Chapter 649 Roles

Chapter 649 Roles

Chapter 649 Roles

Erik and his clones made their way back to their guild headquarters, weaving through the busy streets of the city.

The city was already bustling with activity, its streets teeming with people going about their daily routines.

The vibrant energy of the metropolis was palpable, with the hum of activity filling the air.

The sidewalks were crowded with pedestrians, jostling for space as they hurried to their destinations.

Cars and other vehicles clogged the skies, honking impatiently as they inched forward in the traffic.

The shops and markets lining the streets were open for business, their owners hawking their wares to passersby. The smells of freshly baked bread, roasted coffee, and exotic spices mingled in the air, creating a heady aroma that tantalized the senses.

The surrounding cityscape seemed to blur, its towering buildings and bustling crowds fading into the background as they focused on the future.

Noah walked beside Erik, his earlier hesitation replaced by a palpable sense of eagerness.

The decision to choose a Claymore had lifted a weight off his shoulders, and he felt a newfound sense of freedom.

The other clones, Ari, Yori, Nick, Damon, and Swaran, chatted animatedly among themselves, their voices tinged with excitement as they speculated on the designs of their Flyssas.

After a while, the group arrived at the guild and headed to Erik's office, escorted by a huge number of waiters and people walking along the guild.

Erik settled into his chair, the weight of responsibilities pressing on him as he looked at the faces of his clones—each a reflection of his potential, yet uniquely individual.

He leaned forward, his eyes scanning the faces of his team. "Ok guys," he said, his voice firm but calm. "I'm going to give you some tasks to make everything simpler and more manageable."

He raised his hand, gesturing for them to pay attention. His face was serious, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes.

As he spoke, he could sense the tension in the room. His team members were all staring at him, their faces reflecting a mix of anxiety and determination.

"Ari," Erik began, looking at the clone, who bore a striking resemblance to him but with a more rugged demeanor.

"You're in charge of vehicles—maintenance, supervision, the whole shebang. Make sure they're always in top condition, ready for any mission. Coordinate with the mechanics and monitor fuel and spare parts inventory, and ensure that the vehicles are enough. Try to buy as many armored and armed one as possible, and coordinate with the others for quest and personnel."

Ari nodded, his eyes focused and determined. "Understood, Master."

"Luke," Erik continued, turning to the tall clone, whose presence was as commanding as his own. "Weapons are your domain. Ensure they're well-maintained and stored properly. Keep track of ammunition and work closely with the armory. I want every guild member to have access to the best gear. Buy new ones if necessary."

Luke's eyes gleamed with a sense of purpose. "I won't let you down."

Erik's gaze shifted to Yori, the youngest-looking of the clones. He leaned forward in his chair, his eyes locking onto Yori's. His facial expression was serious, conveying the weight of the responsibility he was about to entrust to him.

"You'll handle everything related to quests," Erik said, his voice firm but calm. His words carried a sense of trust and confidence in Yori's abilities.

Yori's face lit up as he knew that this was a crucial role, one that would require him to be organized, efficient, and diplomatic. But he was eager to prove himself and contribute to the guild's success.

As Erik continued, Yori listened intently, his body language reflecting his focus and determination. His hands rested on his lap, his fingers tapping restlessly as he absorbed Erik's instructions.

"That means liaising with the Mercenary Guild, updating our quest boards, and ensuring our members are well-suited for their assignments," Erik said, his words emphasizing the importance of Yori's role.

Yori nodded, his eyes shining with eagerness. He knew he had big shoes to fill, but he was determined to rise to the occasion.

As he stood there, Yori's posture radiated confidence and readiness. He was eager to get started, knowing that his contributions would be invaluable to the guild's success.

Yori grinned, clearly excited by the responsibility. "Got it, Master."

"Nick," Erik said, "you're responsible for human capital. Recruitment, training, and personnel management fall under you. Make sure we have the right people in the right roles. I want the guild to have double the members when I return."

Nick nodded, his eyes serious but filled with understanding. "I'll see to it."

Erik's gaze shifted to Damon, the clone with a more analytical demeanor. He observed Damon with a discerning eye, recognizing his aptitude for logistics.

As Erik spoke, his brows furrowed slightly, showing the gravity of the responsibility he was about to give to Damon. His voice carried a tone of confidence and expectation, emphasizing the importance of the task at hand.

Damon's eyes met Erik's with a sharp, analytical gaze. His expression remained composed, but a flicker of determination sparked in his eyes. He was already mentally assessing the complexities of the role, preparing himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

His hands instinctively moved to his sides, ready to take on the organizational tasks that awaited him.

As Erik outlined the responsibilities, Damon's mind churned with thoughts and calculations.

A confident smile played at the corners of Damon's lips as he responded, his voice filled with assurance. "Consider it done," he replied, his words carrying a sense of conviction and readiness.

"Swaran," Erik said, turning to the last clone, whose eyes were as sharp as his own. "You're in charge of supplies—food, medical kits, and other essentials. Keep our stocks full and ensure we're prepared for any situation."

Swaran nodded, accepting the task with a sense of gravity. "I understand, Master."

Finally, Erik looked at Noah, his first clone, the one who had been with him the longest. "Noah, you have the most challenging role. You'll oversee everything, make sure these guys are doing their jobs right, and handle high-level decisions."

Noah met Erik's gaze, his brows furrowing slightly with a mixture of apprehension and resolve. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he locked eyes with his master.

He knew that this was a crucial moment, a test of his abilities and loyalty.

As he spoke, his voice quivered slightly, betraying the nervousness that he felt deep inside. "I won't disappoint you, Master," he said, his voice filled with determination.

Noah's mind raced with thoughts and emotions. He wanted to prove himself to Erik, to show that he was capable and worthy of the trust placed in him.

Behind his apprehensive gaze, there was a flicker of resilience and a burning desire to succeed.

He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heartbeat. With a subtle nod, he silently communicated his commitment to Erik and their shared mission.

Erik leaned back, looking at each of them in turn. "I know you won't. If I could manage all these tasks alone, I do not doubt that each of you can excel in your respective roles. We're in this together."

Erik stood up, his eyes sweeping across the room to meet each clone's gaze one last time. "There's one more thing," he said, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency. josei

"You're not just administrators; you're also among the strongest members of this guild. I expect each of you to register at the Mercenary Guild, take the test, and aim for the Pupil rank within a month. And not just pass it—I want high scores."

The clones exchanged glances. Noah, the voice of the group, spoke up, his voice tinged with concern. "We do not have an identity. What do we do about it?" His forehead creased with worry, and his eyes searched Erik's face for guidance.

Erik's expression remained calm and composed, his lips forming a determined line. He met Noah's gaze with a reassuring nod, silently conveying his confidence and determination. "I will take care of it," he replied, his voice steady and resolute.

Noah's shoulders relaxed slightly as he absorbed Erik's words. A sense of relief washed over him, knowing that their leader had a plan. He glanced at the other clones, his eyes filled with determination and a hint of optimism.

With a firm nod, Noah spoke on behalf of the group, his voice tinged with determination. "Then we'll do our best, Master," he assured.

As they stood there, a silent understanding passed between them. Their facial expressions and body language conveyed their readiness to face the unknown, united in their purpose and commitment to Erik's mission.

"Good," Erik nodded approvingly, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. His facial expression conveyed a sense of satisfaction and confidence in his team's abilities.

As Erik spoke, his hands gestured with purpose, emphasizing the importance of their tasks. His body language exuded a sense of authority and determination, underscoring the weight of his words.

Ari, standing tall and straight, met Erik's gaze with unwavering determination.

His voice resonated with resolve as he spoke, projecting confidence and determination. "We understand, Master," Ari said, his tone unwavering.

Internally, Ari felt a surge of motivation and determination. He was ready to push himself beyond his limits, both inside and outside the guild.

At that moment, a shared sense of purpose filled the room. Erik's nod of approval and Ari's resolute words solidified their bond as a team.

Erik smiled, satisfied with their responses. "I know you will. And don't forget to coordinate with Lysa about the orders I placed. She'll fill you in on the details."

"We will, Master," Luke confirmed, his eyes sharp and focused.

Erik pulled his coat from the back of his chair and slung it over his shoulder. "Then I'll leave you to it. Remember, the guild's future is in your hands as much as it is in mine."

With those parting words, Erik stepped out of the office, the door closing softly behind him.

As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and anticipation. His clones were ready, and so was he. The guild was entering a new era, and the possibilities seemed endless.

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