Chapter 358 Ant-Pocalypse Now

Chapter 358 Ant-Pocalypse Now

As Erik got closer to the cave entrance, he felt a surge of adrenaline, and his heart started pounding in his chest.

Every single second that passed, he could make out the thumping footsteps of the pursuing Xeridon Anteris that were following him. As he raced toward the setting sun's light, his mind was intent on evading capture while determination powered his legs.

As he continued to move forward, his blade cut through the air with lethal accuracy, eliminating three additional Xeridon Anteris with the audacity to challenge him.

The swift and accurate movements of his sword left no room for hesitation or mercy, ensuring that the beasts met their demise in a decisive and immediate manner.

Their lifeless bodies fell to the ground, serving as a testament to Erik's superiority over the insectoid creatures. However, killing three was something, thousands another one. Though, the ant-like creatures pursued Erik without stopping.

Then he arrived at the cave's exit, and he broke through the entrance. Immediately, Erik experienced a wave of relief, and he took a moment to bask in the freedom of the open air.

As Erik emerged from the problematic cave, he could sense the warm embrace of dusk as it was settling over the landscape; the sun was much lower than when he entered the cave. An ethereal glow was cast over the surrounding landscape as the waning light painted the sky in various shades of orange and purple.

However, his reprieve did not last long, a couple of seconds at best, since, as he glanced over his shoulder, he saw the swarm of Xeridon Anteris chasing after him outside their nest cave. Their resolve was unyielding, and their numbers appeared to have no end in sight.

The problem was that if he fought against these thaids, he would only waste energy, which he couldn't afford to do in his current situation. Now that he was outside, he knew escaping was possible. As he ran, Erik quickly analyzed his surrounding environment to locate any potential advantages that he could exploit.

After spotting a large downed tree up ahead, he made a split-second decision and veered toward it, hoping to create a barrier between himself and the group of monsters pursuing him.

The awakener displayed a remarkable amount of dexterity as he jumped over fallen branches and sidestepped obstacles that were in his way. However, the Xeridon Anteris were unrelenting, their chittering mandibles drawing closer to their target with each passing moment.

When Erik arrived at the downed tree, he made a lightning-fast leap over it and continued running. The tree was not very effective in preventing them from moving forward, much to Erik's dismay, but at least it slowed them down.

The ant could only be stopped for a fraction of a second, but its followers could get around the log by using their fellow brothers and sisters as stepping stones.

"Oh, c'mon!"

Even after a kilometer from the cave, the bugs were still on Erik's tail. However, the young man noticed the path he was walking along was littered with large boulders.

With a burst of strength in his legs, he walked toward the massive rocks, hoping to create obstacles that would impede the ants' progress. However, much to his astonishment, the creatures navigated their way around the obstacles with astonishing dexterity, their determination remaining unshaken.

"I should have expected that…" Erik muttered.

Unfazed, the awakener continued to survey his environment, searching for additional obstacles to thwart their progress.

He saw more fallen trees and dense vegetation that could be manipulated to create barricades, and as he made his way around them, he used his birth power to make them grow as much as they could possibly grow.

Trees sprouted and stretched their branches, reaching for the darkening sky. The bushes and shrubs became denser, forming intricate mazes that turned and twisted with each step. The forest floor was covered in vines, which formed natural barriers as they wound their way across the forest floor.

Because of Erik's influence, the forest was transformed into an otherworldly maze. The canopy above became denser, and the ground beneath his feet gave off the appearance of rippling and shifting. It was almost as if Erik's presence caused the forest to come alive and adjust to accommodate him as if it were an extension of his appendages.

The dense, towering vegetation served as both a cover and an obstacle for him, allowing the young man to remain hidden from his pursuers while also making it more difficult to navigate.

The ants, though, were not deterred and continued to advance relentlessly. However, as a direct result of Erik's intervention, their numbers began to decrease.

The awakener concluded that attempting to slow them down any further would be fruitless, so he decided to teach the monsters a lesson instead. Even though he didn't want to, he went ahead and did it because he reasoned that if they didn't realize he was more powerful than him and that he was above their level, they wouldn't give up trying to catch him. However, he did that also because their numbers severely decreased after the long chase.

Erik turned around and unsheathed his Flyssa, his other hand now metalized, in case some of the critters managed to chomp on him. With his mana swirling through his body, he observed the remaining creatures; from the thousands that were initially following him, only a hundred remained. That was viable.

The Xeridon Anteris, relentless in their pursuit, closed in on Erik, their mandibles clicking with anticipation. They charged at him in waves, their sheer numbers an intimidating sight. But Erik was prepared. His sword gleamed in the dwindling light as he deftly blocked their attacks, his movements a dance of precision and strength.

Erik pushed forward with unyielding resolve, his blade slicing through the ranks of the Xeridon Anteris that were still alive. Five more ravenous creatures succumbed to his lethal assault, their chitinous forms being no match for his unyielding determination to win the battle.josei

Each blow was well-placed and directed at weak points on their armored bodies, ensuring they would die quickly.

One by one, the Xeridon Anteris attacked, lunging at the young man with their razor-sharp mandibles in search of his flesh. However, he responded to each attack with a lightning-fast counterattack, expertly using his blade to cut through exoskeletons and chitin with lethal precision.

The sounds of metal on metal, chittering cries, and the occasional thud as another ant fell to the forest floor filled the air as the monsters continued to fight. The ground quickly transformed into a macabre scene consisting of strewn limbs and lifeless husks.

Erik's blows were instantaneous and decisive, and his movements were fluid and well thought out. He anticipated every move they would make and took advantage of any weaknesses in their defenses.

Every time he brought his sword down, another Xeridon Anteris met its end. As Erik's resolve and prowess began to turn the tide in his favor, the surrounding forest seemed to reverberate with the chaos of the conflict.

"Just give up, you stupid bugs!"

However, the Thaids were not easily dissuaded from their mission. It seemed like there were an infinite number of them, and as soon as Erik eliminated one wave, another one appeared from the depths of the forest.

Erik transformed into a whirlwind of steel and rage, slaughtering every living creature he encountered. As a result of his assault, the ground beneath his feet was covered with an increasing number of severed ant limbs and an increasing number of dismembered ants.

Five thaids launched a coordinated attack, and Erik's instincts kicked in. He swiftly sidestepped the first creature's lunging strike, its mandibles snapping mere centimeters from his face. In a fluid motion, he spun around, avoiding the second attacker's mandibles.

He spun around in a smooth motion, which allowed him to avoid the second assailant's attack.

Reacting with lightning speed, Erik parried the third creature's desperate pounce, his sword deflecting its frenzied attack with a resounding clash. Seizing the opportunity, he delivered a precise counterstrike, plunging his blade deep into its thorax.

A fourth Xeridon Anteris made a move in an attempt to flank Erik quickly, but he was ready for it. He sidestepped and then delivered a perfectly timed kick that sent the creature sprawling to the ground, its head shattered due to the brute force Erik applied.

As the awakener battled the lone remaining member of the group of thaid, his concentration grew stronger.

He had anticipated its charge and had ducked low in preparation for the creature's lunge overhead. He took advantage of the opening and performed a graceful somersault, which allowed him to avoid the attack by a hair's breadth.

As he was landing, he turned around and delivered a devastating blow, which was enough to end the creature's existence with a single blow.






Then, just as quickly as it had started, the forest returned to its previous state of silence.

The trembling of their antennae revealed that the remaining Xeridon Anteris were unsure of what to do. They had seen Erik deal death and destruction to their family members, and their hearts were filled with terror due to what they had seen.

Erik made the most of the opportunity and moved forward quickly in an effort to terrify the monsters even more. Still, they concluded that the young man was much more powerful than they were, and given that they were now two kilometers away from the nest, there was no point in continuing to fight the strange creature.

If they suffered more casualties, the colony would have a problem on its hands as a result.

The few surviving Xeridon Anteris dispersed, retreated into the darkness of the surrounding forest, and vanished before making their way back to their nests.

Their pursuit had ended, and the ferocity with which Erik had defended himself prevented them from enacting revenge. Erik stood amidst the defeated Xeridon Anteris, his chest heaving from the strain. The young man took several deep breaths.

"I killed over 50 critters, yet I only got less than 300 experience points. I knew killing these fuckers was just a waste of time."

While Erik was taking a moment to catch his breath, he reached into his backpack and pulled out the severed head of one of the Xeridon Anteris that had been defeated.

The brain crystal power of the creature was in the head, where it was waiting to be swallowed. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he realized the significance of his accomplishment.

Because of the power contained within this brain crystal, he would undoubtedly see an improvement in his capabilities, giving him an advantage in upcoming fights.

He did so with a determined smile, knowing that the precious treasure would serve as a constant reminder of his victory over the formidable Xeridon Anteris. He stowed the crystal away with great care, knowing it would do so.

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