Chapter 343 The Chase (16)

Chapter 343 The Chase (16)

Erik's heart raced as he got far from the remains of the abandoned building, his breath heavy and his fatigue high. He had a meager amount of mana at that point and was now only using Nathaniel's power to run away from that place, sure that the collapsed building wasn't enough to kill the thugs. He was barely fast enough not to get caught.

His eyes darted around, scanning the streets of the eastern district, searching for a way to get as far away as possible. The moonlight cast eerie shadows that danced on the crumbling walls and broken pavement destroyed by the thaids during the attack on the city, heightening the sense of desperation that gripped him.

Erik got 200 meters from the building, and Simone and the other thugs emerged from its rubbles moments later.

Their eyes, especially Simone's, gleamed with determination. From a distance, he observed Erik running away from the place and watched as the others did the same in different directions.

"Fuck," Simone said. Chase the ones you can; we will meet here again once we have done our job. I will take care of the awakener," Simone said. His men nodded, eager to know how Erik could unleash all those powers.

During the fight at the club, it was hard to tell who was using what power, so no one besides Erik's friends found out he had more than two brain crystal powers.

The awakener didn't use them that much in the confrontations they had before they went to the alley where the thugs killed Patricia and Brittney, and he was smart about their usage and made sure no one found out. However, later Simone and the thugs did.

Since, at the abandoned building, Erik had already been discovered and confronted by his friends and decided to leave the country, he didn't hold back, and everyone found out what he could do.

Of course, the thugs' greed soared once they saw the powers in action, but since they were sure their boss would capture the kid, they weren't worried.

"I don't think I have to remind you not to tell anyone what you have seen today, am I right?" Simone said to his men.

"No, sir," they replied with a grin on their faces.

"Good. Now go!" and with that, everyone went their separate ways. Simone's strides were purposeful as he closed the distance between himself and Erik.

The older man quickly jumped over a rooftop and immediately spotted Erik running a few streets away.

"Found ya, little mouse," he said to himself. With that, he jumped down from the building and headed in Erik's direction.

Erik veered to his left, ducking into a narrow alleyway that twisted and turned like a maze. The scent of piss and dampness clung to the air, creating a disorienting atmosphere.

The awakener's mind raced as he navigated the labyrinthine streets, his mind consumed with thoughts of survival.

He darted through alleyways, leaping over discarded debris and broken fences, desperately seeking an escape.

Simone's determination seemed unwavering as he relentlessly pursued Erik, his footsteps growing louder and closer with each passing moment.


As Erik ran away, he wasn't the only one in that situation. On another side of the district, Amber was running away from one of the thugs. Her beauty attracted the man, who decided to have a taste of her as soon as he caught her. Of course, he would have to kill her later.

Amber's heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted through the dimly lit alley, her breath ragged and desperate.


Fear consumed her, wrapping its icy tendrils around her every thought. She could hear the heavy footfalls of the thug behind her, their echoes growing closer with each passing second.

Her trembling form stood alone on the desolate city street of the abandoned part of the eastern district, cast in the eerie glow of the flickering streetlights.

The darkness that shrouded everything seemed to conspire against her, creating sinister shapes dancing in her vision's corners.

Every sound, from the distant honking of car horns to the faint rustling of leaves, sent shivers down her spine, magnifying her fear.

Her legs burned with exertion, her muscles protesting against the relentless pace. But she couldn't afford to slow down.

Adrenaline surged through her veins, giving her a burst of energy as she pushed herself further, desperate to put distance between herself and her pursuer.

Her eyes darted around, scanning for any possible escape routes she could take, but the narrow alley offered no respite.

The best thing she could do was get to a populated area, but she wasn't even sure the number of people would deter the thug.

As she ran, she tried to reach for her phone, which was inside her pockets, but then it happened—a treacherous pothole hidden in the darkness sent Amber sprawling forward.

Her palms scraped against the rough asphalt as her knees collided with the ground. Pain shot through her body, but the adrenaline numbed it, making her more aware of the impending danger.

Fear intensified within her as she scrambled to her feet, her trembling limbs betraying her. The thug's gruff voice grew louder, his voice like a haunting siren in her ears. She couldn't let him catch her. She couldn't bear the thought of what he might do to her.

As she got back on her feet, the girl managed to reach her phone, and while running, she called her father. The man immediately replied.

"Amber?! Amber?! Is that you?!" Caiden said.

The girl's trembling voice reached her father's ears over the phone, filled with fear and urgency. "Dad! Dad! Please help me! One of the thugs is following me. I need your help!"

Her father's voice cracked with worry on the other end of the line. "Amber, stay calm. Tell me where you are!"

As Amber looked around, the buildings towering over her seemed like foreboding sentinels, their jagged edges reaching toward the heavens like claws ready to snatch her away. Shadows stretched and twisted along the cracked pavement, forming a labyrinth of uncertainty that threatened to consume her.

"I'm in the eastern district; I'm going toward the west," Amber whispered, her voice quivering.

Her father's voice held a mix of concern and desperation. "Amber, listen to me. Go to Ember-field Plaza; the team is on its way, but you need to be fast. Find a place to hide there and stay hidden until the group reaches you. We won't let them get you, I promise."

Amber's voice wavered as she replied, "Okay, Dad. I'll head there," she said amidst sobs.

"I'm doing everything I can, Amber," her father reassured her, his voice filled with determination. "Just hold on; stay strong. We'll be there soon. I love you."

Tears welled up in Amber's eyes as she choked out her response. "I love you too, Dad. Please be quick."

With that, the girl closed the phone and kept running. Her mind raced with horrific scenarios, each one fueling her terror. Her legs moved fast, each step a desperate plea for survival.

The streetlights, their dim glow flickering intermittently, cast haunting shadows that danced on the worn-out facades of the buildings. Each flicker seemed to mimic the beat of her frantic heart, amplifying her sense of vulnerability.

She fought against the urge to look back, fearing that even a glimpse of her pursuer would drain her of whatever courage she had left. She had no more mana or energy and couldn't fight anymore.

Amber's heart leaped as she turned a corner and saw an alley branching to the right.

Without hesitation, she darted into the narrower passageway, hoping to lose the thug in its labyrinthine twists and turns. But the claustrophobic walls closed in on her, amplifying her fear.

The graffiti-covered walls lined the street appeared like cryptic messages, warning her of the lurking danger that seemed to lurk around every corner. Every graffiti tag became a haunting symbol of her vulnerability, a mark reminding her that she was just a kid in this ominous cityscape.

Her breath came in ragged gasps, each inhalation burning her lungs. Her legs ached, and every muscle screamed for her to stop. But she pressed on, her mind consumed by the fear of what would happen if she allowed the thug to catch up.

The man's shouts grew louder as they reverberated through the alleys' walls.

"I'm coming, little bug…" he said with a maniac tone and a lustful grin on his face, but his presence faded into the distance.

Amber dared to steal a quick glance over her shoulder and saw that, luckily, no one was around, as the walls shielded her from sight. But her steps could be heard, and so could the thugs'. He was still chasing her.

The adrenaline coursed through her veins, masking the pain and exhaustion. Her heightened fear transformed the once familiar city street into a menacing labyrinth of death.

Every detail, every shadow, and every sound seemed to conspire against her, amplifying her terror. As she navigated the treacherous night, she longed for the embrace of safety, yearning for the moment when her father would get to help her and when the city would release its vice-like grip on her fragile psyche.

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