Chapter 563 Blenheim Close (6)

Chapter 563 Blenheim Close (6)

While Erik waited, he kept his eyes glued to the camera feeds, and during that time, he saw a sudden outbreak of chaos. The building was stormed by a group dressed in black tactical gear.

The swiftness and precision they moved gave the impression of a deadly choreography in the sterile, metallic corridors. The number of guards either killed or rendered unable to defend themselves rose considerably. The attackers were extremely efficient and left no room for the defenders to put up a fight.

The remaining guards were overcome with fear and panic. Some of them tried to run away, while others tried to put up a fight, but it was clear that they were outmatched by their opponents. The efficiency with which the black-dressed attackers carried out their assault rendered any resistance pointless.

Then, Erik's eyes widened as he recognized the distinctive insignia affixed to the assailant's clothes. "Blackguards," he said to himself, a tone of bewilderment creeping into his voice as he uttered the word. His mind was flooded with the many stories surrounding these legendary figures. Most were stories about their prowess; if such prowess was directed toward the Thaids, it was a good story, but when they were said to have dealt with people, such stories took weird and scary turns. Chills ran down his spine.

The Blackguards were basically mythical figures from legend, unseen killers whose very names struck terror into the hearts of their victims, primarily criminals, and dangerous people. But it wasn't just their presence that unnerved him; it was the realization that he had stumbled upon a conspiracy of staggering proportions since it involved them. That was what really threw him for a loop.

It was well known that these elite warriors would undertake the riskiest of missions. Still, they would always succeed in accomplishing their goals, no matter what the cost. Those who supported their cause hailed them as the saviors of humanity, but those who opposed them viewed them as nothing less than demons.

As Erik began to understand what was at stake, his heart began to race. The Blackguards were not ordinary contract soldiers, mercenaries, or police forces. Instead, they were an independent power, an organization over the nations, and a law that even the seven countries had to respect and bow to.

Their involvement signaled that the situation was far more dangerous than he'd initially thought.

<No wonder the guild went to great lengths to keep this confidential,> he mused.

The camera feeds continued to show the chaotic situation as it went on. A Blackguard drew a blade from its sheath; it glistened in the artificial hallway light. With a swift and decisive motion, he severed a guard's head.josei

Another Blackguard demonstrated extraordinary marksmanship by quickly taking out multiple guards with headshots that hit their targets with pinpoint accuracy right in the middle of their foreheads. Everyone praised their abilities for a reason, but the most surprising thing was that they weren't even using their brain crystal powers.

Erik's thoughts raced. Why were the Blackguards here? <It does make sense that they came here to eliminate Doran, given their reputation as protectors of humanity. But if that's the case, why the secrecy? Why haven't they issued a public search warrant like they've done in Frant many times before?>

As he kept looking, he noticed that the assault was winding down. Only a handful of guards were left, so the Blackguards started methodically securing the area. The feeds depicted them going into various rooms, looking for something—or someone.

<It's clear they came here for Doran.> There was no mistaking it. They were the ones who asked the guild to find the man.I think you should take a look at

At that moment, the camera feeds showed the Blackguards reaching the door to the underground lab. <They found it. I wonder what Doran will do,> Erik mused.

The initial mayhem that the assault caused had given way to a more structured and methodical operation. Erik watched as the Blackguards moved through the building with surgical precision, like predators who were sure that their prey had nowhere to run because there was nowhere else to go and no other way to end up but dead.

Then, the camera feed near the underground lab flickered, revealing guards escorting a figure Erik instantly recognized—Doran Stedman.

There was no longer the usual air of arrogance surrounding Doran; instead, there was a noticeable sense of fear. He was tightly bound and had his hands cuffed to eliminate any chance of escape. Surrounded by many guards to avoid escape.

Erik's eyes were initially drawn to Doran but quickly refocused on the broader situation. The Blackguards concentrated on Doran, not bothering to secure the building or subdue the remaining guards.

More disturbingly, they made no move to free the captives in the underground lab. This didn't align with Erik's knowledge of the Blackguards, who, despite their ruthless efficiency, were believed to have a robust moral code.

As the Blackguards began to leave, grim reality set in. They weren't there to rescue anyone or bring Doran to justice; they were there to extract him.

The revelation hit Erik like a sledgehammer. His mind raced, trying to make sense of it all. This wasn't a mission of justice or law enforcement but a targeted extraction, likely backed by deep pockets.

Doran, for all his evil deeds, was valuable to someone. Whether it was his alchemical expertise or involvement in shady experiments, he was now in the hands of forces even more menacing than Erik had initially thought.

<What the fuck?!> Erik mentally exclaimed as he watched one of the Blackguards set the building ablaze.

A sense of bitterness washed over him. The blatant disregard for innocent lives left behind heavily weighed on his conscience. The world he believed he understood was showing its darker, more sinister layers. In this realm, power and money overruled morality.

Erik felt the ground beneath him shift as the lines between friend and foe blurred. What he had stumbled upon was far more complex and dark than he had ever imagined.

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