Chapter 652 Guild Updates

Chapter 652 Guild Updates

Chapter 652 Guild Updates

A week had elapsed since Erik's memorable dinner with Mira. During that time, he had been relentless in hunting Thaids. His efforts had filled the guild's coffers with a substantial amount of money and made him gain a lot of experience points.

However, Erik had delegated the day-to-day affairs of the guild to his clones—Noah, Luke, Ari, Yori, Nick, Damon, and Swaran. This allowed him to focus on broader plans and personal matters.

On this morning, Erik found himself in his office. He picked up the phone and dialed Luke's number.

Erik's voice was firm as he spoke into the receiver. "Luke, could you and the others come to my office? It's time for an update." His brow furrowed, a physical manifestation of the thoughts swirling in his mind.

On the other end of the line, Luke's voice echoed back, steady and respectful. "Understood, sir. We'll be there shortly." His response was punctuated by the unmistakable sound of the call ending, leaving Erik alone once again in his sunlit office.

Erik hung up the phone. He leaned back in his chair, a sigh escaping his lips as he ran a hand through his hair.

His gaze drifted towards the window, his eyes taking in the peaceful scene outside. A sense of anticipation hung in the air, the quiet before the storm.

Within a matter of minutes, the heavy mahogany door to Erik's office creaked open, breaking the silence that had settled in the room. One by one, the seven clones stepped over the threshold.

They filed in with an air of discipline and respect, their boots making soft thuds against the polished wooden floor. They arranged themselves in a neat line, standing shoulder to shoulder, their gazes fixed straight ahead. Their postures were rigid, their backs straight as arrows, their hands clasped behind them in a stance that spoke volumes about their training and dedication.

Without a word, they raised their right hands in a crisp salute, a gesture of respect and allegiance towards Erik. Their movements were synchronized, like a well-rehearsed dance.

Erik looked at each of them in turn, acknowledging their salute with a nod. "Can you avoid doing this? It's embarrassing…"

"Yes, Master," the clones said in unison.

With a calm and composed expression, Erik extended his hand, gesturing towards the array of seats arranged in front of his grand oak desk. His fingers moved in a gentle sweep, an unspoken invitation for the clones to make themselves comfortable.

"I've been out of the loop for a week, focusing on hunting and other matters," he began, his voice steady and clear, echoing around the room. His eyes held a reflective glint, hinting at the countless hours he had spent in the wild, battling Thaids.

His hands clasped together on the desk, fingers interlacing in a show of determination. "I'd like to know how things are going with the guild. Let's start with finances." Erik's gaze swept over each clone.

His words hung in the air, a tangible reminder of his role as their leader and his commitment to their collective cause. The clones nodded in understanding, each one preparing to contribute to the discussion, their faces mirroring Erik's serious demeanor.

Damon, who had been entrusted with the guild's financial matters, cleared his throat and stepped forward.

"We've seen a steady increase in revenue, especially after your recent hunting expeditions. The guild's financial health is robust," he reported, his voice resonating in the quiet room.

Erik listened, his sharp eyes never leaving Damon's face. At the reassuring news, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. He nodded.

"Good," he acknowledged, his voice carrying a note of satisfaction. His stern demeanor softened, a glimmer of pride visible in his eyes.

His simple affirmation held a wealth of meaning - recognition of their collective efforts, appreciation for Damon's efficient management, and a subtle reassurance that they were on the right path.

Seated at his desk, Erik's gaze moved across the faces of his seven clones—Noah, Luke, Ari, Yori, Nick, Damon, and Swaran. They stood before him, forming a semi-circle, their attention focused on their leader.

Erik's gaze moved from the stack of documents, his eyes narrowing as he focused on the next issue at hand. "What about the weapons and vehicles I ordered from Lysa's shop?" he asked, his tone carrying a hint of anticipation.

The room fell silent, all eyes on Luke and Ari as they prepared to respond. There was a palpable sense of expectancy, a collective holding of breath as they waited for the report.

Luke stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a sense of purpose and determination. "Master, I've got the weapons from Lysa's shop," he began, the pride in his voice clear.

"We now have an assortment of melee weapons, from swords to daggers. I also bought pikes, spears, and many more."

Turning his attention to ranged options, Luke's expression grew animated. "We've stocked up on laser rifles, photon blasters, and even some specialized grenades that can disrupt electronic systems. I also bought bows and crossbows for those who have brain crystal powers that can be used with them."

His expression sobered as he said, "I've selected weapons that would be versatile and effective for most guild members, and I tried to buy high-quality items." A hint of regret seeped into his voice as he confessed, "Of course, the best materials were out of our budget, so there was not much I could do to buy them."

Erik nodded, pleased. "Don't worry about that. Soon we will have more money. Excellent work, Luke." He then turned to look at Ari. "What about the vehicles?"

Ari stepped forward, clearing his throat to get the others' attention. His eyes held a determined gleam, reflecting the responsibility he had undertaken. "I've purchased a fleet of ten 'Valkyrie Titans,' Master," he began, his voice steady and confident.

"These are land-only vehicles, but they come equipped with heavy laser cannons and missile launchers," he said, a note of pride seeping into his tone. josei

His gaze intensified, "They also have advanced shielding technology and are capable of deploying smoke screens for tactical advantages."

Pausing for a moment, Ari's expression softened as he described the comforts within the vehicles. "The interiors are designed for maximum comfort and have integrated AI systems for navigation and threat detection," he concluded, his voice echoing around the room.

His report was met with a moment of silence, the clones absorbing the information.

The seriousness of Ari's demeanor underscored the importance of these acquisitions, each feature chosen to enhance their battle readiness and ensure their safety.

Erik's eyes widened, a rare expression of surprise and admiration crossing his face as Ari concluded his report. "Outstanding, Ari," he commended, his voice carrying a note of genuine appreciation. "Those vehicles will advantage our low-level members during hunts."

Without missing a beat, Erik continued, his gaze shifting towards Nick. His expression hardened, signaling the gravity of his next request. "Nick, I want to add some healers to our ranks. They're scarce, but we need them."

Nick met Erik's gaze, nodding in understanding. His eyes held a serious glint, but also a sense of resolve. "I understand, Master. I'll do my best to find and recruit skilled healers," he assured, his tone echoing his commitment.

Erik maintained his focused gaze on Nick, his eyes reflecting his keen interest. "Good. Have we recruited any other worthy members?" he inquired, his words laced with an underlying expectation.

Nick responded, his eyes meeting Erik's without flinching. His voice steady and confident, he reported, "We've added thirty more mercenaries to our ranks, Master. They're undergoing training."

There was a shared sense of achievement, a subtle nod to their collective efforts and the progress they had made.

A nod of satisfaction from Erik acknowledged the progress. His features softened as he turned to Yori. "Excellent. Yori, how are we doing on the quest front?"

Yori grinned, excited by his role. "We've been liaising with the Mercenary Guild, Master. Our quest boards are updated daily, and I've been matching our members with quests that suit their skill sets."

Then Erik turned to look at Damon, and the clone stepped forward. Without waiting for Erik to ask a question, he said, "All departments are coordinating well, Master. Resource allocation is optimized, and we've streamlined our supply routes."

"Good to hear. Swaran, what about supplies?"

Swaran stepped forward, his eyes sharp. "As Damon already stated, our stocks are full, Master. We have ample food, medical kits, and other essentials. We're prepared for any situation."

Erik looked at Noah, his first and most trusted clone. "Noah, you've been overseeing all of this. Are you satisfied with their performance?"

Noah met Erik's gaze, his eyes filled with a mixture of apprehension and resolve. "They've exceeded expectations, Master. I have no doubts about their capabilities."

"One more thing," Erik said. "We have training grounds within our building, and it's time we make better use of them. I want to find experts to train our weaker members in combat skills, not just physical fitness."

Nick, who was in charge of the human capital, nodded. "You're thinking swordsmanship, marksmanship, that sort of thing?"

"Exactly," Erik confirmed. "Find people who can teach sword fighting, how to handle ranged weapons, and other combat-related skills. We need to elevate the capabilities of every guild member."

Ari chimed in. "That will also allow us to test and adapt the new weapons and vehicles in a training environment."

Erik nodded, pleased with the proactive thought. "Point, Ari. Make sure the trainers are familiarized with our new gear."

Noah met Erik's eyes. "We'll get on it right away, Master."

"Ah, before I forget, I made you some fake identities; you can join the guild when you want. Do not disappoint me." Erik said, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. "You're dismissed."

As the door closed behind his clones, Erik leaned back in his chair, a sense of satisfaction washing over him. He looked around his office, his eyes lingering on the maps and tactical displays that adorned the walls.

The guild was growing stronger, more organized, and better equipped for the challenges that lay ahead.

"Things are looking good," he muttered to himself, allowing a rare smile to cross his lips. With capable clones and a dedicated guild, Erik felt more confident than ever that they were on the path to greatness.

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