Chapter 700 The New Technique

Chapter 700 The New Technique

With a satisfied smile crossing his face, Erik leaned back in his chair and pondered the future possibilities that the new serum would bring.

However, there were still additional tasks that needed to be completed, other essential components that had to be arranged.

"Thank you for your help," Erik said, addressing the biological supercomputer. "But there's another task I need you to undertake."josei


"I need you to change the neural link training technique used in Liberty Village. I would like it to be more efficient, but also different from what it is now," Erik said.

"I promised Liberty watch village I wouldn't have shared the technique, so make something similar but also different."


Taking a moment to reflect on the time frame, Erik paused. When considering the bigger picture, a month seemed incredibly lengthy, as every single day carried weight and significance. "Can you make it faster?" he asked.


The system wasted no time in responding, providing an immediate and swift reply. Erik wasted no time and made a swift decision with no hesitation. "Proceed," he said, clarifying that he was allowing the transfer of 2000 DNA points to the system.


Erik experienced a sudden rush of anticipation, which made him eager for what was to come. Another crucial step in his plan was the modification of the neural link training technique.

By implementing a training method that was both efficient and unique, he could provide his guild members with a competitive edge and enhance the appeal of his guild as well.

By attracting more skilled individuals, their ranks will be further strengthened and their reputation solidified.

Following that, he reclined in his chair, with his fingers suspended over the smooth surface of his desk, which featured a communication panel integrated into its design.

With the simple action of tapping the screen a few times, he began a call. As the panel lit up, it came to life, showing a rotating symbol, which symbolized the connection between Noah, his clone, and his trusted confidant.

With each passing second, Erik's mind raced through a multitude of tasks that lay ahead, causing the seconds to stretch longer and longer.

Right as he was about to tap the screen once more, Noah's mind considering the chance that the call hadn't been completed, his face emerged on the panel.

"Master, how may I assist you?" Through the speakers, the voice of Noah resonated with a crisp tone.

"Come to my office, Noah. There's something important we need to discuss."

"Understood, Master. I'll be there soon." The screen then went blank.

With a pensive expression, Erik directed his gaze towards the ceiling for a moment. Amid all his tasks, he kept in mind that his ultimate aim was to boost his guild's power before setting off for the white Desert.

Taking that step was absolutely necessary, especially because the next part of his plan involved investigating the Blackguards.

It was clear the guild's reliance on him had become problematic and needed to be rectified. In order to ensure that they could take care of themselves, he wanted them to be self sufficient. This way, even if he couldn't assist them, they would still have the skills and knowledge to handle any situation.

Although his clones possessed remarkable intelligence, their potential was limited if Erik failed to provide them with the tools to capitalize on it.

Noah's arrival was signaled by the soft chime of the door, interrupting his thoughts. Erik sat up, prepared and eager to set the next phase of his plan into motion.

As Noah entered the room, he made eye contact with Erik while closing the door behind him. "You called for me, Master?" he asked, his tone respectful yet tinged with curiosity.

Erik gestured for Noah to take a seat across from him. "Yes, I have some important updates. I've nearly completed the tasks at hand. The biological supercomputer gained the formula for the brain-stimulating serum," Erik said, his voice tinged with a sense of accomplishment.

Noah's eyes widened. "That's incredible, Master. This will be very useful."

"Indeed," Erik nodded, "but we're not stopping there. The next step is to create a new formula based on the original."lights

"Is this possible?" Noah asked.

"Of course. Did you forget who is helping me?"

"No, Master."

"The new serum will have fewer side effects and will be produced at a lower cost." Erik said, turning to look at the window. "Once we have that, we'll be able to revolutionize not just our guild, but the entire landscape of neural link training. "

Filled with eagerness, Noah leaned forward, captivated by the prospect. "They will become dependent on us. I doubt people will let this opportunity pass. If we sell the serum at an affordable price, we can increase the number of people we sell it to, and still make a profit."

"Exactly," Erik said.

Noah acknowledged Erik's actions with a nod, recognizing the potential they held and wanting to grasp the opportunity they were offering. "There is much we need to work on, then. I bet the demand will be so high, we will have problems serving many people. We should further boost our production capabilities."

"I thought the production center you bought was already ok in that regard?" Erik asked.

"It is, Master. You already told me what you wanted to do, and I bought the things needed to start the production. The problem is that Jabir called me during these hours. He told me the guild members are requiring much potions we all initially assumed."

"I can't blame them," Erik said. "This is the first time they got something like this at the prices we are providing them." He turned to look at Noah. "Are you selling to them at the production cost, right?"

Noah looked Erik in the eyes. "As you instructed. If I may, that was a very kind thing for you to do."

"Yeah, they often had to get into debt just to buy a potion. I want to help them grow if I can. I want to give them the chance I didn't get when I was in their shoes."

Erik smiled. "back to topic. I need you to oversee the initial stages of production once the new formula is ready. Jabir will be tasked with making the product, but I want you to monitor him. Make sure everything is set up and ready to go. We can't afford any mistakes."

"Of course, Master. I'll ensure everything runs smoothly. Is there anything else?" Noah asked.

"Yes. You must also make sure the formula doesn't come out. Every person in the manufacturing process must not know who the others are, and must only know a single unimportant part of the process." Erik said.

Noah looked at Erik, awaiting further instructions. "I will make sure everything will go as you wish. Is there anything else?"

Erik shifted his gaze to meet Noah's. "Ah, yes. Tomorrow, the biological supercomputer will complete the development of a new neural link training technique. It's an alteration of the one we gained from Liberty Village."

Noah's eyes lit up at the news.

Erik continued, "I want you to arrange training sessions with our most trusted guild members—Lila, Mira, Kael, and Aiden. They will be the first to test this new technique. Their feedback will be invaluable for any further refinements."

"Understood, Master," Noah said, mentally scheduling the sessions. "I'll make sure everything is arranged."

"Excellent," Erik said, satisfied. "If this new technique works as expected, it could set a new standard for neural link training. We may get the most powerful guild in the entire nation if we play this right."

Noah stood, ready to carry out his orders. "Then, if there is nothing else to do, I will take my leave, Master."

Erik nodded. "Yes. Thanks Noah. Now go, we have much to prepare for."

Noah's departure from the room prompted Erik to lean back in his chair, deep in thought about the immense transformations that awaited his guild.

The next few days were going to hold immense significance, not only for him or the guild, but for the entire world.

What he was going to make was akin to what Elara Steel hands did with the creation of the brain crystal weapons.

Erik had to plan for the Blackguards, along with their henchmen, who will undoubtedly attempt to get the technique and formula of the serum.

In case things took a turn for the worse, he required a secure location where he could seek refuge, gather his forces, and ensure the safety of his people. He already had some ideas in mind.

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