Chapter 487 Etrium

Chapter 487 Etrium

Chapter 487 Etrium

After weeks of strenuous travel and navigating through the dense forests of Etrium, life became easier as the Thaids gradually grew weaker. Erik wasn't overly familiar with the landscape of Etrium. Still, the Brain Information Injector had supplied him with a detailed map. Thus, with the aid of the biological supercomputer, traversing through the terrain became a relatively straightforward task.

The biological supercomputer's map showed the geographical features of Etrium but also highlighted potential dangers and safe routes. This allowed Erik to avoid treacherous areas and efficiently progress toward his destination. With each passing day, he grew more confident in his ability to navigate the unfamiliar landscape with the help of this advanced technology.

Erik's destination was the nearby city of Testrovsc's Rest. Nestled near the border of Frant and the Eldraith mountain range, this frontier city was renowned for its strategic position. Additionally, it was well-known for housing a powerful mercenary guild, the Border Wolves, who lent an additional layer of security and protection to this outpost city.

Despite its location on the outskirts of Etrium, Testrovsc's Rest was a vibrant city, bustling with activity and brimming with unique culture. Erik was eager to arrive, to see the city in all its glory, and to possibly find opportunities for himself in this frontier city.

Erik continued his journey, the only sound in the snow-covered wilderness being the gentle crunch of the winter leaves under his boots. "According to the map, I should be near Testrovsc's Rest," he commented as he looked at the empty forest. However, the scenery still reflected unbroken nature; no sign of civilization existed.

Suddenly, his ears picked up the distant sound of a struggle—the unmistakable noise of a battle: grunts of effort, angry yells, and monsters' roars. Erik's eyes widened slightly, and he muttered, "Humans!" The realization caused an adrenaline rush.

He began to sprint toward the source of the noise, his footsteps pounding against the forest floor.

As he got closer, the din of the fight became louder and more distinct. The familiar sounds of battle: swords clashing, men shouting, combat grunts and cries.

Erik emerged at the edge of a small clearing after pushing through the snow-covered field. His eyes scanned the area, taking in the sight of the ongoing battle.

He watched the battle from behind the safety of a tree, using his newly empowered Analysis power to assess the situation. Two men and two women were fighting a pack of silver-furred, wolf-like creatures with a single, gleaming orange horn on their heads. With the knowledge injected by the biological supercomputer months earlier, he recognized them instantly; they were Ma Cofs.

They weren't particularly fearsome thaids, but their ability to paralyze their prey with electrical bolts posed a significant threat even for expert hunters.

Erik carefully examined the human combatants. One of the men, brandishing a long sword, was a force to be reckoned with. His movements were lightning-fast yet controlled and precise, revealing a heightened reflex ability enabled by his brain crystal power.

This speed and reaction time advantage gave him a clear advantage in the brutal melee.

Among them was a woman, her hands expertly knocking and releasing arrows from her bow. josei

Erik noticed the arrows' unusual trajectory as they weaved through the air, striking the advancing thaids with pinpoint accuracy.

She possessed a unique brain crystal power that was sure, and that allowed her to manipulate air currents and subtly alter the path of her projectiles.

Another figure stood his ground with a sturdy halberd, his eyes constantly scanning the terrain as if taking a panoramic view. His brain crystal power was evident, and it extended his visual range. Erik believed that sometimes the man looked like he had eyes on his back. This enabled him to anticipate threats and react quickly to changes on the battlefield.

The group's final member moved fluidly between the shadows, twin daggers glinting ominously in the fading light.

Now and then, she seemed to disappear entirely into the darkness, a brief illusion of invisibility brought about by her brain crystal power. It was a helpful trick for ambushes, allowing her to catch her enemies off guard.

However, despite the quartet's extraordinary abilities and good fighting skills, the relentless attack from the numerous Ma Cof was gradually overpowering them. Each passing second pushed the group closer to defeat.

Erik, silently observing from his hidden location, felt compelled to intervene as he noticed a shift in the battle. Still, he remained hidden for the time being, deliberating his next move while carefully studying the group's strategy, the dynamic battlefield, and the strengths of these people.

The monsters surged forward like a silver wave, their paralyzing electric bolts whizzing through the air in an onslaught that the fighters were finding increasingly difficult to avoid.

The man with the long sword fought bravely, his blade a blur as it danced among the foes. The pack was encircling him despite his speed and accuracy. A blunder, perhaps a brief loss of footing, was all it took for one of the bolts to strike him. He slipped, stumbling backward, and the Ma Cofs pounced, their eyes glowing ominously.

Erik caught sight of the woman with the bow out of the corner of his eye. Her arrows sliced through the air towards the threatening group of thaids. But he could see they wouldn't make it in time to save her friend.

The man with the halberd was too far away, caught in his struggle; meanwhile, the shadow-bending woman was trapped by several Ma Cofs, and her brief invisibility was no longer an asset.

Time seemed to slow down as the crackling sound of energy began to emanate from the beasts' horns, the man's expression of resignation as he looked helpless; the efforts that his companions made were for nothing. The MaCofs' eyes glowed with ravenous anticipation as they looked forward to their meal. After that, there was a rush of adrenaline.

In that split second, a decision was made. Erik decided it was time to step in. It's time to turn the tide. It's time to reveal his presence. Erik took a deep breath and dashed forward, his face solemn.

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