
Chapter 819 Barracks Trip

Chapter 819 Barracks Trip: Helping Zixin

"Lee Seng's considering going back to the Earth Realm - back to the city." Keng told Lady Vix'I, Elder Jyu'so, and Zixin. He glanced over at Lee Seng. Lee Seng nodded. Lady Vix'I set the contained disease onto her desk and turned to look at the twins.

"You've made such progress in so little time." Lady Vix'I told them. "And now you want to go back to Earth? After all that's happened, you still want to go back there, Lee Seng?" Lee Seng didn't answer right away. He knew it was a lot to take in, but a large part of him felt like he needed to find answers. He looked at his hands and saw the flash of the Deimon. The blood on his hands… The blood of those people when Lee Seng went crazy… His mother. There were loads of questions he needed answers for and Lee Seng felt horrible for even wanting to go back.

"I ask myself too many questions about who I really am." Lee Seng spoke. "Who is my mother? Why did my father - the Creator - do all of this to me? Was I supposed to be alive? Why make me a Deimon…? My friends sacrificed so much to keep me alive. They even fled to this Realm, too… It sounds selfish and it sounds absurd, but we all deserve to go home, right?"

"Alright." Elder Jyu'so nodded. He drew the young man's attention back to him. "You want to go back. I understand that. There's a lot left you have to do, yes yes… but be prepared. I would get with Commander Chimera's men if that's the case. Gather information from them and build a plan from there."

"Have you talked to your friends about this?" Lady Vix'I asked.

"I mentioned it to them earlier. When Ritsuka and Liz are out of the hospital, we'll talk about it more in depth." Lee Seng answered.

"For now, I'll work on trying to find a cure for this disease." Lady Vix'I motioned. "If I need you, I'll call you."

"It's getting late, too." Zixin yawned. "I think you two should hit the hay. Rest your minds and prepare yourselves for the leg of the next journey."

"You sound like you have a plan, Captain." Lady Vix'I smiled. She folded her arms together and raised her eyebrows. "What do you have in mind?"

"They'll see tomorrow." Zixin smiled. "Lady Vix'I, I hate to ask this, but can the twins stay in your humble abode? I'll come for them tomorrow."

"Sure! It's been a long time since I've had guests. Could you get them settled for me, Captain Zixin?"

"Yes, m'lady. Good night, Lady Vix'I, Elder Jyu'so." Zixin saluted.

"Good night, boys." Elder Jyu'so saluted. Lee Seng and Keng bowed before turning to Zixin, who was obviously tired. He had a smile on his face and wagged his finger at the twins.

"You two are gonna help me tomorrow. Maybe even whip some of my guys into shape for me." Zixin chuckled.

The Next Day

Lee Seng and Keng stepped out of the Crystallium Tower and headed off to the market. Keng led the way to a random food stall and bought some breakfast for the two of them.

"Hiya!" Keng greeted the stall owner.

"You're back!" The stall owner exclaimed. Keng nodded as the stall owner looked over to Lee Seng. "And with your brother?"

"Yup. I've been craving your food and wanted him to try it." Keng smiled. The stall owner chuckled. Despite what Lee Seng was told, Keng held a friendly relationship with random people around the different Villages. Here, it was this food stall owner. Keng handed off some coin and thanked the stall owner before turning and handing Lee Seng some food. "Try it. It's good!"

It was some sort of corn dog. Lee Seng took a bite into it. There was some sort of meat that resembled a brat. The breading was thoroughly put together with an assortment of spices. Lee Seng nodded at Keng while they walked towards the barracks.

"This is good." Lee Seng told Keng with his mouth full. He took another bite, groaning in  satisfaction.

"Good. There's enough for both of us." Keng shook the bag. The two made it about halfway when Zixin spotted them.

"Found you!" Zixin shouted. He landed in front of them, donned in armor. Zixin's eyes flicked to the food. Before Keng could offer, Zixin plucked one out for himself and took a bite. "Ah, this hits the spot! C'mon, they're waiting for us!"

"Who?" Lee Seng asked.

"You'll see." Zixin smiled.

Zixin led the way to the barracks, entering through the open gate on the side and making his way to the back. The sounds of chatter grew. Armor clinked and rowdy voices grew close.

"Is that all you got?!?" A voice shouted. A lanky Fox spirit with two tails fell in the way of Zixin and the twins. "Are you sure you're soldier material? You can't even take a hit."

"C'mon, let's not be too rough now." Zixin poked out from the alleyway. He grabbed the lanky Fox spirit and helped him up. "You alright?"


"Y-yes, sir." The lanky Fox Spirit answered. Lee Seng took one look at this Fox spirit and noticed something within this Fox Spirit. He wasn't sure what it was, but it felt familiar to him.

"Alright, everyone! Line up!" A Fox spirit soldier shouted. They had five tails and seemed to be of a high position underneath Zixin. The rookies all swept into formations as Zixin stood next to the five tailed Fox. Lee Seng and Keng stood slightly behind Zixin and the Fox Spirit, watching. "Salute and pay respects!"

"For the Glory of the God King!" The rookies shouted in unison as they saluted. Zixin nodded as he plucked the last bit of food off the stick.

"Again." Zixin ordered.

"For the Glory of the God King!" The rookies shouted louder. Zixin nodded and started to pace, giving the five tail Fox Spirit an opportunity to glance at the strangers.

"Since you are all newer, I thought of a brilliant plan!" Zixin told the soldiers. He planted his feet onto the ground and turned to look at Lee Seng and Keng. "Some of you might've heard about the Twin Spirits, the rest… maybe not, but it so happens, your Captain knows them and asked them to help me out here!"

"Did we really ask?" Keng whispered to Lee Seng. Lee seng shushed him as Zixin motioned at them.

"I present to you, Lee Seng and Keng. Pay respects!" Zixin shouted. Every Fox spirit saluted in unison, even the five tailed Fox Spirit.

"Thank you for your teachings today!" The group yelled in unison. Zixin turned and smiled like a proud dad.

"Alright, alright. I'll let these two introduce themselves and we'll tell you what we have planned for today." Zixin clapped his hands. He motioned over to the twins to come up and introduce themselves. Lee Seng and Keng walked in unison and stopped in unison. They didn't really think much of it, but the soldiers seemed… Interested by this in-sync behavior.

"Hello." Lee Seng waved.

"Hi." Keng waved.

"I'm Lee Seng and this is my brother Keng." Lee Seng motioned at Keng. "We're Twin Spirits. I'm sure some of you might've heard about us, but if you haven't, Keng's the Fox Spirit that was implanted into me. Instead of fusing to become one like the majority of Fox Spirits, we both shared the same soul for quite some time."

"During our journey, we've adapted and evolved to live autonomously separate from each other thus calling ourselves what everyone calls us - the Twin Spirits." Keng continued. "It isn't to say, we can't still be one like this."

'My turn.' Lee Seng telepathically told Keng before pushing himself into Keng. Golden wisps fluttered as Lee Seng disappeared, leaving Keng alone. The group of soldiers gasped. "Lee Seng and I are able to do this once a day with each other." Keng's distorted voice spooked the soldiers. He looked over at Zixin who was even in amazement over what the twins could do.

"And I can still speak." Lee Seng's distorted voice came out of Keng's mouth. More gasps. Keng's body shimmered and Lee Seng appeared next to Keng.

"What else should we say, Zi—'' Keng began to ask when Lee Seng elbowed him. "Captain Zixin?"

"I think that suffices." Zixin gave them a thumbs up. He turned to the soldiers and clapped his hands, ringing the rookies back together. Lee Seng spotted a couple soldiers who weren't as impressed. They muttered about how 'fake' the twins were.

"They're just show offs. Nothing more. They probably aren't even eight tails." One of the soldiers whispered before quieting.

"Alright, your older brothers are here to teach you a couple things about being in the field. Y'see, today's barracks activity is actually in their home - the Saviors Forest. There, you'll navigate your way to the Saviors Temple, using maps given to you and finding your way to them. Lucky for you, Lady Nabi isn't here to teach you this." A bunch of cheers lit up. Zixin shushed the group and continued on. "But, what better opportunity than the twins sharing their scouting knowledge? We'll split up into groups and you'll be given a briefing by the twins.

"Take this opportunity to take notes and prepare yourself for the arduous journey ahead. The Saviors Temple is a large temple in the heart of the Saviors Forest, but the creatures that live there are dangerous for low-ranking soldiers like you. I and the twins, along with some of the higher ranking soldiers will be watching. Now, let's get down to the briefing."

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