Chapter 91 Thiefs, Friends, And Mysteries (4)

Chapter 91 Thiefs, Friends, And Mysteries (4)

Amber, Floyd, and Gwen kept consoling Erik. For them, being robbed was something unthinkable since they had many guards stationed around their homes, as they lived in the wealthiest part of the city.

Still, they knew that this occurrence was common for ordinary people. They didn't expect Erik to be subject to them, but unfortunately, they could not control that.

"Let's bring the others back and then go to my home. My father will be glad to make your acquaintance," Amber said.

If it wasn't for the fact that Erik doubted the stone family and Amber to be behind the robbery, he would have said that it was almost like she was going to present her boyfriend to her family. But he refrained from saying so lest he also lost this opportunity to sleep under a roof that night.

After a ten-minute trip, the four returned to Amber's car and arrived at Gwen's house. Needlessly to say, the place was huge compared with the other houses on the street. The building was at least six hundred square meters, oozing wealth from every corner. Multiple cars were parked outside, with two limousines and their drivers waiting nearby.

Erik couldn't help but wonder what kind of job Gwen's father did to have enough money just to buy that house. It made him feel very small when he thought about how much his life meant compared to those who owned such big houses.

"See you tomorrow, guys..." Gwen said. She then jumped off the car and went home.

After fifteen more minutes, they arrived at Floyd's house. His was slightly smaller than Gwen, but it didn't miss any of the comforts she had. Pools, tennis courts, a small football field, and all sorts of sports equipment filled the grounds. All these things were found there too, although being somewhat less extravagant than Gwen's house.

"Bye, guys!" Floyd said.

"Bye, Floyd," Amber and Erik replied in unison. Then the duo went toward Amber's house, and they finally arrived after a ten-minute ride.

Though, compared to the other two houses, the place was much bigger. The house itself was at least 2500 square meters, and there was a garden at least an acre in dimension. The sheer size of the place was overwhelming.

Multiple guards were stationed around the house perimeter, and huge metal fences surrounded the property. The fence had multiple cameras mounted atop its posts, which seemed to be able to see anything in 300 meters. If someone tried to break through or climb the fence, the alarm would sound instantly.

The fences had some spikes resembling spears pointing at the sky conjoined by sinuous circles and filigrees custom-made for the Joyce family.

The gardens were well kept, with multiple topiary sculptures trimmed out by huge plants surrounding the property. There were wolves, faces, squares, circles, hearts, and many more. Everything screamed wealth, and any passerby was taken aback by the beautiful sculptures made with plants.

The car passed the main gate and arrived in front of the main door soon after. Erik and Amber went off the car, and as they were in front of the door, a black-dressed butler opened it appearing before them.

"Please come in, young miss..." the butler said. He then looked at Erik's unkempt look and frowned. He was aware who this young man was, nominally one of the young miss friends, but for the most knowledgable people, Frant's only awakener. Needless to say, the butler was disappointed by the young man, as despite being an awakener, he didn't have the aura of a great person.

In fact, if not for the young girl's presence, he would never dare to open the door to such a person. Despite not liking the young man, he refrained from saying anything and quickly brought the two young students to his master's office.

After a short walk, the trio arrived in front of the office door, and the butler politely knocked on it, announcing the two young people.

"You may come in," Caiden, Amber's father, said. The two quickly walked through the door and entered the office.

The first thing Erik noticed was the huge thaid pelt hung over a massive fireplace on the right side of the room, near a giant window looking out onto the lawn. Next to the pelt, the head of a bear-like thaid was hung with its open maws.

The sheer size of the beast, once alive, had to be massive. In the middle of the room was a giant brown desk with a single computer on it.

Erik immediately recognized the device, as it was the most expensive computer that technology could offer. Surrounding it were countless gold-plated fountain pens and a myriad of papers, the content of which Erik couldn't tell.

"Sit down," Caiden told Erik and Amber.

Then, while looking the young man in the eyes, the middle-aged man said, "My daughter told me you suffered an ugly crime..."

Erik was immediately intimidated by the man, and by avoiding looking the man in the eyes, he said, "Yes, Amber gently offered me a place to stay while I sort things out. I hope you don't mind..."


Erik was trying to be as polite as possible lest he offends this influential man.

"Not at all, to be honest, I wished to meet you sooner, young boy, as I know your identity as the only awakener in Frant."

Caiden continued talking, "I am pleased about my daughter getting close to you... You are the future of our country, and have a great future ahead of you."

Erik didn't really know how to reply to the man, so he said nothing. Instead, he stared at the floor and sat down on a chair next to Amber.

"Dad, as I said, Erik is my friend, and I want to find out who did rob his house, and I was hoping we could help him fix the house," Amber said.

"Of course, anything for your friends..."

"Thank you, dad..." Amber said.

After a lengthy conversation where Caiden explained what he was going to do regarding the investigation and asked multiple questions about Erik's past, Amber could finally drag her friend out of his dad's clutches.

"Sorry for my dad; he is a very curious person," Amber said. She was sorry for all her father's personal questions and hoped Erik took no offense.

"Don't worry, Amber. Actually, thank you for hosting me. Without you, I would have had to go to a hotel or sleep outside."

Amber smiled. That smile was like the sun breaking through a heavy fog as if everything else around it faded away. It was beautiful.

It was a smile able to melt away every trace of pain and sorrow within the young man's heart. For just a moment, time stood still as if frozen. Then reality came back, and Erik felt embarrassed.

His face turned red, and he tried to hide. But the young woman saw it. She knew exactly what had happened. And instead of feeling annoyed, she laughed, as she knew how charming she was.

Her laugh was soft and gentle yet powerful enough to make Erik forget his embarrassment. Despite not being sure about Amber's true intentions, he couldn't stop being bewitched by her beauty. Was he in love with her? Erik didn't know as this was the first time he felt something like this, and he didn't really know what these emotions were.

When Amber stopped laughing, Erik asked, "Are you okay?"

"Yes," he embarrassedly said. After a short walk, Amber brought Erik to his room.

"Tomorrow, after the next round of the tournament, I will tour you around the house."

"Thank you, Amber," the boy said, smiling. He then went inside his room and crashed on the bed.

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