Chapter 643 Reactions

Chapter 643 Reactions

Chapter 643 Reactions

It wasn't long before the sound of engines roared close to Erik's position, breaking the natural silence. The familiar hum of the truck's engine cut through the stillness as it pulled to a stop.

The doors slid open with a soft hiss and out spilled Thorne's team. The man was the first to step out.

His eyes widened, astonishment replacing the usual calm as they fell upon the fallen Crombo.

The massive creature lay still, an eerie silence replacing the roars that once shook the forest. "By the gods," he said, his voice barely above a whisper as he took a step closer, his boots crunching on the underbrush.

"You did it, Erik." His gaze moved from the Crombo to Erik, admiration shining in his eyes. He clapped a hand on Erik's shoulder, a firm and reassuring weight. "You've reached the Warden Mercenary rank with this kill."

The Warden rank was not easily attained; it was a testament to strength, skill, and sheer determination. It was a rank that commanded respect and admiration, and Erik had earned it.

His gaze returned to the fallen Crombo, its once fearsome form now lifeless. Erik felt a swell of pride but kept his expression neutral. "It seems like it."

Thorne's deep chuckle echoed through the clearing, the sound warm and familiar. His eyes crinkled at the corners, a telltale sign of his amusement. "Stoic, as always," he observed, his voice rich with affection and a hint of pride.

He clapped Erik on the shoulder again, this time with more force, a physical manifestation of his hearty congratulations. His weathered face broke into a wide grin, the lines of age deepening as he did so.

"But this is your victory, lad," he said, his gaze meeting Erik's. His words held a certain gravity, acknowledging not just the physical battle Erik had won, but the personal journey he had undertaken to reach this point.

It was a victory hard-earned and well-deserved, and Thorne was honored to bear witness to it.

The team set to work, their movements efficient and practiced. Chains were wrapped around the Crombo's massive limbs, and winches on the truck groaned as they hoisted the creature's body onto a flatbed.

Elara directed the operation with military precision, while Faelan and Sylvi secured the chains. Bram operated the machinery, his large hands deftly maneuvering the controls.

As Erik watched them work, he felt a sense of camaraderie. These were his people, skilled and reliable, each contributing to the success of the mission in their own way.

But even amidst the bustle of activity, Erik's thoughts drifted back to the hunt. He had felt an ease, a flow, that he had never felt before.

The battle had been intense, but not as challenging as he had expected. He kept this to himself, though; humility was a virtue, especially among mercenaries.

Finally, the Crombo's body was secured, but it barely fit, and the team climbed back into their truck. josei

As the truck rumbled back towards the city, the bright city lights twinkling in the distance, Thorne turned in his seat to face Erik. His mask was illuminated by the soft glow of the dashboard, casting deep shadows that made hit look scary.

"You know," he began, his voice rumbling above the hum of the truck's engine, "reaching the Warden rank is no small feat." There was a note of seriousness in his tone now, a departure from his earlier joviality.

His gaze was steady on Erik's face, gauging his reaction. "You'll be getting more challenging assignments and higher pay," he said, ticking off each point on his fingers. The light caught on his worn hands, revealing the callouses and scars etched into his skin from years of hard work.

"And, of course, more danger," he finished, his gaze never wavering from Erik's.

He paused for a moment before saying, "Besides, you are seventeen. This is a feat no one replicated." His voice held a note of pride now. "Well, aside from the Fierce Lioness…" His voice trailed off as he mentioned the legendary figure, a hint of respect coloring his words. This was not just a victory for Erik; it was an achievement that put him in the ranks of legends.

Erik wasn't fascinated by the Fierce Lioness, so he didn't inquire, however, he couldn't say so, as it would be weird that someone, who was allegedly born in Nokisi Point, didn't know that the Fierce Lioness reached Erik's rank when she was just seventeen, exactly like Erik did.

The young man simply nodded, his eyes meeting Thorne's. "Yeah, I guess what you are saying is right. But I don't think I will have problems managing the consequences."

Thorne grinned. "I have no doubt, lad. No doubt at all."

The trucks rolled on, leaving behind the forest, but carrying with them a sense of accomplishment, a moment of triumph in a world that offered few.

Erik leaned back in his seat, his thoughts already turning to the future. There were more battles to fight, and more challenges to overcome, but for now, he allowed himself a moment to savor the victory.

As the city lights appeared on the horizon, Erik felt a sense of closure, but also a sense of anticipation. He was a warden now, a rank that came with opportunities and dangers. However, before he could be said to be a Warden-ranked mercenary, he had to go to the guild.


Erik strode into the mercenary guild's headquarters in Testrovsc's Rest, his boots echoing on the polished stone floor. The grand hall, usually filled with the bustling noise of mercenaries discussing their latest exploits, fell into an unusual hush as soon as he walked in. The chatter and laughter that typically filled the air were replaced with a palpable anticipation.

As he walked in, heads turned, and conversations halted mid-sentence. The recognition in their eyes was unmistakable. Erik wasn't just another face in the crowd; he was a known figure, a young prodigy who had made a name for himself in the city. His exploits had been the talk of Testrovsc's Rest, his name whispered in awe and admiration.

Everyone knew Erik had undertaken the quest to rank up to the Warden Rank, a daunting task that many seasoned mercenaries hesitated to take on.

They had watched him leave, uncertainty etched into their faces. Now they watched him return, their eyes wide with anticipation and curiosity.

The room was filled with a mix of seasoned veterans and young hopefuls, all waiting to hear the result of the hunt.

Erik's success or failure wasn't just his own; it was a reflection of what was possible for each of them. And in Testrovsc's Rest, where everyone knew everyone else's business, Erik's quest had become their shared story.

However, they could imagine the result, as the young man was still alive. They parted, allowing him a clear path to the reception desk while staring at him and his mask.

The woman behind the counter, a long-serving guild clerk known for her stern demeanor, looked up as Erik approached. Her eyes, sharp and calculating, met Erik's mask with a cool professionalism. "How may I assist you?" she asked, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

"I've completed my ranking up quest. I killed a Crombo as per request," Erik announced, his voice steady and devoid of any hint of the triumph that others might have expected. His words echoed in the silent hall, commanding the attention of every person present.

The woman's eyes widened in disbelief, her usually composed face betraying her shock. "You killed a Crombo? That quickly?" she echoed her voice, a mixture of awe and skepticism. Killing a Crombo was a feat that even seasoned mercenaries struggled with, let alone accomplishing it in such a brief span of time.

Erik simply nodded in response. "The body is in my truck outside. My team is guarding it." His words were matter-of-fact, as if he was discussing a routine task rather than a monumental achievement.

The clerk seemed taken aback by his calm demeanor and the apparent ease with which he'd completed such a dangerous task. For a moment, she seemed at a loss for words; her gaze flitting between Erik's steady eyes and the bustling crowd behind him.

"Very well," she finally said, regaining her composure. "I'll send someone to verify your claim. If what you said is true, then your information will be updated." Her voice held a note of respect now, acknowledging the magnitude of Erik's potential achievement.

She pressed a button on her holographic computer, summoning a man from a nearby office. "Go check the truck outside from the Nexthorn Vanguard Guild. Confirm if Erik Kay killed a Crombo and ensure the beast is indeed dead."

The man nodded and left. Erik stood there, feeling the weight of the room's attention on him. Whispers filled the air, a mixture of awe and skepticism.

Ten minutes stretched out like an eternity, the seconds ticking by painfully slowly as the entire hall waited in anticipation. Finally, the door creaked open, and a man stepped inside, his face pale with a shocked expression that spoke volumes.

"He… he is telling the truth. Erik Kay really killed a Crombo at seventeen," he confirmed, his voice barely above a whisper, yet it echoed throughout the silent room. The man swallowed hard, his eyes wide with disbelief. "But the head is… missing."

His words hung in the air, a bombshell that sent ripples of shock through the crowd. The murmur of surprise and awe swept through the room like a wave, everyone present absorbing the enormity of what they'd just heard.

Erik simply nodded, unfazed by the reaction his achievement had garnered. "Yeah, I severed it during the fight…" he admitted casually, as though decapitating a Crombo was an everyday occurrence.

The woman behind the counter was already inputting something into her holographic computer, her fingers dancing over the virtual keys with practiced ease.

The holographic screen cast a soft glow on her face, highlighting her furrowed brows as she worked.

"Very… Very well," she stuttered, clearly taken aback by Erik's feat. "With the kill confirmed, you've… uh… you've earned enough points to advance."

She paused, her fingers hovering over the keys, as she looked up at Erik. Her eyes met his mask, the only barrier between them. "Congratulations," she said, her voice steady now, filled with a grudging respect. "You've reached the Warden Rank in the mercenary guild."

Her words echoed through the silent hall, marking a moment that would be etched into the history of Testrovsc's Rest. The youngest warden in history was standing right before their eyes.

They fell silent for a second and then erupted into murmurs. Heads turned, eyes widened, and the atmosphere became electric. Erik was only seventeen, yet he had achieved a rank that signified he was stronger than most ν-ranked fighters. It was almost unheard of.

Erik felt a swell of emotion but maintained his composure. He nodded at the woman, acknowledging her congratulations, but his mind was already racing ahead.

The Warden Rank wasn't just a title; it was an opportunity, a declaration of his capabilities, and an invitation to greater challenges.

After getting paid for the quest, Erik turned to leave; he felt the weight of every gaze in the room. Some looked at him with awe, others with envy, and a few with thinly veiled skepticism.

But Erik didn't mind. He had proven himself, not just to the guild, but to the city.

He stepped out of the guild's headquarters. There would be new quests, more dangerous foes, and greater rewards. But that came with a lot more things to do with the guild.

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