
Chapter 815 Varja Gamadan

Chapter 815 Varja Gamadan

Lee Seng sighed and checked the disease. There were still spots on Varja but it seemed like the dragon was feeling fine. Lee Seng removed the barrier and moved back to Calis. The dragon moved freely, taking a couple laps around the cramped room before coming to a stop in front of Lee Seng and Calis.

"Boy, tell your Spirit to come out before I rip your head off. I should at least know the names of those who saved me, including him!" Varja demanded.

"I technically saved you." Lee Seng told Varja. Varja growled and Lee Seng ignored him and continued on. "If it weren't for me, you would've been stuck as a blob of disease for an eternity. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"

"Thank you?" Varja narrowed his eyes. "Hhahahaha! A human wants me to thank them! It is beneath me to thank you!" Lee Seng shrugged and looked at Calis.

"Then I guess we could just increase the disease again."

"We can?" Calis looked at Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded and grabbed his hand and lifted it off.

"Cast darkness spells on him. It'll regrow the curse." Lee Seng told Calis.

"B-but that would be…" Calis pulled his arm away and looked down. "Why would you defy a dragon? It's a royal dragon at that!"

"Royal dragon?" Lee Seng tilted his head at Varja, who was fuming. Stars escaped its mouth as Varja decided how he should rip Lee Seng's head off. Lee Seng took a brave step forwad and looked up at the dragon. The eight-tailed Fox Spirit was scared of many things, but a dragon? He knew not to fear them for they were a wealth of wisdom and power.

"I got a proposition for you, Royal Dragon Varja." Lee Seng cleared his throat.

"I don't want to hear it!" Varja began to turn  and Lee Seng blinked, blocking Varja's way.

"What is he doing? Just let the dragon go!" Calis hissed quietly. Varja's eyes narrowed. He lowered his face right up to Lee Seng's and blew bubbles from his nose at him.

"What do you think you're doing, human? Out of my way!" Varja shouted.

"Thank goodness Keng's reading came in handy. I think it was in a scroll that said something along the lines of helping a dragon out of a sticky situation means the helper - me- is granted a wish, right?" Lee Seng asked. Varja pulled away. "I am right! So! I want your help with something, O Powerful Royal Celestial Dragon Varja Gamadan. Something you can do for me that will change the tide for centuries to come."

"Change the tide for centuries?" Varja snickered. "You think centuries are long? I live eternally. Time is nothing for me."

"It will soon be nothing to me, either." Lee Seng smiled. He raised his hand out to the dragon. "Why don't you just listen to my proposition before you storm off? Better to be now than me forcefully using your own code against you to do it."

"Tch!" Varja looked away. "Where do you know such a thing?"

"I told you." Lee Seng lowered his hand. "My brother reads… a lot. Now, why don't you listen to my proposition?" Varja growled. His form flashed, revealing a tall humanoid man with teal hair and gold eyes. He wore a white cloak with teal accents with black pants and boots.

"I'm… listening." Varja spoke in defeat. Lee Seng smiled and bowed.

"I hear a dragon's wish can do anything. Is that really true from what the scrolls say?" Lee Seng asked.

"Why would you ask such a question? The same set of scrolls your brother has read was true about me being in debt to you, my savior…" Varja rolled his eyes.

"Alright." Lee Seng nodded. "Does this wish expand Realms?"

"No. It can't. I can only do things in this Realm. If you wanted all to be healed and rid of any diseases, I can make it come true. But, why would you use a wish like that on a place you haven't really even thought of home?" Varja was right about that. Lee Seng didn't see Daros as home. He saw it as Keng's home - a place he could come if he needed to be here. Varja turned to face Lee seng with his large arms folded together.

"You don't see this place as your home, Lee Seng Chang. That's what keeps you attached to those other Humans. If you let go of your Human existence, you wouldn't fight a pointless battle on Earth." Varja told Lee Seng.

'A pointless battle?' Calis thought. 'What does that mean?'

"I can't fully let go of a place I was born and raised on for most of my life, O Powerful Dragon." Lee Seng spoke sarcastically.

"Enough with your sarcasm. Get to the point." Varja impatiently hurried Lee Seng.

"If you can't solve my problem there…" Lee Seng whispered.

'Our fate with the gods?' Keng chimed in.

"Now you speak." Lee Seng rolled his eyes.

"I cannot handle Fate." Varja instantly denied it. "If I mess with fate, all of the gods will be upset with me… And it already seems like your fate was changed."

"Now what do I do…? Waste it on getting Calis's memories back?" Lee Seng whispered.

"Why would you do that?" Keng's voice came out of Lee Seng's mouth. "If they said he'll remember in time, let it happen that way. Don't waste it on an ungrateful bastard."

"Hey!" Calis shouted.

"I didn't say it." Lee Seng threw his arms up. "Keng did."

"It came from your mouth!" Calis pointed.

"Enough!" Varja shouted. He rubbed his temples and looked at Lee Seng. "You don't know what you want so why waste my time? I have places to be!" Lee Seng blocked Varja and shook his head.

"A twin Fox Spirit who's eight tails into his journey of nine. I'm the Savior Head of the Saviors and I have a wish from a powerful Celestial Dragon… There has to be something I need." Lee Seng tapped his chin. Varja groaned and wiped his face.

"Speak or forever hold it." Varja pointed at Lee Seng. "God King is calling me now that he senses me in my Dragonoid form. Hurry!"

"You could ask for a Dragon Blessing." Keng suggested. "It could greatly power you up for what's to come."

"I could, but what fun would be utter destruction with my capability now?" Lee Seng shrugged. "I know what I want. I want you to increase everything. My Biohuman, Deimon and Fox Spirit capabilities. Push my limits to… let's say an S-cusp rank?"

"Hmph, you want power?" Varja lifted his right hand up. A white starry fire grew in complete water. "You all seek power yet can't ever contain it. Are you sure you want such a thing? Only you will have it."

"That's fine with me." Lee Seng smiled.

'Our connection should be enough to strengthen Keng a bit… I should be able to do what I need to figure things out in Captiol City.' Lee Seng thought. Varja lifted his fiery hand to Lee Seng. His eyes sparkled the celestial sky and then the warm starry fire burned Lee Seng. Lee Seng winced, squeezing his eyes shut. He waited for the flames to eat him, but felt nothing.

[Royal Celestial Dragon Varja Gamadon has bestowed a portion of his power for you.]



'Hm, what's this?' Varja narrowed his eyes. 'He's taking more of my power than I'm trying to give him… This Human… He's more interesting than I thought. Fine, I'll give you more than you want.'

[You've successfully broken into the A-rank threshold and reached A+]


[Keng has successfully broken into the A-rank threshold!]

[Varja Gamadon's Dragon Fire and Dragon Eyes have been successfully given.]

'Hm?' Lee Seng looked at Varja. The flames stopped and Varja extinguished it without a thought. He didn't smile at Lee seng but simply walked past him.

"Enjoy the gifts, gluttonous one." Varja waved. "You took more than I thought you would, so I gave you some fun skills to play with. Use this well, Human! Maybe one day we'll meet again!" Varja exploded into flames, burning the water away, leaving nothing.

Lee Seng blinked a couple of times and then turned to Calis. Calis looked at Lee Seng and gasped.

"Your eyes!" Calis pointed. He swam forward and poked his head way too close to Lee Seng. "They're like that dragon's!"

"Golden?" Lee Seng guessed.

"Your pupils look like a reptiles now!" Calis pointed. "Th-the pupils! They're like this!" He pulled away and drew a vertical line. "They're not round anymore! They're like that!"

'Hoho!' Keng chuckled. 'It seems he's till acting the same when he's interested even if he doesn't remember me.'

"Well, I guess that solves that matter." Lee Seng shrugged. "Let's go back now?"

"I thought you'd never say those words!" Calis started to exit when Lee Seng grabbed him. He lifted his free hand and summoned a portal.

"Use the portal." Lee Seng pulled Calis over. "It's faster and more convenient."

"I dunno… It seems— AHH!" Calis screamed as Keng appeared out of thin air and pushed Calis inside. Lee Seng rolled his eyes and followed after, leaving Keng behind in a laughing fit.

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