Chapter 640 Surpise Attack

Chapter 640 Surpise Attack

Chapter 640 Surpise Attack

Through the dense foliage, Erik finally laid eyes on the Crombo, and the sight was both awe-inspiring and chilling.

The sound of trees being ripped apart echoed through the air as the massive creature's long, razor-sharp claws effortlessly cleared a path.

The beast's frustration was palpable, clear in its restless movements within the confined space.

The colossal beast unleashed a deafening roar, causing the forest to tremble and branches to snap like twigs.

Transfixed, Erik watched as the Crombo harnessed the power of its brain crystal.

The creature released a thick, sticky slime that spread across the ground like a web, ensnaring a frantic group of Lomalins trying to escape.

The slime solidified, creating a sticky trap that ensnared the frightened creatures, offering them a convenient meal for Crombo to enjoy whenever it desired.

The creature's growls echoed through the air, gradually transforming into a triumphant and satisfied tone as it leisurely approached its helpless prey.

"So that's why it was destroying the trees." The realization dawned on the young man.

The Crombo's massive size hindered the tight forest, and it had been clearing a path to move more freely.

The destruction was not random; it had been calculated. Erik's gaze narrowed, focused intently on the Crombo, observing its every twitch and rustle.

He now understood that the growls were not angry outbursts, but rather a nuanced expression of emotions.

The Crombo was not just a mindless beast; its eyes held a glimmer of intelligence. It was a hunter, a predator with instincts and desires.

As he watched the Crombo feast on the trapped Lomalins, a sense of respect and caution settled over Erik. Underestimating this creature would be a grave mistake.

The opponent displayed unparalleled abilities and an uncanny knack for navigating its environment.

Erik's mind raced, planning and considering his options.

The upcoming battle would be no simple task because of the hardening slime—it would require strategy, skill, and courage.

With a last glance at the Crombo, Erik retreated into the shadows, focusing on the task at hand. The beast's growls echoed through the forest, a haunting reminder of the challenge ahead.

Erik knew he was up to the task, but he also knew that the Crombo would not be defeated as easily as he initially thought.

<I need to use the surrounding trees to avoid the slime; after all, I can't hop into shadows as that motherfucker from the Crystal Cross Gang did back then. >

Erik channeled mana through his neural links, focusing his energy and preparing for the battle that lay ahead.

The Crombo was indeed formidable, with hard scales that seemed impenetrable and a slow but powerful physique.

The predator's slimy Lomalin trap showed its cunning.Erik had to be quick to beat it and dodge the fast-setting slime.However, the first thing he did was to check how strong this individual Crombo was.



Name: Crombo

Brain Crystal Power: Hardening Slime.

The Crombo's Brain Crystal Power, "Hardening Slime," is an extraordinary ability that enables the creature to generate and control a unique type of slime using its mana.

The slime starts off sticky and fluid, which makes it easy for it to adhere to the Crombo's prey, primarily the Lomalins.

The unique aspect of this power is the Crombo's ability to harden the slime using its mana. Once the slime is expelled and comes into contact with its prey, the Crombo channels its mana into the slime, triggering a rapid transformation. The slime hardens almost instantly, effectively immobilizing the prey and preventing escape.

This strategic use of its Brain Crystal Power makes the Crombo a formidable predator. It can trap multiple Lomalins simultaneously, allowing it to consume its prey leisurely. This power significantly enhances the Crombo's hunting efficiency and gives it a dominant position in its ecological niche.

Physical Characteristics: The Crombo is a large, lizard-like creature standing at seven meters tall and fifteen meters long. It has a bipedal structure supported by a long tail. Its body is covered in scales and patches of fur. It has two long, frontal arms, each equipped with sharp, razor-like claws. Its head resembles that of a gecko and houses rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes are reptilian.

Ecology: The Crombo is a top-tier predator in its ecosystem, primarily preying on Lomalins.

Its natural habitat is a forest environment where it uses its physical attributes and unique abilities to hunt and trap its prey.

It has evolved a specific brain crystal power to create a hardening slime, which it uses as a trapping mechanism to immobilize the Lomalins, making them easy prey.

The Crombo's enormous size requires it to consume a significant number of Lomalins to sustain itself, which impacts the population dynamics within its ecosystem.

Its presence and hunting habits significantly shape the behavior and distribution of other species in its habitat.

Despite its fearsome nature, the Crombo plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance.







Power Level: 327

Estimated Experience: 4313 (Exp Per Kill)

Neural Links: 25


<It's more powerful than the one near New Alexandria, this is for sure. >

However, despite this, he wasn't worried, as he was strong enough to defeat the creature alone.

Erik then assessed the situation, his mind racing through various strategies and tactics on how to do this.

The young man doubted his Flyssa could pierce the Crombo's scaly hide, which could absorb the weapon's force.

A direct attack seemed risky and futile; worse, he could break his Flyssa.

So, using the weapon was not a brilliant choice. He had to use his fists if he wanted to kill the creature and to do it efficiently; he had to use Nathaniel's power.

His eyes flicked to the beast's claws, the sharp edges glinting menacingly.

Perhaps a targeted strike at a more vulnerable area could wound the creature enough to give him an advantage.

But even that would require a substantial amount of strength and precision.

The Crombo's growls and the sounds of its feasting on the trapped Lomalins filled the air, as Erik decided on the approach to take.

As he continued to channel his mana, he could feel the energy building within him, a potent force that surged through his veins and invigorated his muscles. josei

<Fists and kicks it is then…>

With a determined exhale, Erik prepared himself mentally, his unwavering gaze fixed on the Crombo.

Oblivious to its impending doom, the creature continued to feast, its jaws tearing into the succulent meal.

Channeling mana through Nathaniel's power's neural links, he created a surge of mana force beneath his feet.

He felt the energy push against the ground as he launched forward with incredible speed.

The forest became a blur as Erik's focus narrowed to the Crombo, its immense form dominating the landscape.

His mind buzzed with calculations and predictions as he darted between trees, a fluid dance of strength.

In a mere three seconds, Erik soared above the Crombo's head, the rush of wind whistling in his ears.

The beast was completely absorbed in its meal, paying no attention to the imminent threat.

Erik's body was a coiled spring, every muscle primed and ready to strike. Time seemed to slow as he descended, the details of the Crombo's scaly head becoming clear.

The armored scales, reptile eyes, and fierce teeth seemed to freeze while Erik raised his leg high and delivered a powerful kick.

The impact was explosive, a shockwave that reverberated through the air.

Erik's leg connected with the creature's head with a resounding crack, the strength of the blow magnified by his speed and the power of his mana-infused muscles.

The Crombo's reaction was immediate, violent, and breathtakingly primal.

Its colossal head snapped to the side, a raw, guttural roar ripping from its throat as if it were trying to expel the pain.

Its eyes, usually cold and predatory, flashed with surprise and fury, the reptilian slits narrowing in an instinctive response.

Its body recoiled from the unexpected assault, muscles rippling under its scaly hide as they contracted in shock.

The long tail, usually used for balance, thrashed wildly, carving deep furrows into the earth and toppling smaller trees like they were mere toys.

The forest seemed to hold its breath in response.

Trees shuddered as if in fear, their leaves scattering in a sudden gust caused by the Crombo's movements.

The ground beneath trembled due to the beast's immense size and power.

Even the air seemed to vibrate with the echo of its roar, carrying the sound far into the distance.

As it fought to regain its balance, the Crombo's long claws dug into the earth, displacing soil and rocks in its effort to stabilize itself.

The beast's breaths came out in short, angry huffs, misting in the cool air as it prepared to retaliate.

The once confident predator was momentarily thrown off guard, but it was far from defeated.

With agility, Erik landed on the Crombo's massive body, his boots sinking slightly into the scaly hide beneath him.

He found his footing amidst the undulating muscles, his balance impeccable even as the beast thrashed beneath him.

Then, with a warrior's determination etched on his face, he rained blows onto the Crombo's head.

His fists moved in a blur, each punch landing with a precise, powerful thud that echoed amidst the chaos.

The impact of his strikes sent shockwaves through the creature's body, further increasing its confusion.

His fists connected with the Crombo's skull, the hard scales offering resistance but not enough to deter him from attacking.

With each punch, he could feel the beast's reaction—a flinch, a shudder, a low growl—signs that his attacks were not going unnoticed.

Despite the beast's size and strength, Erik was a tempest of power, relentlessly attacking the Crombo as he fought to bring down the colossal predator.

The battle had only just begun, and Erik knew the Thaid would not be defeated easily, as it was already trying to get him off.

But the first strike had been made, a decisive blow that had caught the creature off guard.

It was a promising start.

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