Chapter 368 Searching For The Monster

Chapter 368 Searching For The Monster

Three days had passed since Erik's triumph over the Shadowclaw. In the aftermath, he wasted no time in absorbing the creature's brain crystal power and merging it with the Whisperwind Hare's brain crystal power, birthing one the system called Chameleon Veil.

It was a mix of both powers, essentially giving Erik more possibilities to hide compared to what the two creatures could do individually.

The fusion of these stolen powers brought forth new possibilities for the young man, but there was no way he could use them while sleeping, so he still had problems with nocturnal thaids.

Aside from that, the young man spent these days training. With the new technique the system developed and Hais's brain crystal power, making neural links became much easier, at least until the number of neural links was low. He would probably gain one or two a month once he reached the MI or higher levels, but at least for now, he could improve faster.

He improved Hais's and Nathaniel's powers, gaining a link for each power, and it was those powers he planned to improve since he wanted to use Nathaniel's power as his main one in Etrium.

But that wasn't the only thing Erik did. The young man turned his attention to the Ursolith, which, unlike its wounded counterpart, the Shadowclaw, presented a far greater challenge. Recognizing the need for strategic advantage, Erik planned his approach, determined to overcome the beast's resilience.

In the depths of the forest, around its territory, Erik set a carefully crafted trap designed to exploit the Ursolith's weaknesses. But it had not been easy since the young man didn't really know how to craft it and had to stop at simple traps like pitfalls cleverly disguised beneath layers of foliage, strategically positioning them in areas where the creature was likely to pass.

Knowing that brute force alone would not guarantee victory, the awakener relied on his cunning and knowledge of the Ursolith's behavior.

He studied the creature's patterns and tendencies, identifying its preferred hunting grounds and resting places. Armed with this information, he strategically placed bait in enticing locations, luring the Ursolith into the range of his trap.

Days turned into nights as Erik meticulously fine-tuned his preparations. The quiet solitude of the forest provided the backdrop to his calculated movements, each one a step closer to his ultimate goal.

The young man felt a sense of gratification as he surveyed the trap he made. He paused to observe his work, appreciating the meticulous craftsmanship that had gone into it.

Erik remarked with a trace of pride, "This trap will give me the necessary advantage. The Ursolith won't know what hit it."

His attention was drawn to the trap he had meticulously excavated. He knelt to inspect it closely. A harsh fate awaited any creature that plummeted into the depths concealed by a deceiving layer of vegetation.

Erik mused, his voice tinged with a blend of resolve and caution, "The sharp stakes at the bottom will ensure that the Ursolith will regret chasing me."

He examined the concealed spikes' stability to ensure they were securely in place. Erik was brimming with anticipation at the thought of the Ursolith being ambushed, falling into the trap, and crashing into the jagged spikes.

"I just hope they will wound it enough for me to be able to kill it in the end," he said with a faint smile.

As Erik reviewed the trap, his self-assurance grew as he imagined the moment when his strategies would come into action. The awakener resolved to be patient after one last look at the pitfall, knowing that the perfect opportunity would present itself soon.

The stage was set, and the game of predator and prey was about to commence. Erik steadied his resolve with a deep breath, ready to face the Ursolith.

"Well, better get going then."

Leaving behind the carefully prepared trap on the outskirts of the Ursolith's territory, Erik ventured deeper into the heart of the beast's domain. He pushed through the dense foliage; the surroundings transformed into a mysterious realm of towering trees, their branches interwoven like a natural tapestry. Shafts of sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor.

Erik's senses heightened, attuned to the subtle signs of the Ursolith's presence. His eyes caught glimpses of claw marks etched into the bark of trees, testaments to the creature's territorial dominance. The deep grooves and shredded wood bore witness to the thaid's strength; he had to be careful when battling it.

Moving forward with deliberate steps, Erik noticed the occasional scent of musk and earth lingering in the air, hinting at the Ursolith's recent passage. He followed the trail; his senses were keenly attuned to any environmental disturbance or change.

Occasionally, he spotted massive footprints imprinted in the soft soil. Each footprint left an indelible mark, a reminder that he was entering the realm of a true predator.

The scenery around him quickly shifted, becoming more rugged and foreboding. Jagged rock formations rose like ancient sentinels, their rough surfaces etched with the passage of time.

As he delved deeper into the Ursolith's territory, Erik didn't only see vegetation. The place was full of thaids and small animals.

Among the rocky terrain, he stumbled upon a peculiar creature scuttling across the ground—the Pebblecrawler. josei

They were small armored insect-like thaids adorned by an exoskeleton. It had a pair of antennae that helped it perceive things. The creatures dwelled within rocky terrains and preferred the shelter of crevices and rocky outcrops.

They were highly agile and adept climbers, using their sharp, hooked claws to grip even the most uneven surfaces.

These creatures were scavengers by nature, constantly on the lookout for small insects and plant matter that they could consume.

When threatened or sensing danger, the thaid would swiftly retreat into the safety of their rocky hideouts or burrow into the ground, disappearing from sight within seconds.

Eager to observe the Pebblecrawler up close, Erik cautiously approached. However, as he drew near, the creature sensed his presence and swiftly burrowed into the ground, disappearing from sight.

"Too bad, its brain crystal power would have been useful," Erik said as the creature retreated into the earth without leaving Erik the chance to kill it.

Continuing his journey, Erik's eyes caught sight of a delicate flutter of wings—a Zephyrwing gracefully dancing in the air.

"That would be a great power to have," Erik said. He was referring to this thaid's brain crystal power, which allowed it to control the winds. It was a power similar to Becker's and one of the rare ones related to elemental control.

Intrigued by its airborne abilities, he gazed upward, longing to reach and touch the elusive creature. But the Zephyrwing soared high above his grasp, using the air currents to maneuver through the sky effortlessly.

"Fuck… I'm really unlucky."

Erik marveled at the Zephyrwing's mastery of flight and control over the elements. He acknowledged the limitations of his terrestrial existence, knowing that capturing the essence of such a creature would require a different approach.

With a tinge of disappointment, he reluctantly redirected his focus back to his primary objective—the hunt for the Ursolith.

Erik cautiously went through the dense foliage until he arrived in a small clearing nestled among the towering trees. The sight that greeted him was a mesmerizing display of nature's craftsmanship. The clearing was adorned with an array of massive stones, their imposing presence giving an almost otherworldly feel to the space.

The stones stood tall and proud, some smooth and weathered by time, while others bore jagged edges that glinted in the dappled sunlight. They formed a natural boundary, enclosing the clearing with an air of mystery and intrigue.

As he ventured further into the clearing, Erik noticed how the stones created a protective barrier around a small central space. It was as if nature herself had crafted a sanctuary amidst the wildness of the surrounding forest.

He approached one of the larger stones, its rough surface catching his attention. Running his fingers along the jagged edges, he felt a tingling sensation, as if the stone whispered tales of battles fought and ancient rituals performed. The mana within the clearing was palpable, and Erik knew he stood in a place full of mana.

The awakener cautiously approached the Ursolith's resting place, a small cave nestled amidst the protective stones, radiating an aura of primal power.

The clearing surrounding the Ursolith's cave was filled with signs of its presence. Massive claw marks etched onto nearby trees revealed the strength and ferocity of the creature. As it moved through its territory, broken branches, and trampled foliage spoke of the Ursolith's immense size and weight.

Erik's gaze shifted to the cave's entrance, its dark depths beckoning him with an unsettling allure. His mind raced with strategies and calculations, assessing the potential risks and the best approach to confronting the formidable creature that called this cave home.

As he prepared himself mentally and physically, Erik knew that this would be a battle unlike any he had faced before. The Ursolith possessed size, strength, and a brain crystal power that could disrupt his mental state, imbuing fear into his mind.

Taking a deep breath, Erik stepped forward, his body poised for action. He understood the risks, but he also knew that the opportunity for growth lay within this dangerous encounter. The clearing grew quiet, as if nature held its breath, waiting to witness the clash of wills between man and beast.

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