Chapter 731 The mercenaries couldn’t care less about civilians.

Chapter 731 The mercenaries couldn’t care less about civilians.

Chapter 731 The mercenaries couldn't care less about civilians.

?After much effort, the duo finally reached Caelora city. But they knew they weren't safe yet. The sound of shouts behind them made them turn. Mercenaries streamed out of the building, raising their brain crystal rifles.

"Run!" Erik said. "Get to the streets and disappear. I will find you!"

June hesitated, reluctant to part from Erik. However, he knew his master was right—their only chance of escape depended on him leaving.

He understood that in the current situation, his presence would be more of a liability than a help to Erik due to those rifles even his master had trouble evading.

With a determined nod, June took off running as Erik spun to face the mercenaries to give his clone time.

In the meantime, June charged into the crowded streets, weaving between startled people. People jumped back in surprise, their faces etched with fear and confusion.

The sound of searing energy bolts slicing through the air intensified the panic. One bolt narrowly missed the clone, crackling past with such proximity that the sharp, electric scent of ozone filled the air. This close call heightened the sense of danger among the bystanders.

Nearby, a group of pedestrians shrieked and scattered, trying to distance themselves from the unexpected battleground.

Some stumbled over each other in their haste to escape, while others clutched their belongings, fearing for their safety.

June ducked and dodged, the bolts missing him by inches as the mercenaries at the door kept aiming at him. His heart hammered as he ran with all his strength, the sounds of fighting erupting behind him.

At the last second, June slid behind a stall, a bolt scorching the ground where he'd just been. Not looking back, he turned the corner and kept running, merging into the masses as Erik had instructed.

This was their best option, he told himself. Erik could handle the mercenaries. June had to keep going and make sure their escape succeeded.

While June did all of this, Erik charged forward, weaving through blistering energy bolts. The mercenaries tried to surround him, but Erik was too quick. josei

He slammed into the first mercenary, knocking his rifle upward. The bolt seared into the sky. Erik crushed the man's windpipe with a savage strike before grabbing the next mercenary's gun and wrenching it from his grasp.

Twisting the rifle like a club, Erik battered two more mercenaries senseless. The others backed up, trying to get distance to fire. But Erik hurled the rifle into one's helmet, then dropped low to sweep another's legs out from under him.

The remaining mercenaries opened fire in a panic. Searing bolts sizzled wildly, several barely missing civilians who cried out in fear.

"Stop shooting! You're going to strike the civilians!"

The mercenaries hesitated, lowering their rifles. Erik seized the opportunity and launched himself at the nearest opponent. He delivered a vicious chop to the man's wrist, knocking his rifle away.

Before the others could react, Erik slipped behind one and locked his arms around his neck in a chokehold.

"Don't resist. I don't want to kill you."

As if that could make the mercenary feel better. The man struggled violently, but went limp within seconds.

Another soldier attacked, disregarding his colleague's safety. Erik ducked under the attack and drove his fist up into the man's jaw.

"If this is how you treat your colleagues, I can't imagine how you treat your friends!" Teeth and blood sprayed as the mercenary collapsed unconscious.

Then someone fired another bolt of energy. Erik felt the heat as a bolt missed his shoulder. He sprang upward, catching the rifle of the nearest mercenary and driving the stock into his faceplate with a crunch.

As the man dropped, Erik pivoted and launched a spinning kick into the next mercenary's chest, hurling him backward into two others. They went down in a heap.

<Fuck! >

Only three mercenaries remained. They fired with desperation, fueling their actions, but Erik slipped through the sizzling bolts like smoke. In a blur, he was upon them, disarming one mercenary with a brutal elbow strike while simultaneously slamming the other's head into the wall.

The last mercenary turned to run. Erik's hand shot out, catching the back of his armor. With irresistible force, he flung the man to the ground, then stomped on his helmet until he lay still.

As he was done, Erik surveyed the groaning and unconscious mercenaries around him. The fight was over. He had to find June and get to safety before more arrived.

As he prepared to leave, a shimmer of light captured his attention. Around the place of the just concluded skirmish, a crowd had gathered, each person holding up a device. He realized they were recording the fight, capturing every move on their phones and tablets.

<Motherfuckers! >

Erik noticed the characteristics of the bystanders. They were predominantly young, some barely out of their teens, their faces reflecting a mixture of excitement and awe due to the fight, and likely because of Erik's own fame throughout Etrium.

A few wore university logos on their clothing, suggesting they were students. Their hands, clutching smartphones and tablets, trembled.

Among them were young professionals, their office attire disheveled from rushing to witness the spectacle. Their expressions bore a blend of concern and fascination.

Erik froze, struck by sudden disbelief. He knew these people would upload the footage across various networks.

His initial instinct was to destroy the devices and erase any evidence of his combat skills.

However, he restrained himself. The surrounding crowd comprised ordinary citizens, not hardened mercenaries. While they were not entirely defenseless, they were undoubtedly less strong than the mercenaries he just faced.

Erik's choice to hold back stemmed from the perception of their vulnerability compared to his own strength. He understood that lashing out at them would not only be unnecessary, but also unjust.

Despite the risk the recordings posed, he chose not to escalate the situation further.

However, Erik grappled with the uncertainty about the impact of the public recordings. They posed a double-edged sword, revealing his physical capabilities to his enemies, yet also potentially deterring other foes.

With these conflicting thoughts swirling in his head, he set off in pursuit of June. He blended into the throngs of people filling the city streets, his movements swift as he navigated the bustling urban landscape.

Erik noticed June ahead, navigating through the market stalls. The clone had assumed the form of an unremarkable stray dog, a disguise Erik recognized.

It was the same canine form Erik adopted in the past when he was the one possessing the shapeshifting ability, a clever tactic for blending in with their surroundings and avoiding unwanted attention.

<You look cute, > Erik telepathically said to June.

<Thanks, Master. > The equivalent of a smile appeared on the clone's dog face.

Erik couldn't help but let a small smile cross his face. They had escaped, gaining time in the process. However, he was knew how extensive the mercenary guild's influence was in the city. It was only a matter of time before more people would be sent combing the streets to search for them.

For the moment, they enjoyed a momentary sense of freedom. Erik reduced his pace to a brisk walk, his eyes scanning the bustling crowds around them for any signs of pursuit.

He and June knew they had to stay under the radar for a while. Fortunately, the vast expanse of Caelora offered them many hiding spots. The city's size and the constant flow of people provided them with many places to hide.

Their escape had been a close call, and the danger was far from over. But for now, they had a chance to plan their next move, to strategize their survival.

Erik whistled for June to follow. They ducked into a quiet alley. Then June started talking to Erik, knowing he could hear him thanks to his instability brain crystal power.

<That was close. >

<Yeah. >

<What's the plan now? >

Erik ran a hand through his hair. <We need to find a safe place to hide, and I need to contact Noah and the others. >

June nodded. <You think the mercenary guild is onto the whole guild? >

<Definitely, > Erik said.

<If they've got mercenaries hunting us already, it means they learned something. Maybe they found out it was me who destroyed the Crystal Cross Gang in Testrovsc's Rest. >

June's face fell. Their friends were in danger if the guild had linked them together.

Erik placed a hand on June's dog head. <Don't worry. I'll get in contact with the others as soon as I can. Now we should get off the streets. >

<Any ideas where we can lie low? > June's voice resonated through Erik's head.

The young man considered for a moment before responding telepathically.

<According to the system, there's an abandoned district on the outskirts of the city. We can hole up there while I figure out our next move. >

June nodded. <I'll follow you, master. >

The two slipped back into the crowds, but Erik was using his Chameleon Veil to avoid being seen, scanning for threats while June followed by using Erik's scent.

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