Chapter 552 After All A Transaction Was Done

Chapter 552 After All A Transaction Was Done

The elevator doors revealed an otherworldly expanse of colors, scents, and shimmering vials as it descended to the sixth floor, dedicated to plant derivatives.

The entire floor was illuminated by lights that enhanced the brilliance of the liquid-filled containers adorning the many shelves, tables, and pedestals strewn about the room.

Olivia smiled proudly as she noticed Erik's wide-eyed amazement.

"Welcome to the sixth floor," she said, sweeping her arm across the room.

"This is where we keep our potions, elixirs, and concoctions sourced from the world's mana-rich flora."

Erik walked slowly down the aisles, his footsteps soft on the polished marble floors.

In front of him, a wondrous universe unfurled, and with each new gaze, he was greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors. Each bottle and jar contained a one-of-a-kind concoction of magic and nature, which carried the promise of something extraordinary and uncommon.

Shades of blue glistened like the ocean's depths, greens swung like summer meadows, and reds surged with the intensity of a beating heart.

Each hue appeared to move and dance, brimming with power and possibility and begging him to come closer so that he could investigate its secrets.

The air smelled like a concerto of scents, a tapestry made from the sweet perfume of flowering gardens and the deep, earthy notes of ancient trees.

The room was packed to the brim with intoxicating aromas. Erik had trouble not making them go to his head.

The whispered tales of alchemists and botanists who ventured to capture the raw power of nature in a bottle reverberated through the fragrant air.

They brought to life the legends of those who dared to attempt to do so. It was a realm of fantasy and wonder, where the splendor of the natural world was praised in all its majesty to behold.

Taking a moment to regain his composure, Erik thought, <I've heard many things in New Alexandria but never about the existence of a place like this.>

He chuckled softly, <Probably because I didn't have the money even to approach these kinds of establishments.>

Olivia looked at Erik; she could tell he was thinking about something and that the 17-year-old was pleased with what he saw.

She was sure he'd buy something here. "Quality potions often demand a certain, and often high, price. But the effects? We guarantee them, and I assure you they're worth every Eurem. These potions aren't just solutions in bottles. They're art. A culmination of expertise, scientific knowledge, and nature's raw, indomitable power."

Olivia said this, trying to push Erik to buy something. Her was a clever tactic aimed at making everything alluring.

Erik took a vial containing a silver liquid that sparkled like a starry night sky. "What does this potion do?" he asked, his voice full of genuine curiosity.

"That," Olivia began reverently, "is a Lunar Elixir. It lets you see clearly on the darkest nights, as if the world around you is bathed in full moonlight. It's made from the petals of the Moondrop flower, which can only be found in the most remote parts of Etrium."

Erik blew an impressed whistle as he looked at the vial. Every potion here was a testament to the country's wonders. josei

Erik had no idea something like this could be made. It could be because Frant didn't have them or because it was a closely guarded secret known only to the wealthy and the military.

He knew there were potions, but they were primarily healing ones and couldn't compare to healing brain crystal powers.

Olivia looked at Erik as he was observing the potions behind his mask. It was impossible to tell if he was pleased or interested, but the time his gaze lingered on the potion gave her some hints.

"Whenever you're ready," she said, motioning toward a more private area, "I will show you the brain-stimulating serums."

Erik took more time to observe his surroundings and see if there was a potion that could be useful, but he found nothing he could afford. So he asked Olivia to bring him to the most exciting section.

The section devoted to the brain and body stimulating serums was slightly darker than the rest of the floor and bathed in a soft blue light.

Elegant glass stands supporting slim bottles filled with gleaming, silvery liquids filled the entire section.

The atmosphere felt more like a revered temple than a marketplace, a clear indication of the serum's importance in a world where the power of each brain crystal meant everything to each individual, and what helped in improving one's personal power was almost deified.I think you should take a look at

Olivia delicately picked up a bottle and held it up to the light. As she began to describe its properties, the liquid shimmered and danced. "This serum," she explained, "aids in forming neural links. It multiplies the brain crystal activity, increasing the ability to control mana and making the patterns required to make neural links easier to form."

Erik was already aware of its effects, having heard of its unrivaled benefits in New Alexandria.

Even so, hearing it from someone like Olivia firsthand added weight to the stories. He knew that higher-ranking users and wealthy individuals frequently used them to speed up their training.

"How much does it cost?" Erik inquired, already bracing himself for the hefty price of such a wonder potion.

Olivia paused briefly before revealing, "2 million Eurems per bottle."

Erik's gaze did not waver even though the figure was significant; that was because, this time, he was significantly prone to buy the serum. His projects and various tasks had allowed him to accumulate a respectable sum of 6.5 million Eurems over the previous few months.

A quick calculation revealed that he could afford three bottles, but he planned not to squander his money.

"I'll take two," Erik declared without even thinking. However, he was secretly hoping that the biological supercomputer would be able to decipher the serum's formula so that he could reproduce it.

He might not need to buy more serum in the future if he can cultivate and grow the plants required for it, something he could do; he just needed to find them.

Olivia nodded, not reacting to his purchase decision. "Very well. Two it is."

While carefully packing bottles into a protective case, Erik's mind wandered to his previous efforts of finding alchemical formulas. No matter how advanced the biological computer was, it had often failed to find any information on the internet regarding these closely guarded secrets.

Evidently, in a world where power meant everything, knowledge of such potions was a valuable asset the pharmaceutical companies tried to hide at any cost.

If he really wanted to find something, he had to search these companies' servers directly, something he didn't do because there was no real need to use these serums for him. However, it may be different now that he was considering expanding his business.

Olivia gently handed the secured case to Erik. "These serums are extremely valuable, Mr. Kay. Use them wisely. They have the potential to alter the course of one's life."

Erik accepted the case, feeling the weight of the serums and the potential they represented. "Thank you, Olivia," he said solemnly, matching her tone. "I'm aware of their worth."

The two exchanged a brief look of understanding. Some treasures, like Erik's serums, had more than monetary value in a place like Haven Market, where opulence was the norm.

They were portals to power and evolution, and in the right hands, they could change the course of history.

As Erik walked out of the Haven Market, the sun began to set, painting the sky with orange and pink hues.

Erik felt a sense of accomplishment as he thought about his discoveries, mainly about his primary target, Doran Stedman.

The streets were bustling with activity, with vendors selling their wares and musicians playing tunes that blended with the lively atmosphere. But Erik's mind was elsewhere. There was no need for him to investigate anymore that day.

The protective case containing the brain-stimulating serums was tightly gripped in his hand.

The promise of its effects and the potential power it could bestow on him was alluring, and he was eager to test its effectiveness. He'd heard stories about its efficiency, but experiencing it firsthand was completely different from hearing it from others.

Erik found a quiet alley and flagged down a cab, instructing the driver to take him near his hotel without telling him its name for privacy reasons.

Erik sat back in the cab's comfortable seat, thinking about the serum. Its silvery liquid beckoned to him, and he immediately considered taking a dose.

But patience was essential. It would be best to use it when he was alone and far from prying eyes. After all, a massive power boost like this required the right environment to be fully embraced, and he wanted to get everything right.

Erik quickly made his way to his hotel suite upon arrival. The room was dimly lit, with a soft hum of the city in the background. He carefully removed one of the bottles from the case and placed it on the table. The serum glinted in the room's soft light as he held it up.

Taking a deep breath, Erik uncorked the bottle, not knowing what to expect. Would the changes be noticeable or subtle? There was only one way to find out.

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