Chapter 428 Corrosive Spit

Chapter 428 Corrosive Spit

The battle raged all around them as if the very fabric of reality had been torn asunder. The Acidspitters lunged and thrashed, but they were quickly pushed away or crushed by Samuel, a massive stone armor. The villagers also fought back and took down the Acidspitters.

Despite their anxiety and fear, the villagers didn't dare slow their pace or look back. Their full attention was fixated on the secure trail stretching ahead, with the imposing figure of Samuel guiding their journey.

The scene was horrifyingly gruesome. The Acidspitter Arthropods' exoskeletons, once bursting with vibrant green and yellow colors, now appeared dull and lifeless.

They mirrored the faint glow of the Aclaitrium ore embedded in the nearby buildings. With his fierce strength, the man reduced the once-mighty bodies to mere corpses.

Erik and the others picked their way carefully over the shattered bodies. The jagged claws, once mighty enough to tear through flesh and bone, now lay shattered and blunt.

Countless legs, once swift and nimble as they scurried across the metallic streets of the underground city, now lay twisted in unnatural positions or severed from their owners' bodies.

ƥandasnovel·ƈom The Acidspitter Arthropods' multifaceted compound eyes stared blankly up at them, the once vibrant glow extinguished. These once terrifying eyes could detect movement with pinpoint accuracy and were now clouded and lifeless.

Most disturbing, perhaps, were the creatures' elongated mandibles. These fearsome tools, capable of launching highly corrosive acid, were stilled forever.

Some were clenched tightly shut in a macabre semblance of the beasts' final moments, while others lay wide open, their specialized glands void of their deadly payload.

Erik sprinted, his veins coursing with a thrilling blend of fear and excitement. Amid the grave circumstances, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at Samuel's display of power.

The image of the elderly man bravely fending off a swarm of Acidspitters all by himself would forever be etched in his memory.

However, those feelings were short-lived, as suddenly, an ominous hissing sound filled the air as more Acidspitter Arthropods emerged from the crevices in the cave's walls.

A horrifying sight met the humans' eyes as these monsters reared back, their elongated mandibles quivering.

Suddenly, without prior notice, they unleashed their lethal acidic payload into the sky, resulting in a downpour of spit-based projectiles that possessed corrosive properties and targeted the humans below.

The acid, a potent concoction of corrosive chemicals, was created by the creature's brain crystal, harnessing mana to transform into a potent force that could effortlessly dissolve almost anything.

The sky unleashed a torrent of lethal orbs, crackling and swirling with a sickening sound. Every tiny wad of spit transformed into a deadly missile capable of inflicting excruciating pain upon any hapless soul it touched.

Erik and his companions swiftly moved, skillfully evading the perilous downpour. They danced with death, playing a dangerous game, dodging the acid rain with intense focus and fear etched on their faces. I think you should take a look at

Their hearts thumped loudly, the rush of adrenaline coursing through their veins. Every breath they took felt stolen, caught between the fragile balance of life and death.

However, one of the villagers was not as fortunate. A scream echoed through the chaos as one of the Acidspitter Arthropods' deadly projectiles found its mark.

The dreadful wail tore through the night as a villager was struck by the Acidspitter Arthropods' deadly projectile. His leg was hit first; the acid immediately ate through his protective clothing and flesh.

The gruesome sight was surreal as the potent acid quickly melted through the ligaments and bone, reducing the man's leg to a grotesque mess of charred flesh and liquefied bone in mere moments.

He tried desperately to escape the terrifying attack, but his leg was disintegrating, leaving him unable to move. His eyes bulged with fear as he tumbled to the ground, his body landing with a wet thump on the icy floor, the sound reverberating eerily through the battlefield.

The air filled with a collective gasp as his companions looked on in horror. Their hearts raced in their chests, overwhelmed by the sheer brutality of the scene. But the relentless acid rain was far from over, and they couldn't stop to help him.

The Acidspitter Arthropods pressed on, unleashing a barrage of their corrosive spit, sending it soaring through the sky before descending upon their human prey. The air was pierced by the villager's anguished cries, echoing through the night as a barrage of acid projectiles descended upon him. josei

They unleashed a relentless assault on his body, striking with brutal speed. Each blow landed with a horrifying hiss as the corrosive liquid gnawed at his flesh. He was unable to evade the onslaught any longer.

His screams escalated into a bone-chilling shriek that echoed around the large area, a chilling soundtrack to the horrifying spectacle unfolding. The acid was ruthless, showing no mercy as it rapidly ate through his clothes, skin, and muscles.

Within moments, the villager was reduced to a writhing, screaming mess on the floor, his cries becoming more desperate and agonized with each passing second.

The others watched in terror as their friend perished, writhing in unbearable agony. Yet mourning was a luxury they couldn't afford.

The relentless horde drew nearer, their hunger for destruction growing with each passing moment. In this dire situation, the sole focus became survival, for nothing else was significant. The persistent hiss of acid drowned out the cries of their fallen comrade.

Ethan's voice soared, pure and brimming with intense desperation. His eyes, wide with terror, were focused on the horrifying spectacle unfolding before him, the brutal death of one of their own.

"We need to get out of here! NOW!" He shouted, his voice echoing off the walls of the underground city.

Ethan's voice trembled with fear; his face drained of color yet determined. He understood that remaining rooted in terror would only invite further demise.

They were compelled to continue their journey. Escaping was imperative. And they had to act quickly before the Acidspitter Arthropods killed someone else.

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