought on the couch.

"Get off!" Keng pushed at Lee seng, knocking his jaw a bit too hard. Lee Seng's head went up as he felt his jaw lock.

"Ow!" Lee Seng groaned. Keng pulled away from Lee Seng's arms and looked.

"Ooo, did I hurt you?" Keng asked. He leaned in to look but Lee Seng swatted him away. Lee Seng forced his jaw to crack, uncomfortably and hissed in pain.

"Ah, that sounded like it hurt." Calis uncomfortably shivered in his spot. Keng floated around Lee Seng, making sure Lee Seng was okay.

"Let me heal you." Keng recommended.

"It'll be fine. You didn't break it." Lee Seng pushed Keng away.

"C'mon! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!"

Lee Seng waved Keng away. Keng sighed and moved back into his original spot. He continued to apologize to Lee Seng as Lee Seng touched his jaw and began to heal it. He listened to every crack as his 'baby healing' power slowly fixed his jaw into a moveable state.

"Ow… That sucks more than fighting the Curse." Lee Seng hissed. Keng looked visibly disturbed at Lee Seng's bones cracking.

"I'm sorry!" Keng apologized again. Lee Seng brushed it off and flipped himself to lie on the couch.

"You two can take the other room." Lee Seng yawned and closed his eyes. "I'll sleep out here."

"No food?" Calis asked.

"Of course not!" Keng answered for Lee Seng. "It's late! We got a Cup to find tomorrow!" He stood up and stood at the end of the couch where Lee Seng's head was. "Let's get a lot of sleep and eat loads tomorrow."

"I think I got jerky in my pack, still." Calis stood up and walked over to the foot of the couch. "Maybe I'll eat some of that before I sleep. I'm starving."

"You always find an excuse to eat food." Keng rolled his eyes. The two walked off to their room, leaving Lee Seng alone. The door closed and some time went by before Keng came out of the door and pulled a blanket over the half-asleep Lee Seng. Keng watched Lee Seng for a moment, listening to his vessel falling deeper into sleep and turned and greeted sleep.

The next day

The home was buzzing with people. They took turns sharing the single bathroom and showering as Lee Seng quietly slept. Ritsuka, Olivia and Evan sat in the other chairs, waiting for the bathroom. Olivia couldn't help but take glances at Lee Seng as he slept. There was something about his face as he slept that made her more curious about him (like she wasn't already).

Ritsuka fished through his bag and pulled out an old phone with a grin.josei

"I wonder if the plugs work here." Ritsuka asked. He fished for his phone charger and stuck it in the outlet. He connected his phone and watched the screen turn on. "Whoa! It works!"

"Shh, he's still sleeping." Evan pointed. Evan glanced over at the phone and then looked at Ritsuka. Ritsuka booted the phone up and watched it go through its usual startup phase. "What're you gonna do? It's probably discontinued. You think your siblings would be looking for you?"

"Well… My family might still be… Who knows? It doesn't hurt to—"





Ritsuka's phone started to flood with notifications. Olivia stood up and walked over to Ritsuka and Evan. She hovered to Ritsuka's left as they watched the notifications continue.

"Holy shit." Ritsuka muttered. Lee Seng twitched. He took a large breath and stretched as the notification noises woke him up.

"Ah, what're you doing?" Lee Seng asked in a groggy, deep morning voice. He rubbed his eyes and looked over to find Olivia, Ritsuka and Evan looking at a charging phone. Ritsuka tapped his phone and pulled the notifications down.

"That's… a lot." Evan observed.

"The last message was three days ago…" Ritsuka whispered. Lee Seng pushed himself up and sat there like he was contemplating going to bed, again. "My dad called me two days ago…"

"Your phone is still in service…" Evan gasped.

"Isn't that… bad?" Olivia asked. "What if they can track it? It would give our position away." She reached for the phone, but Ritsuka moved the phone out of reach. "Give it! We don't know the implications of turning on any of our phones! Wh-what if they get a signal from that and you're found? It could draw people who aren't on our side!"

"Unless you have someone in or around your family that can hack and track without breaking a sweat, I think he's okay…" Lee Seng yawned. He turned and let his feet drop to the ground. The bathroom door opened and a few seconds later, Liz stepped out in fresh clothes.

"Okay, next person." Liz told them. She noticed Ritsuka was looking at a familiar device and stopped behind the couch Lee Seng was sitting on. "Is that… a phone?" Olivia scoffed and folded her arms. She didn't look pleased about the situation. "You brought your phone?"

"I just wanted to see if it was still in service." Ritsuka clicked the phone screen off and set it down by the outlet to charge. "It works."

"And he has a billion messages and calls!" Olivia pointed out. "Someone could track him now! We aren't safe!" Lee Seng rubbed his eyes and yawned again. Evan stood up and walked over to the hallway for a shower.

"I just wanted to see if they kept it on." Ritsuka defended himself. "Plus, I'm not the only one who would want to know what happened to me!" He looked at Lee Seng, Olivia and Liz. They were one of four people who couldn't get in touch with someone they knew for sure. Olivia turned and looked at Ritsuka like he had said something he shouldn't have. Lee Seng stood up and looked over at Olivia.

"Your parents wouldn't even look for you?" Lee Seng asked Olivia as if he already knew what she was thinking of. Olivia wanted to scream no, but she wasn't sure. Lee Seng looked over to Liz. "You must have someone other than your parents who's hoping you're out there, right?"

"My grandparents…" Liz sighed. Lee Seng nodded and turned to look back at Ritsuka.

"It's okay to be curious about the people you love. See how they're doing, how they've been handling your 'death'. There's nothing wrong with that." Lee Seng couldn't help but think of Akali and Akio. He wondered, deep down, if they kept looking for him. "How many people have left to shower?"

Ritsuka and Olivia raised their hands.

"It's just us three left." Ritsuka answered. Lee seng nodded and turned to walk to the door as a knock came upon it. Lee Seng opened it and Manny and Calis were standing there with a bunch of food in baskets.

"We come bearing gifts!" Manny announced. Lee Seng stepped out of their way and let them in. "They gave us a lot of food when I said there were seven of us. Ya think this will feed us?" Calis greeted Lee Seng with a nod before moving past. Lee Seng peeked outside and didn't see Keng. He shut the door and turned.

"Where's Keng?" Lee Seng asked.

"Someone flagged him down earlier. They said they needed your help with checking the curse." Manny answered. "He told them you were sleeping, but he would help them. He'll be out for a bit."

"That guy's always going above and beyond. I worry about him." Olivia commented.

"Hm?" Lee Seng looked at Olivia. The group gave each other similar looks before brushing it off. Lee Seng grew suspicious and stepped back over to the couch and plopped a seat with Calis and Manny. "What do you mean by that?" Manny tapped Calis. He motioned and Calis turned to look at Lee Seng.

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