Chapter 608 Going On

Chapter 608 Going On

The hours dragged on as Erik and Rebecca sat on the stairs, hidden from view but keeping a vigilant watch on Sara's door. The earlier excitement had given way to a monotonous waiting game, with only the occasional creak of the building or distant sound of traffic as interruptions. 

"It's getting late," Rebecca finally said, breaking the silence. Her voice was soft and weary. "Do you really think she's going to come out tonight?"

Erik's eyes never left the door; his body was tense and his mind alert. "I don't know," he admitted, his voice equally tired. "But we can't take the risk of leaving. She might still leave in the middle of the night."

Rebecca sighed, her shoulders slumping slightly. "So that means we're staying here until the morning?"josei

Erik nodded, his mind already considering other options and possibilities. If Sara wasn't there, he could enter the apartment through a window using the Chameleon Veil. But with Rebecca's presence, that wasn't an option. He could only wait, watch, and hope.

Rebecca seemed to sense his thoughts; her eyes were studying him closely. "You're thinking of something else, aren't you?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Erik shook his head, not wanting to reveal too much. "Just considering our options."

Rebecca's eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't press further. Instead, she reached into the bag and pulled out a sandwich. Rebecca had briefly ventured out to grab some, returning with a tired smile and a bag of food.  "Here," she said, handing Erik his. "You might as well eat. We're going to be here for a while."

Erik took the sandwich, standing up to move away from her. "Thanks," he said, his voice subdued.

Rebecca watched him, her eyes thoughtful; she knew he was going somewhere where she couldn't see him. "You could eat with me, you know," she said softly. "I won't pry."

Erik's hand froze for a moment, his body tensing. Then he shook his head, his voice firm. "No one must see my face."

Rebecca's eyes became a bit wider, but she did not speak on the matter. She did not question, she did not investigate, and she did not insist. She did nothing more than nod, showing that she accepted what he said and respected his bounds.

They ate in quiet, the strain of their mission hanging heavy in the air and the weight of the night settling about them as it did so. As the hours passed, each second, minute, and moment served as a test of their patience and resolution, respectively. The stakes became increasingly clearer as time went on.

And as the night drew on, as the city slept, and as the world spun, Erik and Rebecca sat and waited, watching and listening, hoping and praying, knowing that they were on the brink of something significant, something vital.

But for the time being, all that was left for them to do was wait, hope, and have faith that their diligence would pay off, that their patience would be rewarded, and that their dedication would get them closer to their target. They continued to wait as the hours of the night passed by.


When Erik saw movement at Sara's door, the building's windows had just begun to let in the earliest traces of morning light. His body, albeit stiff from spending the night in the same position, sprung into action as soon as he recognized that Sara was finally leaving.

Rebecca had dozed out next to him, her head leaning against the wall behind her as she maintained a regular and slow breathing pattern. Erik reached over and gave her a light shake to wake her up. It was time to work.I think you should take a look at

"Rebecca," he whispered, his voice urgent. "Wake up. She's leaving."

Rebecca's eyes snapped open, confusion and disorientation in her gaze as she took in Erik's mask. 

"What? What's happening?" she asked, her voice thick with sleep.

"Sara's leaving," Erik whispered, his eyes never leaving the door. "Probably going to work. You need to follow her."


Rebecca was on her feet in an instant, her body moving with a grace and efficiency that spoke of years of training. "And what are you going to do meanwhile?" she asked, her eyes sharp and focused.

"I'm going inside her apartment. You follow her; see where she goes and what she does."

Rebecca's eyes widened slightly. "But there could be alarms inside. How will you get in without setting them off?"

"Don't worry about that," he said, his voice calm and steady. "I've got it covered."

Rebecca focused her attention on him for a while, searching for a reassuring cue in the manner in which he spoke or carried himself. She had finally realized that she could rely on Erik in these situations, that she could have faith in his abilities, and that she could have confidence in his judgment. But despite this, she couldn't shake the nagging feeling that she needed to know how he was going to pull off this practically unattainable feat.

She was about to ask, but she quickly changed her mind and decided not to. Time was of the essence, and there were more important things that needed to be attended to right now. She signaled with a nod that she would be leaving, and as she did so, her body moved with purpose as her mind concentrated on what was to come.

"Be careful," Erik called after her, his voice low and filled with concern.

Rebecca glanced back, her eyes meeting his mask, understanding what was passing between them. "You too," she said, her voice soft but firm. Then she was gone, disappearing down the stairs, leaving Erik alone in the dimly lit hallway.

The young man's heart was pounding in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he approached Sara's door. He knew that he was on the brink of something big—something that could change everything, something that could bring them closer to the truth and let him understand what Uncle Ben was doing here in Etrium.

But he also knew that he was taking a risk, that he was venturing into the unknown, and that he was stepping into potentially dangerous territory.

And yet, he felt no fear, no doubt, no hesitation. Only determination, only resolve, only a burning desire to see this through, and of course, to earn money.

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